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Hillary's Aide Huma Abedin Strongly Linked to Radical Islam, Saudi Arabian Government

Hillary's Aide Huma Abedin Strongly Linked to Radical Islam, Saudi Arabian Government

Throughout Hillary Clinton’s political career, one thing has remained consistent: Huma Abedin has been by her side. Abedin has held a number of roles within the Clinton team including the ambiguous “body woman”, traveling chief of staff, senior adviser, and deputy chief of staff.

Despite this very public career path, not much is known about Abedin outside of her relationship with disgraced New York congressman, Anthony Wiener. However, a recent Vanity Fair article shed light on the past of Clinton’s right hand woman.

Abedin moved to Saudi Arabia with her family at a young age where her father, along with Abdullah Omar Nasseef, the then president of King Abdulaziz University, founded the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs. Her father then became the first editor of its Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, where Huma worked between 1996 and 2008.

Although these facts by themselves are a non-issue, the strong association of Abedin with Abdullah Omar Nasseef raises red flags. Nasseef served as the secretary general for a group known as the Muslim World League which was once called the “Muslim’s Brotherhood principal vehicle for the international propagation of Islamic supremacist ideology”.

The Muslim World League is fully funded by the Saudi government, a country which chooses to use public beheadings and crucifixion as punishment for breaking sharia law.

Naseef also founded another organization known as the Rabita Trust, but he had a co-founder by the name of Wa’el Hamza Julaidan, who as it turns out was also one of the founders of Al-Qaeda. Julaidan worked with Osama Bin Ladin to set up training camps in Afghanistan.

Despite Abedin’s direct connection to radical elements of the Saudi government and to radical terrorist organizations, the mainstream media has failed to point this out. Abedin’s mother to this day lives in Saudi Arabia and continues to run the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, despite its radical ties.

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  1. Nope, no egg on any faces other than the dynamic duo Trumuski. The flood of EOs Trump is pumping out…