The answer to the headline question depends on one’s political leanings. If you are on the radical left, the answer is five. We know that because a number of those talking heads on cable news have said so – repeatedly. Those on the right – who know the traditional definition of “killed in the riot” — generally say the number is zero.
So, how can there be such disparity on an issue that should be so readily obvious?
You do not even have to be a Republican or conservative to see the gross misrepresentation of the truth by those on the left. All you need is to have a functional brain with an ability to be objective.
We need to start out with an irrefutable FACT. No police office was “killed” as a result of the riot. No police officer died of injuries incurred at the riot. That is an established fact. I know I repeated myself, but the left gets very thick-headed when pushing their propaganda.
The left launches their mendacious claim by pointing to Officer Brian Sicknick who died at his police headquarters long after he returned unscathed from Capitol Hill.
The media initially reported that he was killed after being struck by a fire extinguisher. The autopsy showed that Sicknick had no body or head wounds. Later video showed that Sicknick was not hit with a fire extinguisher or anything else.
To salvage their story, the media then reported that Sicknick was … or might have been … killed as an after affect of being sprayed with bear repellent. Those reports also proved to be untrue from video evidence and the autopsy.
In fact, the autopsy showed that Sicknick had died of natural causes unrelated to the riot – from a previously undetected medical condition.
The other four deaths that Democrats and the media personalities attribute to the rioting were suicides long after January 6th. Suicides are usually due to a complex range of issues. It is not easy to tell or understand the motivations. Since hundreds of Capitol Police did not commit – or even attempt – suicide, there obviously were more issues that impacted on those who did.
I have experienced the heartbreak of suicide within my greater family. Perhaps that is why I find the Democrats and their media cronies using – politicizing – the deaths of those offices as a heartless and reprehensible act of political skullduggery.
By traditional measures, only one person died violently as a result of the rioting – and that was Ashli Babbitt, who was shot to death trying to break into the house chamber. There were also reports of one person dying of a heart attack – an older individual with a pre-existing heart condition—and another who died of an overdose.
This is just another shameless example of Democrats and their pals in the press kiting the information to inflate their false narratives about the rioting –trying to make it much more than it was. Even though it was bad enough without the politically hyped propaganda narratives.
So, there ‘tis.