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Hunter Biden Pleads Guilty to Tax Fraud, Unlawful Firearm Possession

Hunter Biden Pleads Guilty to Tax Fraud, Unlawful Firearm Possession

President Joe Biden’s son Hunter confirmed that he would be pleading guilty to two misdemeanor counts of willful failure to pay federal income tax for 2017 and 2018 (during which he earned more than $3 million) at an upcoming trial.

“Despite owing in excess of $100,000 in federal income taxes each year, [Hunter] did not pay the income tax due for either year,” stated the office of David C. Weiss, US Attorney for the District of Delaware. The maximum prison sentence for this crime is 24 months, though the plea deal is expected to keep Hunter out of jail. The Justice Department is expected to recommend a probationary period of two years.

Hunter also faces a felony gun charge and has agreed to enter a pretrial diversion program in order to minimize sentencing. 

“From on or about October 12th, 2018 through October 23rd, 2018, Hunter Biden possessed a firearm despite knowing he was an unlawful user of and addicted to a controlled substance,” said Weiss’s office.

As described in his memoir Beautiful Things, Hunter purchased a Colt Cobra 38SPL revolver in 2018 despite being addicted to cocaine. During the purchase, he confirmed on paper that he was not “an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance.”

The illicit firearm was discovered in a dumpster in Delaware and is believed to have been placed there by Hallie Biden, the widow of Hunter’s late brother Beau. Hunter and Hallie were in a relationship at the time. 

According to the Department of Justice, completion of the diversion program may result in “declination of charges, dismissal or reduction of charges, or a more favorable recommendation at sentencing.” 

While Hunter’s criminal counsel (Chris Clark) seems to believe that his client’s admission of guilt will bring an end to the investigation, it seems to me that the president’s son may be cooperating in order to avoid more serious charges.

The probe into Hunter’s financial affairs began in 2018 when authorities found a series of suspicious activity reports regarding funds from foreign nations and has involved:

  • The contents of a laptop that was abandoned at a repair shop in 2019 (and the liberal media’s resulting cover-up of the story despite its authenticity).
  • Accusations of corruption, influence peddling, bribery, and money laundering.
  • Suspicious goings-on in China and Ukraine, including money transfers from CCP-linked individuals to members of the Biden family.

A judge has not yet been assigned to formally process Hunter’s plea agreements, nor has a date been set. In a press release this week, Weiss confirmed the investigation was still “ongoing.”

Author’s Note: This whole ordeal is reminiscent of the Hilary Clinton email server fiasco. Despite traitorous activities that violated US law and put national security at risk, she was released with no punishment.

In the words of House Rep. James Comer (R-KY), “Hunter Biden is getting away with a slap on the wrist when growing evidence uncovered by the House Oversight Committee reveals the Bidens engaged in a pattern of corruption, influence peddling, and possibly bribery…These charges against Hunter Biden and sweetheart plea deal have no impact on the Oversight Committee’s investigation. We will not rest until the full extent of President Biden’s involvement in the family’s schemes are revealed.”


Hunter Biden agrees to plea guilty to federal tax charges

Hunter Biden to plea guilty in deal with feds

Hunter Biden to plea guilty to two tax charges, resolve federal gun violation: DOJ 

About The Author


  1. The Redhawk

    Forget idiot don Hunter — go get big criminal pervert dimwit Joe Biden to jail. Lock up the as shole bastrds

    • Joe Gilbertson

      Hoping it will lead to that

      • frank stetson

        Joe, of course you would find him guilty in a court of law before you lock them up, right?

        I gotta love the party that says: “do it in the polling booth” seems to want to lock up a lot of people before and after the vote….and then becomes the party to most likely be locked up after a vote….. ironic, ain’t it

  2. andy

    WHERE is this evidence? So far, all I’ve heard is endless talk. Comer mentions tapes, where are they?

    • Joe Gilbertson

      Boatloads of evidence, he plead guilty to the easy ones in the hopes that they would not pursue other charges.

  3. Mike f

    And of course there was the required mention of Hillary’s emails in this tome. Unfortunately, the author fails to understand that the use of a private email server was authorized at the time (and recommended by her predecessor, a Republican) so there was no illegality so what could she possibly be charged with (but what more can you expect from a conservative spin-master?). Bringing up that topic is particularly ignorant however due to the ongoing charges with trumps theft of national security information-information at a far higher level of classification than anything that inadvertently ended up on Hillary’s server…
    Also overlooked in this discussion is a comparison of other cases of a similar nature-one being Roger Stone failing to pay taxes of $2M-no criminal penalties on that one however…. Who is the DOJ really treating softly here-not Hunter for sure…

    • Joe Gilbertson

      BS, Hillary’s private server was not authorized to send classified emails or to do any kind of official business, it was a blatant breach of security. Her actions compromised the office of the Secretary of State, everything she sent was being read in real time by multiple hostile intelligence services.

      • frank stetson

        Joe, as you must well know, you just can’t be that stupid, the FBI investigated for a year and discovered no communications clearly marked classified, secret or top secret on Hillary’s email server. Yes, there were hundreds that the FBI said “should have been marked” and many that were retroactively marked. But yours was a blatant breach of honesty where the truth appears to be hidden by your hate for Hillary. She lost Joe, she will never run again, she will never be appointed again, let it go Joe, let the hatred go and move forward.

        When you folks talk about crimes, evidence, guilt —– don’t you consider that folks reading your site will check? Or do you figure we are just as stupid as you and won’t?

        Further, Alice’s and your connection between Hillary’s non-crime and Hunter’s admits-guilt misdemeanor plea bargains is clearly just in your minds.

        But when it comes to your dem-god, Don, you fully support the “immaculate declassification” process making it legal for him to reveal our information, previously MARKED as Classified, Top Secret, and omg it’s our nuclear plans, with no problemo from you except, “it’s legal for him to do it.” Hypocritical much? Or just to the right.

        Seems you to be a hate-filled partisan hypocrite because Hillary did not have documents clearly marked as classified on her email server. Nor is there any connection, similarity, or coincidence between Hillary as SoS and Hunter as son of President.

  4. frank Stetson

    This story is yet another partisan hack job by a conservative zealot trying to feel less frustrated though a little spleen venting. Congratulations to Alice for finally stepping beyond cut n paste and putting some real personal passion into it. Passion without proof though. You always hate the one you love; in this case a Hillary hard-on. Joe has it too. Misplaced perhaps, but girls gotta get their hates on…..

    Alice says: “While Hunter’s criminal counsel (Chris Clark) seems to believe that his client’s admission of guilt will bring an end to the investigation, it seems to me that the president’s son may be cooperating in order to avoid more serious charges.” FS: You think? You think a plea may be for a lesser charge? Revelation? Or is the government giving a deal to avoid a long, costly, court trial that would end up at the same outcome, or perhaps even better for Hunter? Fact is he paid the taxes, late, but paid them, he made $1.5M per year, for two years, and usually — that’s just a fine; often a fine erased, he’s getting a bit more, for why? Perhaps, given the DOJ failure to prosecute, one might ask why did it take five years to conclude? Did Republicans weaponizing the Weaponization Committee for Republican Revenge and Retribution without Results make the DOJ so desperate for the big-win, that they investigated forever? Five freaking years of investigation for delay of prompt tax payment and not claiming druggie status on the gun form?

    Alice says: “This whole ordeal is reminiscent of the Hilary Clinton email server fiasco. Despite traitorous activities that violated US law and put national security at risk, she was released with no punishment,” In what universe is a Secretary of State misuse of a personal server for government email similar to a President’s son (who was not even President when the crimes occurred) not paying taxes and lying on a gun form reminiscent of each other? OR is the story so weak that Alice felt the need to beef up with a Hillary hotspot. I guess Alice is convicting Hillary for being a traitor even though numerous investigations, including ones held by Republicans, indicate that Alice is full of shit. Totally full of shit: Joe too. The girls got her hate on and can’t just shake it off. WTF does Hillary’s email server have to do with Hunter’s taxes and buying a gun? Since when does not paying taxes and owning a gun make you a traitor? Is ALLass trying to say Hunter is a traitor for not paying taxes, well, actually paying them late, —- lines up against all those Republican traitors — starting with TRUMP who haven’t paid a decent tax in decades, and have cheated on asset valuations, charity deductions, foundations, for taxes for decades. And I am sorry, but how many drug users lie on the form to get a gun? When does any drug user sign “yes” when asked? Really Alice, hating Hunter is one thing, hating Hillary is another thing —— but your hatred of everything not conservative as a traitorous thing is just plain dumb. IMO :>)

    Then she quotes our Joe McCarthy clone, House Rep. James Comer (R-KY: from the squirrel brain entrée lovin state) who said: “Hunter Biden is getting away with a slap on the wrist (FS: it’s freaking what the law allows, it’s typical penalties, asshole, heck, the gun one has been successfully appealed under the 2A) when growing evidence uncovered by the House Oversight Committee reveals the Bidens engaged in a pattern of corruption, influence peddling, and possibly bribery…(FS: ah, you wanted harsher penalties because you have growing evidence that you can’t produce except on FOX but not produced under the threat of perjury? You have had over six months and all you got is allegations, inuendo’s, fabrications, and nothingness. I am all for investigating criminality on any side of the aisle, but enough with the “ready, fire, aim” Joe McCarthy approach and put some compelling facts on the table with the threat of perjury attached. You are charging the President as the head of a crime family, a treasonous terrorist. Either get on with it or STFU). These charges against Hunter Biden and sweetheart plea deal (it’s a pretty standard deal, perhaps HB is getting it harder on the taxes even), have no impact on the Oversight Committee’s investigation. (FS: wouldn’t want fact to get in your way, you betcha) We will not rest until the full extent of President Biden’s involvement in the family’s schemes are revealed.” (FS: how about any involvement jerk-wad. You have been screaming for six months about witnesses, documents, blah blah blah and all you got is Hunter’s friend got some Chinese money so Joe is guilty crime family boss? Remember some history: “Until this moment, Senator, I think I never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness.” “Let us not assassinate this lad further, senator. You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency?”

    We used to investigate, find compelling facts, and release info to the public when appropriate and the facts well established. Now Comer, and Alice, establish guilt and then attempt to backfill in the blanks, in this case, for over six months after proclaiming you got the facts to prove Joe a traitor to his country, a crook, and head of an entire crime family, albeit a fairly poor one at that. Show us the money you two or STFU and go home.

  1. Oooops, wrong pew, wrong spew, but u getvit and I’m still good with op and followup. I spell my name:…

  2. For once Larry and I are on the same page. Putin is the MOST dangerous person on the planet, anything…