James Carville: Dems Should Panic Over Loss of Young and Minority Voters

Democratic strategist James Carville, who is known to be blunt, said that poll numbers showing the Democratic Party losing support among young minority voters ahead of November’s presidential election are “horrifying.”
Carville, a former campaign strategist for former President Bill Clinton, made the comments on his podcast “Carville’s Classroom.”
“I’ve been very vocal about this,” Carville said. “It’s horrifying our numbers among younger voters, particularly younger Blacks, younger Latinos … younger people of color. Particularly males.”
“We’re not shedding them; they’re leaving in droves,” he added.
The numbers back up Carville’s concerns. Last year, a Gallup survey found 66% of Black adults leaned or identified as a Democrat compared to 19% who said they either leaned or identified as a Republican, a 19-point dip from the advantage Democrats held in 2020 and the closest margin in at least 25 years.
The poll also found 47% of Hispanics identified as Democrats while 35% identified as Republican. In 2021, 57% of Hispanics identified as Democrats, and 26% described themselves as Republicans.
Black and Hispanic voters are key Democratic voting blocs, and President Biden has also been losing support from both demographics as he prepares to take on former President Trump in November.
Known for telling it like it is, Carville’s comments about Biden’s fading coalition come after he said in a recent interview with The New York Times that “preachy females” are to blame for Biden’s plummeting poll numbers.
“A suspicion of mine is that there are too many preachy females. Don’t drink beer. Don’t watch football. Don’t eat hamburgers. This is not good for you — the message is too feminine,” Carville said. “If you listen to Democratic elites — NPR is my go-to place for that — the whole talk is about how women, and women of color, are going to decide this election. I’m like: ‘Well, 48 percent of the people that vote are males. Do you mind if they have some consideration?'”
The young and minorities are getting smarter. They were always smart about a lot of things but, like me they had to learn.
Really? So now they want FEWER rights, less ability to control their own lives, abandon European allies, support the actions of dictators around the world, and be left with the responsibility of financing everything in the USA from the Library to the military so that billionaires don’t have to spend any of the money they were LUCKY enough to amass? And that sounds “smarter” to you? If that’s what you think, I have to question how smart YOU are what you think you’ve “learned.”
Yes, you got it right Patrick. And lets go one step further; many of them support Hamas. It’s very sad. By the way, I would be willing to bet that these young and minorities are also not college grads or in college because Biden has many of them hooked with student loan forgiveness. So these are the lesser intelligent cross-section of young and minority society. They do not realize that Trump will also be trying to end programs that support them and their grandparents.
no college? That’s a swag Tom. Anecdotally, my kids, their spouses, many friends, Millennials, who are all progressives and not one a centrist. I hope for change, but alas, not yet. I was probably similar. Student loan forgiveness does not enter their thinking. Palestine does and HAS since well before the war. And they have degrees, work high tech, media and the like. They are really pissed at Biden, are mouthing off, would dun him on any survey and I guarantee, will vote for him in the end.
IF the economy stays on track, and the jobs report was good. If Mexico continues to step up and the numbers continue to fall (that’s a HUGE IF, but we will know knee deep in April what March numbers are and do we have a downward trend), and we can blame Trump for dumping on the bipartisan immigration bill, and make it stick. If covid et al stay in the noise (that wool even righties let Biden pull over their eyes) and we don’t get sicker. Then Biden can stills turn this around. But no matter what, he should realize he will never get a mandate at this point.
I don’t expect Trump’s criminal conviction for the 2016 election rigging hush money case will change any minds. If they don’t care about rape, what’s a little election rigging with a porn star and playboy model. And they will never believe Trump has a love child. It’s got the word love in it after all.
IMO, the biggest think here is that while inflation may be down, prices have not fallen. If we start seeing more and more sales ——- I say Biden’s chances pick up a lot.
ps: tom….. since you have been interested, and since it peeves Horist to no end, basically torquing his tightey whities, just finished my quarterly review and —— within 10K of my all time high —- as in the recovery is almost complete for me. Although, still spending like a drunk soldier, so I could be there actually if I could just control myself.
I am like 80% fixed income now, and the home asset is in the 20% —– hardly any equities except a few losers that are value stocks and spinning off 6% in dividends. And some muni’s because someone said diversity helps…. I have laddered my fixed income so I might jump back in for equities around August as the fixed start to mature. Brokered CDs are funny in that most are callable and when you get them at 5.5%, you get called a lot. Keeps me on my toes. But I am even using fractionals to get every blasted dime into them. My tracking spreadsheet is just amazing. Tracks FDIC levels by SSN, by bank, tracks interest totals, and links to my calendar for redemption. But —- didn’t expect the calls and that is transaction based keeping me on my toes.
So, numerically, factually, financially, economically —– I am better off under Biden than Trump. And Trump took more money from me than gave me. Losing the property tax credit kills me. And I am breaching every ceiling there is. Can’t deduct this, no IRA allowed even though the revenue is there, and I have drained my $60K carryover loss so Capital Gains crucified me. Damned shit happens behind the screens in Turbo Tax so I got surprised. Plus, I have this weird Columbia Threedneedle mutual that has sporadic massive capital gains which I cannot plan for. I planned to be paying less taxes, but am paying more and will be fined to boot this year for not pre-paying. My bad, I believed the recession rumor. I just hope I can put in on the credit card to get rewards points………
But fixed assets and a good nights sleep for me this year as all is FDIC insured!!!
Nice picture Patrick. You look like a fag.
Wow, he might be the ONLY HONEST DEMOCRAT!