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In case you did not notice … Trump gets third peace treaty for Israel

One of the most monumental new developments in the troubled Middle East is maliciously ignored by the Trump-hating eastern – mostly New York – media conglomerate.  It is the signing of a peace treaty between Sudan and Israel – the third nation to recognize the legitimacy – the right to exist — of the Israeli State.

Trump has had the most successful foreign policy in terms of the Middle East than any modern President.  He has literally done what most said could not be done.  Of course, they said it could not be done because that failed over and over again in that region.

Sudan is the third Arab nation to recognize Israel due to the work of the Trump administration – with kudos to White House aide and son-in-law Jared Kushner and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.  It was not long ago that the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain had signed a similar peace agreement.

The Sudan agreement is particularly notable because unlike the UAE and Bahrain, Sudan had once been in an official state of war against Israel.

These peace treaties are more than symbolic.  They will open trade and travel —  adding greatly to the stability of the region.  They are also a blow to Iran’s and Russia’s efforts to expand influence throughout the Arab world.

The Trump policy exposes the flaw in the old diplomacy that saw the creation of a Palestinian state as a prerequisite to any stability.  The pro-Arab policies of the Obama administration greatly imperiled the security of Israel.

The possibility of a Palestinian state is not off the table.  It is just that the Palestinian leaders – who thought they could use the terrorism of Hamas and others to achieve their goals – had played their hand badly.  The Palestinian leaders never gave up their goal to bring down Israel.  They put themselves in a no-win position – and they lost.

It is likely that other Arab states will sign agreements recognizing the legitimacy of Israel.  With each signing, greater stability comes to the Middle East.

It is hard to imagine that any Jewish voter who cares about the security of Israel would vote for the folks who put that security in danger.  There should have been cheering in the streets – but thanks to the morally, politically and intellectually corrupt news media, this important issue will be buried.

So, there ‘tis.


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