For several months now, Democrats have made former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani the brunt of derisive jokes and demeaning commentary – solely because he is allied to President Trump. As with others, they look past personal history, services to country and personal capabilities to character assassinate the fellow once heralded as “America’s Mayor.” They mock him for pursuing what they call “debunked conspiracy theories.”
Democrats and their media cronies may be taking up this political narrative to their own disadvantage. Giuliani has – and still may be – one of the most effective and courageous prosecutors in modern American history.
Giuliani burst on the national scene by taking down several of the most notorious – and up until then untouchable – New York mob kingpins. His work as the federal prosecutor in the Southern District of New York gained him the job as mayor of the Big Apple – something not easily done by a dyed-in-the-wool Republican. (Unlike John Lindsey and Michael Bloomberg who pragmatically used the Republican label temporarily only to return to their Democrat roots to pursue presidential ambitions.)
Giuliani was considered one of the best and most effective mayors in New York history – reducing crime rates, bringing about fiscal responsibility, growing businesses and jobs and producing what some call the “golden years” of civic leadership. He soared to national prominence over his handling of the 9/11 attack on America by Islamic terrorists – and restoring confidence and the security of New Yorkers.
Because of his association with Trump, the New York media cabal has been particularly hard on Giuliani – claiming he has sold his soul. In their narrative, he has become a corrupt politician and corrupt businessman. They have questioned his intellectual integrity – and even suggested that his mind is going.
They see his continuing investigation of corruption in Ukraine — and its connection to the Democrats in the 2016 election — as a fool’s mission. Democrats dismiss Giuliani’s prosecutorial interest in the link between former Vice President Joe Biden, his son Hunter, the corrupt Burisma Holdings company that paid Hunter lavishly – and inexplicably — and the corrupt oligarch who was in charge. Democrats are very mistaken, however, if they really believe that Giuliani has somehow morphed into that pathetic, misguided and non compos mentis character they describe.
Giuliani was – and is – a meticulous investigator. He has been an effective prosecutor because he knows how to develop a compelling case. He digs into the details and follows the facts. He documents. He ignores his critics as he pursues the case. It is his nature and talent.
In recent weeks, Giuliani has granted a number of in-depth interviews to investigative reporters from One America News (OAN) – a second-tier cable news service that does not yet have the following of the big three, FOX, CNN and MSNBC. These interviews seem almost like a test-run for his eventual prosecutorial case – which he has promised to present in the near future. Unlike Giuliani’s two-minute interviews on other news outlets, the OAN appearances have more the feel of a documentary. He even brings in witnesses to this extraordinary series of interviews. Giuliani comes across as a prosecutor who has his case locked down.
Eventually, Giuliani will take this show to Broadway. He will present the case to the American people as a lawyer’s brief. He will have evidence, documents and witnesses. From the bits and pieces that he has revealed on OAN, Democrats and the anti-Trump media may rue the day they tried to undermine Giuliani’s ability and credibility.
Giuliani may well establish that high level Ukrainian officials were involved in aiding and abetting the Clinton Campaign. Contrary to the Democrat’s self-serving logic, it is not a matter of Russians OR Ukrainians meddling in the 2016 election, but that fact that they BOTH meddled. Giuliani will push back against the Democrats’ desire to pretend that Russia is the only issue when it comes to meddling in America.
Giuliani may also press the case – largely ignored by Democrats and the press – that the development of the phony dossier was proof of collusion between the Clinton Campaign and Russians – and that key players in the U.S. government inappropriately and illegally participated in the scheme. He may also lay out the conflict-of-interest by the Bidens – the appearance of which was cited in the testimony of several impeachment witnesses.
It is not only Giuliani who is pursuing these issues. Both Inspector General Michael Horowitz and Special Investigator John Durham — both of the Department of Justice — have been investigating those matters for months – with the IG report due out next week.
With virtually total control of the narrative at this moment – and the elitist press that proffers it — Democrats are having their best days in this holiday season – and they are not all that good, as recent polling seems to suggest. As the public sees the IG report, the results of the DOJ investigations and the commencement of the impeachment trial in the GOP-controlled Senate, the center of political gravity will be shifting. How much remains to be seen.
Among the most remarkable turn-of-events may well be the resurrection and re-emergence of Giuliani as the super prosecutor with a compelling case that Democrats are so desperately trying to debunk. As Trump often admonishes, we will just have to wait and see.
So, there ‘tis.