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It’s racist.  It’s voter suppression.  It’s genocide.  It’s white supremacy.  It’s abortion

The entire defense of abortion is based on the very thing the proponents will not even talk about – the life of an evolving human being.  The person in the womb.  They say it is about women’s health … economic freedom … a woman’s exclusive control over her body … a constitutional right … a precedent … poll numbers.  Anything but the evolving life in the womb.

To understand the headline, you need to know how the push for abortions came about in America.  It was not an issue that rose in 1973 because of a decision by the Supreme Court.  It started much earlier.

In the early years of the 20th Century, a woman named Margaret Sanger was on a mission to save humanity from the scourge of inferior human beings – most notably Negroes.  

Sanger was a super white supremacist.  Her theories were based on the false sciences of Phrenology, Craniometry, and Eugenics (Sanger’s favorite) that were popular among the progressive leadership at the time – including Presidents Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt.  Also, a guy in Germany named Adolph Hitler.

She launched the American Birth Control League with the specific purpose of eliminating blacks in America by birth control, forced sterilization, and abortion.  She was also a supporter of the “back to Africa movement”. Under Sanger’s programs, black women were often sterilized or aborted without their knowledge during other medical procedures.  The black community referred to those sterilizations and abortions as “Negro appendectomies.” 

Hitler maintained contact with the Sanger folks, and they exchanged communications of mutual praise for each other’s efforts to purify the human race.  It was not until Hitler invaded Poland that the relationship was severed, and Sanger renamed her group Planned Parenthood.  The name changed, but the work continued – often through Sanger’s professional association with white supremacist groups like the Ku Klux Klan.

Yes … that was then, and this is now.  But the disturbing elements of Sanger’s original efforts remain part of the abortion issue today – and her Planned Parenthood is the tip of the spear for those promoting abortions.

As was the case some 100 years ago, most of the abortion clinics in America are located to serve Black communities.  Most of the evolving humans being destroyed are Black babies.  Black civic leaders often point out that the most dangerous place for a Black baby is in the womb of his or her mother.

It is beyond refutation that there is a Black bias in the American abortion culture.  That is racism.

In fact, so many Black babies are being aborted that it has stalled the growth of the Black population in America.  That smacks of genocide.

Reducing the number of Blacks being born means that a lot of future Black voters are eliminated.  That is voter suppression on steroids.

And all things considered, the factual impact on Black births, Black voting and Black power serves the purposes of White supremacy.   Blacks represent approximately 14 percent of the population, but 38 percent of the abortions.  If you add all those the left calls people-of-color, minorities comprise approximately 28 percent of the population (excluding White Hispanics) and 67 percent of all abortions.

Michael Eric Dyson is a Black professor at Vanderbilt University and a frequent guest on leftwing media.  Based on seeing his appearances on many occasions, I describe him as a race baiter (racists) who peddles racial divisiveness and radical left propaganda.  He is one of the major proponents of the false claim that White America is cowering in fear of losing majority status.  

In terms of abortion, Dyson argues (get ready for this beauty) that opposition to abortion is White supremacy.  WHAT?  White supremacists want to allow more Black babies to be born?  Apparently, Dyson never heard of Margaret Sanger and what real White supremacists thought about Black babies entering the world.

We pro-life conservatives are not conflicted or racist in our beliefs.  We see EVERY evolving human in the womb to be a precious life – protectable by a just and humane society.  So, when it comes to abortion, who are the real racists? … white supremacists?  They are not known by what they say, but by what they do.

So, there ‘tis.

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