Governor Kasich Learns about Illegal Drugs from New Hampshire Teens – Parents, Watch this Video
As a former intelligence officer with the CIA”s Crime and Narcotics Center, I believe illegal drugs are the worst scourge of modern culture. Kids too young to make life decisions are persuaded casually by peers and popular media to take highly addictive drugs, resulting in addictions that will stay with them for the rest of their (often shortened) lives.
Teens belonging to a New Hampshire organization called Communities for Alcohol- and a Drug-free Youth (CADY), made one of the best presentations I’ve seen on the dangers of these substances to minors. John Kasich also speaks, but the teens have the real message
Most of the current arguments are about how drug users are shamed by being arrested for use. Noone seems to want to talk about how unfettered illegal use by young adults filters down to younger kids for whom peer pressure is the ultimate force.
I believe the gradual legalization of drugs will result in millions of damaged kids (40 million adults smoke cigarettes, do you think heroin is less addictive?). This must stop, and our youth must be better protected.
This video is worth watching if you have any interest in the problems of drug addiction. These teens present the facts on the real problem. Click to watch.
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