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Huge explosion at Military base in Japan – could be terrorists

Huge explosion at Military base in Japan – could be terrorists

Several huge explosions were heard at a U.S. military facility Sagami General Depot in Japan just outside of Tokyo.  Footage shows several small explosions and one large one, at least 10 fire engines were at the scene fighting the resulting blaze.

The site is part of a U.S. military installation next to the capital.  While the cause of this explosion has yet to be determined, it is the same site where three deliberate explosions were reported in April, suspected to have been perpetrated by left-wing Japanese extremist groups.

According to US Navy Commander Bill Urban:  “There are no reports of injury, and base firefighters and first responders are currently fighting the resulting fire to prevent its spread to nearby buildings.”  Later reports were the fire was out and no other buildings were damageed.

The Sagami General Depot, where the relatively isolated warehouse was located, is an underused facility that stores petroleum products and ammunition.  It was noted that water was not used to douse the fire because it was a chemical explosion.

Author’s note:  We don’t believe in coincidence, this was likely the work of the same extremists.  We will keep an eye out for further reports, and it will be interesting to see where this left-wing group gets its funding…





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  1. The best advertisement for Republicans now is being provided free by the Democrats extravagant histrionics.