In a recent commencement speech at the predominantly black Morgan State University, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren – in an act of prodigious political pandering – told her young black audience that the system was “rigged against them.”
As a preamble to her racist (not racial) comments, Warren said, “I am not a person of color.” Hmmmm. Was she finally surrendering her now farcical claim to have walked in the moccasins of Native Americans – a claim that served her and Harvard’s interest when she was promoted as a minority faculty member? Of course not.
She went on to say:
“I haven’t lived your life or experienced anything like the subtle prejudice, or more overt harm, that you may have experienced just because of the color of your skin. Rules matter, and our government — not just individuals within the government, but the government itself — has systematically discriminated against black people in this country.”
As the liberal New York Times noted in their coverage of the speech, Warren was “reaching out” (pandering, I say) to the black community in an effort to gain political footing in the minority community for a 2020 presidential bid.
I refer to her comments as pathetic pandering because what she is telling the students is something she wants them to believe, and believes they will believe – even though it is mostly wrong.
Warren points the finger of racism at some ethereal “government” composed of any number of nameless “theys” who conspire to oppress black America. It is classic political demagoguery. Tell any group of people that they deserve more of anything – and that you will get it for them – and you will get a positive response. It is the foundation of all political promises – and especially so in this age of divisive identity politics. She uses her audiences own naivete and presumed racial biases as an anchorage for her toxic interpretations of American racism.
Warren’s message is typical radical anti-American liberalism. She does not take the fight against specific racist policies, practices or persons, but against the totality of American governance. The young black graduates would go out into the world fearing and hating the American government.
The Democratic Party has been successful at selling one of the greatest American flim-flams in American history – that they are the friends of the black community and the Party fighting against racism.
Of course, most Democrats will admit that their Party fought a war of secession that killed 620,000 Americans in an effort to preserve the evil institution of slavery. Having failed in the courts, the legislature and on the field of battle, Democrats kept America a house divided by having the old Confederate states in Dixie to continue oppressing black America for another 100 years.
What is lost in today’s common knowledge – and purposely misrepresented by Democrats like Warren – is that the residual of their Party’s oppression of black America is overwhelmingly found in the major cities they have ruled over almost exclusively since the early 1900s.
When Warren tells students that the system is rigged against them by governmental institutional racism, she is pointing at the governance of the Democratic Party. Failing to note that fact, she is participating in the grandest political deception in the history of America.
Even worse. Warren is promoting the Democrat’s false narrative of pandemic racism for partisan political advantage. America is not a racist nation, as I have often pointed out – most notable in a commentary entitled “America ain’t racist.” It is almost impossible to find institutional racism in the commons or the private sector.
There most certainly are people throughout the country who harbor racist sentiments of one sort or another, but for the most part, they are not empowered to impose their prejudices through any institution – private or public sector – with the exception of the urban Democrat political machines.
De facto segregation and institutional racism do appear in the governments of cities like Chicago, New York and Los Angeles, where the political machines maintain impoverished neighborhoods … ghettoes … slums … where blacks suffer from deprivation of education, jobs, public services, quality housing and personal safety. Where all the claims of voter suppression made by Democrats to be true – and they are not – they would pale in comparison to the negative impact on the black community by Democrat policies in any one of the cities they rule over.
This is more than evident not only in the grim factual statistics but in the iconic image demonstrations, protests, and riots against Democrat administration – borne out of desperation and frustration – that have characterized urban life for more than a century. Why this happens under their watch is a question they refuse to answer with anything more than historically false claims of racial tolerance and beneficence.
Like so many liberals, Warren invests in sowing the seeds of racism within the black community. Truth be told to the students of Morgan State, America is a land of unlimited opportunity for them. The only barriers to achieving their dreams and ambitions are imaginary mental barriers that Warren plants in their minds. As college graduates, they will not face a future of blacks trapped in the Democrat-run ghettoes. The systems is not rigged against them, but is rigged for their brothers and sisters who have not – or could not – escape the segregated ghettoes created and maintained by those folks in city hall – and we all know who they are. And so does Elizabeth Warren. She is one of their enablers.
So, there ‘tis.