This should be a “red wave.”
All of the polls say that Republicans will take the House and the Senate by relatively wide margins. The Real Clear Politics polls page is showing a lot of red, and since everyone knows that the polls are all skewed blue, they have applied “correction factors” and show a Republican victory in many close races.
Even Politico admits that the House will change hands and that there is a better than even chance in the Senate. And those liberal propagandists would do anything to convince their readers they have a chance.
It appears that none of the candidates have slowed down their campaigning, they will go up to the last minute. I’m getting over 600 campaign emails per day – some from campaigns I am following, others from campaigns I have never heard of.
I should be elated. Not just one poll, but almost all of the polls are showing a resounding victory for Republicans.
And yet…
For some reason, I’m nervous. I’m holding my breath.
What if there are midnight surprises? Surely we are prepared for those, but once votes come into the system and are separated from their identity information, the fraud can no longer be proven. To cheat in an election is a criminal act, but the criminals are intelligent and have the advantage. They can plan months in advance, they can arrange for opportunities in the shadows, they have the advantage of surprise.
And what if the Democrats have found new ways to cheat? Republicans have already filed lawsuits in swing states. This is a good strategy because it will require that chains of evidence are maintained. What will they find?
I don’t condone political violence. President Biden has said there is no place for political violence in America (while overlooking political violence in places like Portland, the hypocrite…).
But to undermine elections, to interfere with the very essence of democracy is a crime of great magnitude, an existential threat to America, as certain a death to our Constitution and our freedom as being conquered by the likes of Putin or Xi.
I’m holding my breath because I remember. I remember soldiers who have fought for our country, throughout history. I remember in my government days concluding that if I died for my country, it would have been a well-lived life. And I remember Thomas Jefferson:
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants
Does this still apply?