In recent news reports, Russian Madman Vladimir Putin has been described as THE most dangerous man in the world. In one case he was said to be the most dangerous man in the history of the world. That may seem hyperbolic, but when you consider that he could ignite an international nuclear holocaust, that may not be a bridge too far.
If the United Nations could authorize a military invasion to take out a pipsqueak despot like Saddam Hussein in Iraq for invading Kuwait, the civilized nations of the world have every right to see regime change in Russia as an option.
Putin has already invaded a sovereign democratic state. He has already committed war crimes. He is already threatening another head of state. And it is not unreasonable that he would go further west in the future – NATO notwithstanding.
The last guy to act like Putin was Adolph Hitler – and he did not have nuclear weapons. Not only did the civilized democratic world mount a worldwide war to take him out – as well as the “little Hitlers” in Italy and Japan – but even his own military and aides tried to kill him on more than one occasion.
I know that taking out Putin is difficult, complicated and risky, but, on balance, allowing him to stay in power is arguably even more risky.
Unlike the situation in Iraq, invading Russia to get to Putin is not a viable option. Having the generals and the political staff around Putin convincing him to step down is not conceivable at this point – although there we should mount a pressure campaign for them to act. One point of pressure is to put those around Putin who do not act on the hit list if they do not act.
So, what is left? Yep! He would most likely have to be killed.
There are only a couple of options in that case. As noted, a group within the Kremlin would see him like the Mafia sees a fellow mobster as a problem – creating a problem for all the other mobsters in the Kremlin. We have seen that movie before – literally and figuratively.
The other option is an assassination from outside. That is not going to come from any resolution by the UN – or any overt actions by NATO. They are underperformers in maintaining world peace and keeping the despots at bay.
It would most likely come from key nations working surreptitiously – much like Russia used Bulgaria in the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II. Or perhaps a special unit of the Ukraine intelligence services. Or maybe it would come from the opposition forces within Russia. Or maybe those Russian generals who have not lost their courage or their souls.
Of course, Putin would be a more difficult problem. He likely knows that there are a LOT of world leaders and people around him who would like to see him dead – as it seems would the vast majority of the world population. That is not paranoia. If world karma alone could kill him, they would already be planning Putin’s state funeral.
But Putin has made himself the prisoner of the Kremlin. He cannot go out in public – even with a contingent of security agents. He cannot cut any ribbons at factory openings. He cannot stand on the traditional Kremlin parapet where Russian leaders watch those military parades. He most certainly cannot leave Russia – unless it is in a quick secret trip to Belarus.
In a sense, Putin is on the world’s most-wanted posters – dead or alive. Preferably dead.
It is not something world leaders talk about – knocking off another head of state. It is done in utmost secrecy. We can only hope that those with reason to take out Putin – which is virtually every nation on earth — are busy behind the curtain of secrecy looking for that opening — that weak spot in his security bubble. It may not seem likely in the short run, but we can always hope.
So, there ‘tis.