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HORIST: Press getting attacked from both sides … but is it deserved?

One would have to be blind, deaf and stupid not to realize that most of the press is down on Trump 100 percent of the time.  They carry every possible critical narrative against the President on a 24/7 cycle.  Some of the criticism may be deserved, but the lack of balance has made much of the Fourth Estate the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party and the primary advocate of the radical left agenda.

Despite cable networks such as CNN and MSNBC functioning as infomercials for the left, some of the Democrats are starting to complain about unfair coverage.  Senator Bernie Sanders has extended his class warfare to the billionaire owner of the Washington Post.  He claims that he is getting unfair coverage because he is highly critical of one-percenters like Jeff Bezos who owns Amazon and the Washington Post.

Sanders has made no secret of his disdain for corporate American – the bigger the badder.  And they do not get much bigger than Amazon.  Sanders sees his Post coverage as revenge for his attacks on Amazon and Bezos.  Sanders may be correct.  Of course, the editors at the Post say that they are not influenced by Bezos’ ownership.  Yeah, right.

We can consider that when we see the Post publish an editorial calling for the breakup of Amazon as Senator Elizabeth Warren has suggested.  And why isn’t Warren getting blasted by the Post?  Maybe Sanders problem is that he is starting to slip in the polls and the Post reports it.

It seems that former Vice President Joe Biden is not all that happy with his press coverage.  Campaign spokesperson Symone Sanders is complaining to the press that they are giving too much coverage of the candidate’s frequent gaffes even though they are as obvious and unwelcome as a big pimple on the tip of the nose.  Biden does not exist in a gaffe-free zone.

It is understandable why he would be unhappy with anything but praising coverage.  His complaint, however, is a bit galling when you consider the ENORMOUS amount of favorable coverage that he and all the other Democrat candidates get every day.  CNN and MSNBC have become a round-the-clock infomercial for the Democratic Party.

Former Congressman Beto O’Rourke has even a more bizarre complaint.  He thinks the press is not going hard enough on Trump.  What?  That right.  O’Rourke claims that they are not pointing out what he considers the President’s racism and white supremacy.

While O’Rourke goes to every extreme to try to make news, he obviously does not spend much time watching the Democrat media cheerleaders.  They blast Trump as a racist at every opportunity to the point where if he sang White Christmas during the holiday, they would call it coding and a dog whistle.

Not to be outdone by his fellow single-digit competitor, former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julian Castro is piling on the narrative that the press has been too easy on Trump.   Perhaps Castro should appreciate how many times his pals in the press interview him despite his very low rating among the Democrat voters instead of trying to pump up Trump’s already ridiculously negative press coverage.

What makes all these complaints so nutty is that none of them can cite examples of where the press has gone negative on them.  Instead, they seem to want the folks in the Fourth Estate to be even more praising of them and more negative on Trump – something that approaches the level of impossibility.

Democrats critical of their press coverage are getting blowback from other Democrats who fear that such talk will legitimize Trump’s attacks on the biased media.

It is no coincidence that all those complaining are either struggling to get out of single digits or are seeing their polling numbers dropping.  We have not heard Elizabeth Warren complaining about her press coverage.

So, there ‘tis.

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