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HORIST: Was there actually a shooting in Dayton?

Of course, there was a shooting in Dayton, Ohio and nine people lost their lives.  I pose the headline question as a bit of rhetorical hyperbole to make a point.

I spent a lot of time watching CNN’s and MSNBC’s coverage of the two shootings to see how they covered them.  I expected to be disappointed, but not surprised that they would spin these heinous crimes into some sort of political narrative against President Trump.

I was a bit shocked, however, to see the extent to which the two networks would politicize and propagandize even a major tragedy.  Most of the reports, the interviews and the panel analyses had one theme.  It was all Trump’s personal fault – and the El Paso shooting was the proof.

Democrat presidential candidates went on air in conveyor belt fashion – many making repeated appearances on a variety of shows throughout the day and evening.  To say that their volley of accusations against Trump was excessive – even in view of the President’s own pugnacious personality – is an understatement.  You would have thought that he was a Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan who had driven the shooter to the scene of the crime.

CNN and MSNBC put on any person who would refuse to meet with Trump during his visit to El Paso – and every voice that would demand he stay away.  The networks were essentially promoting confrontation with the President during his visit.  Not something that should be encouraged in these volatile times, methinks.

On the morning of President Trump’s visit, CNN covered El Paso with great depth with great emotion – showing the memorial sight, people weeping or in prayer – and some references to the opposition to Trump’s visit, including a number of those demanding he stay away.

They then switched to Dayton, where the reporter continued to talk about El Paso in the most heart rending ways.  She then turned to the legislative battle.  What will Congress do?  There was not a single mention of the victims who died yards away from her position – not one.  NOTHING about the shooter and his violent left-wing ideology … nothing.  Propaganda press at its best.

What was most interesting and telling to me was this dramatic difference in the coverage of El Paso and Dayton was seen throughout the day.  The vast majority of the airtime was devoted to El Peso – and the reason was obvious.  It enabled them to more easily spin their anti-Trump narratives.  The shooter was a white supremacist – and he even used the word “invasion” in his manifesto.  That was the same word Trump had used to describe a million people crossing our border each year.

While CNN and MSNBC reported that the shooter in Dayton was not racially motivated, they left a BIG question mark over the issue of motive.  And … it was what they did NOT report that tells us everything we need to know about their corruption of journalism.

The networks said that the Dayton shooter was motivated by a “violent ideology,” but they  never named it.  Wonder why?   Well … get ready for this … he was radicalized by Antifa and considered himself to be a foot soldier in their malignant cause.  Yep!  He was a left-wing terrorist-in-the-making.

Furthermore, he was a supporter of progressive presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren.  He said as much in his writings.  That’s right.  He expressed his support for the Massachusetts senator and her radical left-wing agenda – and he believed in violence to advance the cause.

Based on the media cockamamie logic, it would be reasonable to assume that all those nasty things Warren has said about Trump, Republicans and conservatives – you know, racists, sexists, misogynists, homophobes, etc. – motivated the Dayton shooter.  Is she culpable?  Of course not – and neither is Trump.

The Dayton shooter was as much a political whack-job as was the shooter in El Paso, but his crime did not comport with the biased narratives of CNN and MSNBC – ergo important newsworthy facts were totally ignored — censored.

CNN and MSNBC like to promote their self-proclaimed devotion to “facts” and “truth” – but the fact and truth are that they are nothing more than the propaganda arm of the radical progressive wing of the Democratic Party.  Turning the tragedies of El Paso and Dayton into partisan political propaganda is all the evidence we need to see the facts and truth.

So, there ‘tis.

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