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HORIST: When are enough dead Americans enough for the Democrats in Congress?

HORIST: When are enough dead Americans enough for the Democrats in Congress?

The murder of California police officer Ronil Singh should be the final straw to break the back of the Democrats merciless disregard for the safety and lives of innocent Americans victimized by illegal aliens – aliens who have repeatedly re-entered America across a border the Democrats refuse to secure and defend.

Almost every time one of the Democrats and the folks on the left talk about our southern border, they begin by saying – in one form or another —  “we believe in securing the border.”  They are lying.  Other than lip service, they have done nothing – nada – to defend the border for more than 20 years – and counting.  They did nothing when they controlled the Congress.  They did nothing when they had the White House and the Congress.

One needs to remember that candidate Barack Obama promised the Hispanic community that he and the Democrats would address immigration reform.  In fact, he said it would be his first priority.  He lied.  Not only was it not a priority, President Obama, then-Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi did nothing – nada – regarding immigration reform throughout the Obama presidency.  They did nothing to secure the border, and as a result, there are too many families mourning the loss of loved ones.

Of course, the Democrats did do something in the past two years.  They openly promoted a porous border and aggressively blocked any efforts to secure it.  They support “catch and release” which allows unqualified migrants to remain in the country under the radar.  They support a full range of citizenship benefits for illegal aliens – including the right to vote in local elections.  They create sanctuary cities and states to provide safe harbors for illegal aliens – including those with serious criminal records.

They not only oppose the enforcement of our immigration laws, they call for the elimination of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).  In one California city, the Democrat mayor actually aided and abetted illegal aliens – including hardened criminals — by warning them of a planned ICE sweep.  It is estimated that more than 600 targeted individuals – including many with criminal records – were able to escape.

Democrats refuse to change our immigration laws to minimize illegal residency.  They oppose ending the abusive “chain migration” that enables one person to bring in DISTANT relatives – and often people not even related.  They refuse to consider ending the anachronistic policy of “anchor babies” in which tens of thousands of women come here – legally and illegally – solely for the purpose of birthing an American citizen – and using the baby for “chain migration.”

Democrats attack our border agents and support personnel who must deal with the flood of migrants who are enticed to seek asylum because of a combination of Democrat policies and inaction. They allow hundreds of thousands to flood over our border even though the vast majority (historically about 80 percent) of them are not eligible for asylum under U.S. laws.  This is a pertinent fact that Democrats and their media allies refuse to acknowledge in their mendacious public statement and reports on the caravan migrants.  Ineligible aliens are in the country because of “catch and release.”  They enter illegally and simply do not report for their court vetting.  For obvious reasons, that is especially true of the criminal elements.

Democrats actually protect the criminal element.  We can remember the case of the young mother who was to be deported.  Democrats rallied to her defense.  She did more than cross the border illegally, she stole identification to fraudulently obtain government benefits.  Yet, Democrats held her up as a pathetic figure.  Any American who steals an identity and defrauds the government would be subject to criminal prosecution.  In the Democrat mindset, however, an illegal alien should be immune from prosecution or any other consequences – such as deportation.

Democrats and the left-wing media demonize our border personnel as heartless people willing to allow children to die – and then they blame it all on President Trump.  The press pushes dishonest reports and analyses in support of the Democrats’ false narrative regarding the handling of families and children.

They do not report that many of the separated “children” are teenagers who cross the border on their own.  Others are not the children of the folks who claim to be their parents.  Some parents drop off their children and disappear.  Some are the children of serious felons who need to be arrested – obviously separating them from their criminal parents.  That is sadly what happens – and must happen – to the children with criminal parents.

Democrats encourage the throngs that appear on our border and then use the chaos they have created as an excuse to allow them all to simply run free throughout the United States.

Democrats and the media lie when they claim that the push for stronger border security is based on racism.  That overplayed race card is a joker.  America has been – and remains – the most open and tolerant of immigrants for all over the world – from every culture and nationality.  The Democrat strategy is to use bogus claims of racism to ensure that there is no push back against open borders and the unrestricted influx of illegal aliens.

The left lied about the recent caravan of thousands of migrants – claiming that they are mostly mothers and children escaping oppression.  In fact, 80 percent were single males.  Leading into the election campaign, they falsely claimed that those thousands of marchers would not even reach our border.  They lied.  Democrat funders and activists supported the groups and organizations that organized those caravans.

There are honest Democrats who openly admit that they believe that any and all who cross our border should be given asylum, legal residency and even citizenship.  That is why they do everything to encourage and entice people to cross our border at will.  Former Congressman, former Vice Chairman of the Democratic National Committee and recently elected Minnesota Attorney General – and acolyte of anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan – Keith Ellison proudly wore a t-shirt at a May Day parade with “Yo no creo en fronteras” – “I do not believe in borders.”  Defeated Democrat Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke put out a video opposing any barriers, including a wall, without any hint of how he would address the constant breaching of the border.

Then there is the definition of THE WALL.  To gin-up opposition to funding border security, Democrats have been claiming that they are for security but not a 1000-mile brick and concrete wall — which they compare to the Great Wall of China and describe as “17th Century technology.”  They proffer this straw man imagery even though Trump has repeatedly said that the funding would go for a variety of structures, technologies and strengthening natural barriers based on the need to accommodate specific locations.

When outgoing White House Chief of Staff General John Kelly said, “Trump uses the word ‘wall’ … but in fact it is not a ‘wall,’” the media went wild with a mendacious theory that Trump is lying about the wall to please his base.  This, even though Trump, on repeated occasions, had referred to a variety of barriers and other structures with pictures on his tweets.  The “wall” is merely a metaphor.  In the past two years, I have brought that fact out in several commentaries – and yet the left persists with their lies about the design of the structure(s) in an effort to block greater border security.

Democrats deflect the debate by saying that most illegal aliens came here legally and overstay their visas.  That is correct, but that does not mean the situation at the border is not a problem with dire ramifications. Any notion of comprehensive immigration reform needs to address all these problems – which Democrats refuse to do.

Even when they pay lip service to border security, Democrats rarely offer up any suggestions as to how they would achieve it – and on those rare occasions that they do offer hints, they sound a lot like what Trump has been proposing.

The murder of Officer Singh is newsworthy not because it is so rare, but because it is all too common.  Singh was the personification of everything that is good about America as a land of immigrants and all that is bad about the immigration situation as it exists today.

Singh was an immigrant from Fiji who came to America by the legal process.  He brought with him his own dreams of a better future and his own contribution to his new homeland.  He was not only a worker, but a man standing in the frontline protecting his fellow citizens.  He was a young man with a bright and joyful future.  He was a loving husband and the father of a 5-month-old son.

The American Dream was seen in the Christmas photo of Singh with his wife, daughter and police dog – a photo taken just hours before he was gunned down by a brutal illegal alien thug with a violent criminal record – a gang member who had been repeatedly arrested and deported.  But thanks to those Democrat-backed policies and their tenacious resistance to common sense reform, that thug was on the streets of California – and a wonderful American and human being is no longer.

On one side, we see the tragedy in the uncontrollable tears of Singh’s brother – and can only imagine the crushing heartbreak his wife suffers.  There is a young boy who will only know his father from old photographs and family tales.

There is also a ripple effect on the other side.  The killer has been arrested and hopefully will face the full consequences of his action.  He, too, has family and friends.  Mostly, they are illegal aliens and criminals.  As Singh lay dying, they were conspiring to protect the killer – lying, concealing information and evidence.  Seven of his low-life cohorts – including his girlfriend and his brother — have also been arrested, and there may be more.

These arrests do not solve the problem, however.  In many other places in America, there are evil individuals, the malignant by-product of Democrat Immigration policies – or more accurately, the obstruction of truly corrective immigration policies.  As there has been in the past, there WILL BE another innocent American killed by an illegal alien – an illegal alien that by all that is good and right should not be on the streets of America.

If you were to believe the Democrats, there are no bad actors among the illegal immigrants.  We need immigrants to keep growing our economy.  But we also need vetting to separate the wheat from the chaff – the good folks from the criminals – and that is what Democrats refuse to support.  They see political advantage in allowing hundreds of thousands – even millions – of potential Democrat voters in the country.  If that means thousands of criminals, gangbangers and drug dealers and an untold number of American victims, so be it.  It is time to stop pretending the Democrats and the left-wing media is well intentioned in this issue.  They are not.

Singh’s life should be remembered and celebrated – and there is only one appropriate memorial.  That is for the people of America – including Democrats –to rise and demand that the insanity of open borders be ended – and a return to a just, fair and LEGAL immigration process with proper vetting.  That is not too much to ask.

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. Captain Blastoff

    I am in complete and total agreement with this article. Very forthright, complete and honest. How any American with an ounce of self respect, a smidgen of honesty, a mere drop of compassion, can be a registered democrat is beyond comprehension. How could there possibly be any where near enough intelligent American voters to elect those swine? Is it a requirement for a democrat voter to be mentally challenged? I believe it certainly must be. Nothing else can explain how any democrat ever gets elected.

    • Richard Paul

      The majority of Democrats are fools and only in for the one term retirement. Democrats need to be evaluated by their state on a 11 month vote.
      Cannot show progress in their state they need to be removed and a new state vote be taken.

  2. Ray koblinski

    Article is wrong . biggest murder problem is white Christian males who use racial and religious hate to justify their acts of horror. I’ve lost all respect for Christians who allow this type of hatred to be stoked by our political leadership , and backed by the church. According to the bastardized American version of Christianity, these human beings in need,need to be shipped back to whence they came. No wonder Christianity is a dieing superstition.

    • Larry Horist

      Interestingly, your reply did not address the issue of border security.. And you are way off the mark in blaming America’s murders on Christian males. That is just your malignant opinion and no research substantiates it. . Quite the contrary. Most murders are committed by people with minimal or no religious devotion. Also, the VAST majority of murders are NOT motivated by race or religion. You may be no fan of religion — and I am not particularly religious myself — but I fear your anti-religion opinion is grounded in nothing more than your own hatred. At least you had an opportunity to vent.

    • Jhn

      Ray actually proves the article to be right. Say ANYTHING that in the slightest way contradicts the hateful speech from the left and you are a racist. I however do not see facts to back any of his rigid folly, only the ever-present race card. No mention of the thousands who die yearly from drugs that come from south of the border. No mention of those killed by ILLEGAL ALIENS. Just the race card, and of course white males, you know the people who pay the taxes that these ILLEGALS depend on after they ILLEGALLY enter our country. YOU ARE A FRAUD RAY!

  3. jim nashwinter

    I love the IDIOTS that are talking about running against MR TRUMP??UNEDUCATED IDIOTS??GO COMMIES WE HAVE YOU IN OUR SIGHTS??

  4. valentina

    Open borders is insanity. The Wall needs to be built.

    • Raykoblinski

      Mueller !!

  5. Jeff J

    In my point of view, we don’t need a wall. Bring all the military back from the middle east and station them along the border. Treat this influx of illegals as an invasion, and start taking them out at the border.. You will see how fast this will stop, and any of the commie left that has a problem take them out too… We have to restore law and order to this country and try to stem the tide of division started by Soros and Obama

    • Joe Gilbertson

      Think of the ongoing cost of that, compared to a wall which costs almost nothing after you build it. And also think about what happens when the Democrats win, political will fades and the soldiers are defunded.

    • Elsie

      I agree with your coomm.

  6. Tim meyer

    They just had to teargas illegals at the border. Build a barrier!

    • Larry Horist

      You must watch FOX News because CNN and MSNBC failed to report on that violence led by a couple hundred “migrants.”

  7. Joanne

    Trump will go down as the worst president ever.

  8. Elsie Jane

    Who is in charge of Our Country and all rules made must be approved by one and only Nancy Pelosi. Why is she the one against the will of the People. Since she is the one that makes all the discussion, why do we elect a President?? The People are suppose to have a say, but the democrats will not let that happen. That is socialist.

  9. robert a winmill


  10. Donna Lindsey

    Right you are Open borders are the death of any country trying to maintain security and safety of its own citizens. Germany has finally figured that one out after so many immigrants invaded their country and an unbelievable number of Germany women were raped and murdered. Now she’s trying to fix the problem and not sure how. Poland had the answer………put up a fence and connect high voltage to it…….as the article stated: after a few were zapped on the electric fence, there wasn’t an illegal problem. VERY sound advice!!!

  11. Richard

    Excellent synopsis of our problem. Unfortunately, nothing will ever happen because the Dems don’t want any solutions, and sometimes the Repub’s aren’t much better.

  12. James Roberts

    This phoney Conservative propaganda is pure Bullshit! The ACTUAL figures show White Americans TOP the list not immigrants! So you want to lie like that sociopathic LIAR in the White House then you do so but know there informed Americans who are wise to this Bullshit you’re trying to pass off as fact!

    • Joe Gilbertson

      But how do you REALLY feel?

  1. Oooops, wrong pew, wrong spew, but u getvit and I’m still good with op and followup. I spell my name:…

  2. For once Larry and I are on the same page. Putin is the MOST dangerous person on the planet, anything…