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Harris economic plan is radical left nonsense … and dangerous

Vice President Harris has unveiled her economic plan.  It is unrealistic to the point of being contemptible – an effort to gaslight voters who may be gullible. 

Actually, it is not a “plan,” but a callous and cynical campaign sales pitch.  In politics, promises are easy to make and much harder to implement – often because they are not implementable or would have disastrous impacts if they were.   That is the Harris plan.  Only a radical left-wing ideologue – like socialist Bernie Sanders – could ever offer up such a crazy economic plan.

Harris is pandering for votes – part of the Democrats’ big government authoritarian policies that the progressive elites love.  They are designed purely to win votes and expand the left’s power without a scintilla of consideration for the impact on the people.

The so-called plan was widely and justifiably criticized by most major media outlets, including the Wall Street Journal.  The Washington Post called the Harris plan a “gimmick.”  That is an understatement.  President Obama’s top economic advisor said the plan would do more harm than good – including fueling inflation and add dramatically to the federal budget deficit and National Debt.

The Harris plan bases price controls on corporate price gouging – a claim that creates business as the villain of the people but has no reality as a significant problem in the marketplace.  It is an attempt to falsely blame the rise in prices on some corporate conspiracy as opposed to Biden’s inflation-causing spending.  Also, government imposed price controls never work.  They create shortages and only delay inflationary pressures.  President Nixon made two failed attempts at price controls.

Harris would raise the minimum wage – a policy that has never helped the economy or the vast majority of workers.  It causes an inflationary increase in prices and the loss of jobs. For those few who receive a raise, the economic benefit evaporates as wage and pricing adjustments occur in the months following.  One only need look at the disastrous impact of California Governor Gavin Newsom’s recent minimum wage increases.

Harris plagiarized President Trump’s proposal for no tax on tips.  Economically, that was not a great idea when Trump proposed it, and it did not gain any economic validity when Harris purloined it.

The Harris plan is so extreme that many have compared it to communist and socialist economic central planning.  Such comparisons are not without legitimacy.  That is seen in Vermont’s socialist Senator Bernie Sanders’ quick and enthusiastic endorsement of the preposterous Harris plan.

It is this kind of economic hocus pocus that thrives on the radical left – where such bogus economic theories are advanced solely for political gain.  This is yet another example of why a far left Harris presidency is so dangerous to free market capitalism – which has been the engine of America’s success in producing the best economic outcomes for the people and has made America a world leader for so many years.  All of that is threatened by the introduction of hitherto failed economic policies.

America has already ventured too far down the path of socialist theories and has suffered the results in terms of excessive taxation, inflation and loss of markets to international enterprises.  Socialist and communist central planning economics have had a major negative impact on the people living under those systems. Harris wants America to follow suit.

Since her rise as the prospective Democrat candidate for President, Harris has avoided saying anything specific about her positions, plans and proposals until now. What she has now revealed is nothing more than economic snake oil designed to win an election by deception.  She has now shown what she is.  She and her plan should be rejected out of hand.

So, there ‘tis.

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