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Healthcare is not a ‘right’ – It’s a Freedom

The Democrats seem to be smug in their conviction that every American is entitled to health care and that is it their responsibility to provide it, no matter what.

And if you care to disagree with them, they will shout slogans at you until your eardrums burst.

I take exception to this.

When the founding father’s said that we have the right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” they were saying that your life can not be taken from you. They were not saying that the country was dedicated to keeping you alive with all available resources. They were expressing a freedom, not an insurance plan.

Some of you might remember that I wrote a book on this. Indeed, President Trump has implemented many of the measures that I proposed. (I have not gotten confirmation that they used my book, but read the google search below and let me know what you think!).

The “liberty” and “pursuit of happiness” phrases mean we are free to make choices.


With socialized medicine, many Democrat candidates are proposing to take away choices and only provide the best healthcare that the U.S. Government is able to muster. This is the worst possible solution with the worst possible entity running it.

As I have said many times, socialism is a negative feedback loop. In other words, socialism always requires more resources to run than in generates, and so the result is always upward spiraling prices until the system is corrupted and it fails. That is why prices continue to rise!

But there is another catastrophic problem with this.

If you take away choices, you take away responsibility. We will have an entire country of 330 million people who do not have any direct responsibility for their health care, whose only option is to whine to the government, whose only choice will be to continually raise taxes in order to take care an increasingly whiny and decreasingly healthy people.

Yes, this is not hyperbole, people who cannot make choices and do not have responsibility for their own health are INHERENTLY less healthy.

Psychological studies have long recognized that people who are focused on their health are on average much healthier than those who don’t. If you take away not just the desire but the ABILITY to focus on your own health, then overall health will decline.

My own proposal, some of which has quietly become law,is to use the Health Saving Account structure and allow people to administer their own health care through this account. Then to separate “insurance” from “maintenance” (since insurance companies charge a 40% premium on maintenance items, why pay for that?).

There are many other facets of the plan, but all are designed to break health care into transparent, competitive pieces, rather than the opaque, monolithic “health plans” that propose to solve all of your needs, emulating some of the sinister socialist all-encompassing programs that are being proposed by the Democrats.

Americans do not need a “mother.” Americans need choices.

When Americans take responsibility for their health care and can make intelligent choices in a competitive market, all of that capitalist energy and market power will go into providing a better and better market.

That is what competition does.

Prices go down.

Quality goes up.

America’s health will improve.

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