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HORIST: GOP is losing badly at halftime

HORIST: GOP is losing badly at halftime

Two years ago, the Republican party was putting the latest gains on an unprecedented rise to power.  Having just captured the White House (and the power to pick two, and maybe more, Supreme Court justices), the GOP controlled both houses of Congress, two-thirds of the governorships, two-thirds of the state legislatures and thousands of state and local offices.  Never in its history had the party of Lincoln had greater power – and not since Reconstruction in the late 1860s were the Democrats in worse shape.

For four biennial election cycles – from 2010 to 2016 — Republicans increased their hold on political power.  Democrats were left with a party leadership that was so disliked that people like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer were featured in Republican “hit ads”.  Running against the popular trend, Democrats accelerated their left-ward drift by naming such hardcore radicals as Tom Perez and Congressman Keith Ellison as the leaders of the Democratic National Committee.

After 2016, the only small grip Democrats had on national power was the supermajority rules in the Senate, which enabled them to block legislation and, in the extreme, use the filibuster.  That was it.  But they were able to use that power, as well as the support of an allied media, to push back against the GOP agenda.

Even worse for the Democrats was the fact that they had 23 Senate seats up in 2018, with 10 of them in states that Trump had won.  By any political calculus, that gave the Republicans a very real possibility of winning enough seats in the Senate to become the supermajority – literally making the Democrats a bicoastal regional party with no … nada … power at the national level.

America seemed to be on the cusp of a generational reign of Republican conservativism.  What could possibly go wrong?  Apparently, everything.  And no party in American history has proven itself to be more capable of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory than the GOP.

In the wake of the 2018 election, the political tables turned dramatically – unbelievably.  It was not a small course correction or even a response to the tradition of the party in the White House losing seats in midterm elections.  The so-called blue wave was bigger and more substantial than virtually anyone believed or predicted.

It was more than a numbers game – although winning 40 seats is a “big f**K**g deal” – to use one of Joe Biden’s pet phrases – it is the “who” and “where” of the Democrat victories in both the primaries and the General Election that makes all the difference.  It was believed that the Democrats were nominating candidates that could not get elected – but they did.

The House will not only be controlled by Democrats, but by a party that is far more extreme than ever.  Socialism gains a significant foothold with congressional newbies who openly proclaim themselves to be socialists and those who do not so self-identify but support the same policies – such as New York Congressman Jerry Nadler, a member of the Socialist Democrats of America (SDA), who will soon assume the chairmanship of the powerful Judiciary Committee which has jurisdiction over matters relating to the administration of justice in federal courts, administrative bodies, and law enforcement agencies. And yes, the SDA is the same organization that gave us Congresswoman-elect Alexandria Ocasia-Cortez.

Many of the largest states have shifted from purple – with Republican governors – to a deeper shade of red.  These include Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin.  In New England and states like California, the Republican Party has been driven to the point of extinction.  The once exclusively Republican and conservative Orange County in California is now totally represented by Democrats – liberal Democrats.

Even in victory, there are ominous signs for the GOP.  In hitherto dark red states like Texas, Florida, Mississippi and Georgia, close races indicated a weakening of the Republican strength in Dixie.  In fast-growing Harris County, Texas (Houston), every Republican judge up for re-election was defeated.  In Georgia — which already has a Democrat Senator due to the political insanity of nominating alleged pedophile Judge Roy Moore as the GOP candidate – the gubernatorial race was verrrrry close.  In Texas, Congressman Beto O’Rourke parlayed a narrow defeat into a national booster rocket that has him on the list of serious potential Democrat presidential candidates.

In Florida, Republicans can point with pride to taking down a Democrat senator in Bill Nelson – but it was a very close race.  Couple that to the fact that Congressman Ron DeSantis, running for governor, barely beat a supposedly weak Democrat, Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum.  With the loss of various and sundry other offices in the Sunshine State, and you can put Florida at a tipping point.  The combination of an ineffective and incompetent Republican Party leadership – especially in the southeastern counties — and the continuing influx of all those Democrats from New York – settling on the east coast – and from Chicago – on the west coast – it does not take a crystal ball to see the future of Florida.

Another statistic that bodes ill for the GOP is the fact that there was approximately a 10-percentage point advantage in the number of Democrat voters over Republican voters.  Democrats are the majority party in America by one of the biggest margins since the Great Depression.  Overcoming that in two short years is a challenge, to say the least.  Unlike Reagan, Trump is not attracting Democrats in sufficient numbers to offset the loss of Republican loyalists.  The Republican base is not growing.

Trump’s victory in the Electoral College was a bit of an anomaly.  For several years, Democrats – and their control on the biggest of the big states – have given them a starting-line advantage.  That remains.  In fact, with the increased potential of winning states like Texas, Florida, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio and Pennsylvania, Democrats could have a lock on the presidency for the foreseeable future.

So, how did this all happen?  How did the tables turn so dramatically and so fast?

Starting at the top, there is Donald Trump.  No matter what one thinks of his policies or his style, he won the nomination and the election as one of the most unpopular candidates ever to serve as the standard bearer for a major party since the Democrat put up Senator George McGovern in 1972 — a race that also paired-off two of the more unpopular political  figures of their time – the other being Richard Nixon.  Despite the ongoing Watergate scandal – that would later bring him down – Nixon won a landslide victory largely due to the advantages of incumbency, ending the Vietnam war, a fairly good economy AND the extraordinary unpopularity of McGovern.

In 2016, Trump was pushed across the finish line because of the enormous power of the Republican tsunami  that began in 2010, the Electoral College system and the extraordinary unpopularity of Hillary Clinton.  The fact that Trump lost the popular vote by the widest margin of any candidate who became President should have been the first warning sign.  Trump’s challenge was to get past the negatives that nearly cost him and the GOP what should have been an easy and convincing victory.  Instead, he doubled-down on the worst aspects of his personality – his pugnaciousness and propensity to make needlessly provocative and controversial statements, often a bit too far removed from obvious truths.

Though his diehard fans will most certainly disagree, Trump, the man, is disliked by the vast majority of Americans – including many who remain supportive of his appointments, policies and accomplishments.  At every turn, Trump seems determined to prove that even the most picayunish, dishonest and outlandish criticisms of him have validity.  He has helped the Democrats to destroy his credibility.

Trump’s unfavorable rating – hovering between 50 and 55 percent — consistently tops his favorable rating  — generally in the mid-40s.  But there is factor that rarely gets considered by all those television pundits.  Those who do not like Trump, REALLY do not like him.  They hate him.  It is emotional and deep.  This triggers motivation – determination to fight back, resist and, most importantly, vote.  It was this depth of disdain that drove up the Democrat anti-Trump vote in the 2018 election – costing some 40 Republicans their seats in Congress.

That is why in 2018 Democrats were smart and successful in making the midterm election a referendum on Trump – not his policies and accomplishments, which the public likes a lot better than they like him.  In a complete lapse in strategic understanding, Trump, himself, aided the Democrats by also saying the election was about him.  It was a c’est moi strategy that was bound to backfire.

The blame for the shellacking the GOP took in 2018 does not rest on the shoulders of Trump alone.  Not by a longshot.  The congressional leaders deserve a good portion of that blame.  Without a supermajority requirement in the House, the Republicans could have churned out popular bills at a Gatling gun pace.

Speaker Paul Ryan seemed to be reluctant to do that because he knew that Democrats could block legislation in the Senate because of the supermajority rule.  So what?  It would have been far better for the public to see the kind of positive legislation the Republicans were prepared to enact – and then see who was blocking it.

But there was another problem — a lack of unity.  Democrats operate more like it’s a parliamentary system, where members adhere to a unified platform and policies.  They vote in lockstep.  Republicans tend to govern as if each legislator was a policy-maker unto him or herself.  As the old cliché goes, Republicans were a party of “too many chiefs and not enough Indians.”  Maverick show-boaters like John McCain, Jeff Flake, Ben Sasse and Bob Corker not only undermined platform unity but actually became part of the Democrat strategy of blocking legislation.  They also became the useful idiots for a news media eager to play partisan politics against the GOP.

After voting repeatedly to replace Obamacare in the previous administration, — when their votes did not count – Republican congressmen suddenly discovered that they had no unanimity when their votes actually mattered, and action could have been taken.  Their repeated failed attempts to score with the ball at the goal line and three downs to go made them look like the high school freshman team in the first game of the season.

Besides healthcare, they failed to address immigration, DACA, real spending cuts, THE wall and a myriad of other major issues.  They underperformed anticipation by far.  The people of America understandably started to wonder why they ever put these folks in charge.

When one considers just how effectively the Democrats blocked and counterpunched when they were the minority party across the nation, it is frightening to contemplate what they can do – and will do — with some real power.  The Republicans are going to have to go into the locker room and come out with a totally different strategy in the second half – or their winning season is over.

So, there’tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. Angelo & Sharon Viggiano

    My goodness, talk about a disappointing report regarding our Republican party and our wonderful President Trump!!!! Our Republican party is failing because of all the stubbornness and low aptitude among most of them…they are all missing the ball…sticking together like the Demoncrats do! I believe that the Lord put President Trump in place for His reason and He will never fail us. Perhaps the Republications must get on their knees and pray for turning this whole mess around so that we can continue with President Trump’s agenda! We are in a war…EVIL vs. GOOD and it is up to God to turn this around as He sees fit for America. May God bless America and President Trump & VP Pence!

    • Joy

      You are definitely right. He’s not a politician. He’s a very smart businessman, and he’s new to this political game.

    • Jennifer O'Gavaghan

      Wonderful comment that I agree with 100%.
      All is in God’s merciful hands. That is why I believe with my full heart, mind, and soul that God chose President Trump to be His servant to be our human guide through this time in history. Given what I believe, would Congress PLEASE lend a hand in support of him and Him. In Jesus’ precious Name, I pray. Amen.

    • Jennifer O'Gavaghan

      Mr. Horist:
      Talk about ‘missing the ball,’ you obviously are missing the ball.
      Americans who voted for President Trump did not vote for him wfor a lack of love for him just as he is ~ so-called warts and all. WE LOVE HIM! Personality and all! Why?
      Because we identify with him ~ even in our pugnacity which I will rename TRANSPARENCY, LOVE OF GOD, FAMILY, and COUNTRY in that order ~ corny, I know, but oh so fervent in a world ruled by the dark forces of evil which we fight with every fiber in our being. President Trump is the way real people think and talk among like-minded patriots who will never give up on the Republic because that is the way we are made by Almighty God. Call us outrageous, but please do not ever call us ‘politically correct,’ the worst insult possible!

  2. Bruce Andrews

    One would think that Labor Unions would be against unregulated and illegal immigration because these workers will work harder and for much less money. The hospital I worked for found that they could hire 2 to 3 nurses from the Phillipines for the price they paid American nurses. They fired the US nurses to save money.
    If you can get 5 workers for the price of one US citizen, obviously the US worker must take less, and can’t get a raise .


    You are for the most part accurate in your analysis. The Republican party serves too many masters. They for the most part serve themselves and do not consider true Patriotism at all. The Dems have their agenda that will destroy our country as we know it, but they are a cohesive unit that does what they are told to do by dubious leadership. WE can only pray that the GOP can put aside their own self interests and hatred for Trump (Jealousy- that he has reached this pinnacle in life and they do not possess the courage, intellect or concern for humanity to sacrifice to achieve this great accomplishment) His rhetoric is not polished but the results of his performance are far beyond what these so called leaders have presented to the American public for the last four decades

  4. John Bartlett

    I am so used to hate-driven Republican castrations by MSM and OpEds….I almost failed to see a pretty darned truth-filled analysis when I read one. This article had meat, relevance, and a bunch of prudent analysis. Regrettably it preaches to a choir that is numb to its critics. I got the message but I am a lower middle class conservative citizen-patriot disabled combat veteran that is identified with “Irrelevant Deplorables”. When I financiially support a just cause…it is a two figure donation. (Whooopy!”. My vote counts of course as long as it “IS” counted and recorded by election officials who have principle and integrity. God Bless America…land of the free. I walk beside Her.

  5. madmemere

    If every true America loving conservative patriot decides to just “lay down and quit”, without even making the effort, then we “deserve what we get”! Quite frankly, I have no interest in trying to survive under rules of the dimwit commie socialist party.

  6. Observant_One

    Just proves that the human brain may not be quite capable to governing large countries.
    Probably ok for small tribes.

  7. Mr C

    Because they are for rich gettingvricher and could care less about anyone but themselves. Look at tax vuts. Scince Busch took over their policys have ruined our vountry. Tske Kansas…where they cannot afgord pencils.

  8. Joe joe the Dog Faced Boy

    He needs to be behind priydon walls. I hope he gets hung by our FBI treason and selling out to Russia….over they he is the pee chief.

  9. Jep

    Larry you are absolutely correct the GOP has no grit, a bunch of spineless politician who want to wine and dine on the tax payers nickel.

  10. Thomas Welch

    Larry, excellent take on the developments and situation. Trump couldn’t have done a better job helping the democrats recover from Obama.

  1. Frank Danger .... Lots of opinion and not a scintilla of evidence. Where is your proof, old man? Funny how…