GOP vote on Ukraine aid … Democrat vote on Israel aid … are shocking

Thanks to Speaker Johnson, Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan will get the aid they need to remain strong in the face of powerful adversaries who want to literally end their existence and take over their territory.
The respective vote counts demonstrated why putting them into a single legislative package – and including immigration reform – has been a loser. As a four-issue deal, the package approach contained poison pills that were unacceptable to specific groups. Hence the packaged legislation could not get a majority.
The only logical and sane thing to do is to vote on them as separate bills in which a bipartisan majority can prevail in each case. After all, they ARE very different issues with strong crosscurrent constituencies.
It would have been wonderful if somehow immigration reform could have been tied to one of the bills as a trade off, but that is too different. The three aid packages deal in foreign policy and American national interests and security on the international stage. Immigration reform – while posing a threat to American stability and security – is more of a domestic issue. The fact that it was not part of the defense spending trifecta does not make it any less critical. That legislative battle is currently ongoing.
We now see how the various parties and factions have expressed their opinions in the form of a vote. The aid to Taiwan was relatively uncontroversial – and it was tied to banning TikTok and imposing sanctions on China. All of that had widespread bipartisan support.
It was the aid to Israel and Ukraine that exposed the deep divisions within the Republican and Democratic parties.
I personally found the vote on the Israel and Ukraine bills to be disappointing – even shocking. In my view, both of those measures should have had the support of every right-thinking and patriotic American legislator. Unfortunately, both received significant opposition that reflected the relative division within the major parties. Of course, those divisions were what made it impossible to pass the aid as a package.
Democrats supported the aid to Israel measure with 137 yea votes. However, there were 37 nays. The latter were the hardcore Democrats who carry the banner – figuratively and in some cases literally – for the Palestinian Hamas propaganda campaign. They have turned their back on America’s strongest and longest ally in the Middle East under the false belief that the Hamas/Israeli war is some sort of unprovoked aggression by Israel.
They claim their concern is merely humanitarian, but the most prominent leaders voting against aid to Israel have held anti-Israel antisemitic positions since arriving in Congress. They have been promoters of the BDS (boycott, divest and sanction) Movement against Israel. That is literally a call to wipe Israel off the map. Some members of the anti-Israel coalition have marched alongside those chanting “death to Israel,” and have taken up the war cry to have Israel wiped out “from river to sea.”
In terms of aid to Ukraine, it was the Republicans who divided on the issue – with 101 House members voting in favor and 112 members voting against. That was a surprise to me. I find it hard to believe that a majority of the GOP caucus would have opposed the measure. I was thinking maybe 10 to 20 nay votes.
As with Israel, aiding Ukraine in its fight against Russian imperialism is not only the right thing to do morally, but it is clearly in the interest of the United States to prevent Putin from aiding another nation – with all its resources – to his vision of world dominance.
The division in the Republican ranks has developed into an effort to oust Speaker Johnson. That adds political insanity on top of moral incertitude.
If the effort to vacate the chair fails. It will only be because some Democrats will vote against such a motion – and Johnson will remain speaker. That does not benefit Republicans in any way. First of all, a vote to vacate the chair is politically damaging enough. Should that succeed and put the country through another long effort to elect a new Speaker, irreparable harm will befall the GOP. It would certainly diminish Republican chances of maintaining control of the House.
If, on the other hand, Democrats help Johnson maintain the speakership, it will only happen with concession to the Democrat agenda — and essentially set up a quasi-coalition governing force in the House.
In either case – Democrats save Johnson, or he is ousted – the outcome is not good for the GOP in the upcoming election. And the damage in voter confidence would spill over to the Senate, the presidency and major offices across the nation.
The adage that a house divided cannot stand has real meaning. The divisions in the nation and in the respective parties are damaging — and the votes on aid to Israel and Ukraine are prime examples. Factions within the two major parties are threatening their own party’s election prospects. Already, the Democrats’ anti-Israel faction is threatening Biden’s reelection.
The division among House Republicans is threatening their chances in 2024, including Trump’s ability to return to the White House.
The aid issue reflects the status of the presidential race today. Which side is more unpopular and more damaged? Apart from a small base, most voters will be making their decision on who they dislike and distrust the most. Will they be more turned off by the Democrats’ anti-Israel faction or the Republicans’ anti-Ukraine faction?
It is such an ugly choice that millions of voters may choose not to choose. Many will stay home … or skip the presidential spot on the ballot … or vote for a third party.
A house divided cannot stand, and that is why we see American influence and respect waning on the global stage. Our allies do not trust American leadership because it is not evident. Our enemies do not fear American power because it is not evident.
By the time you read this, it is possible that the Senate will approve the aid bills with some of the same division.
The vote on the aid bills again shows that America is a house divided – and the American people are justifiably saying “a plague on both houses.”
So, there ‘tis.
Day late, dollar short, let’s applaud someone doing the right thing, bringing the cows hone the long way round the barn.
Its amazing to me that we cheer when someone in the House does their job.
Hats off to Johnson for learning how to count. Already better than McConnell.
Still the most unprofessional unproductive House in history. You found acway to make Pelosi look better.
What the Hell is Johnson doing at Columbia screaming that the President of Columbia should resign.
HEY MIKE, perhaps study the 60’s. This did not end well then, it won’t end well for you either.
When they said “history repeats itself,” this is NOT what I expected.
Who the f are you to tell Columbia, in NYC, in NYS, what to do and how to run their school? You’re about to get fired by the whore of Atlanta, look to your own house Mike.
Mike Johnson you are not a Baptist and your vile evil wickedness brings a stink to the good name of John the Baptist. I’m very glad that Jesus will cast you into hell with the vile sodomite dog Joe Biden the vile disgusting sodomite dog Ukraine leader and all the satanic demonic democrats and republicans. Enjoy hell Mike you are not of God, you’re a child of Satan.
kri … One of the most fundamental admonitions of God is to “judge not least you be judged.” In view of your own rejection of a fundamental religious principle, not sure why any one should take your opinion on Speaker Johnson’s eternal fate seriously..
Chaucer’s “people who live in glass houses……” comes to mind. Given comments are often judgements to begin with, given this is PBP culture, given Horist claims to be free-speech extraordinaire, probably best to leave the judgement complaint alone…… Although the comment did beg for it.
Would have been better is he attributed it to the Son of God, Jesus, who said it during the Sermon on the Mount. Funny, since I think Horist might have been there :>) And the correct telling should be “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged.”
One theologian said it’s on par with “to each her own,” or “live and let live” which perhaps is bible-talk for “right back at ya, Horist.” Just kidding, but who amongst us should be judgmental about being judgmental? PBP, remember?
Who hit you in the ass with a judge appointment? People only go to hell for rejection of Jesus Christ and no other reason. Of course voting for democrats doesn’t help the cause.
Good chuckle at the end.
I think Johnson should be voted out as speaker because of his caving into the democrats on the $95 Billion aid bill that gives Ukraine another $69 Billion after we already gave them $135 Billion! That’s so wrong – The bill gave Israel, our ally, a measly $29 Billion and he has to give $8 Billion of that to aid in Gaza which will definitely go right to Iran. Biden and the democrats seem to hate Israel and giving everything to Ukraine with NO assurances where it will be spent. What did they do with the $135 Billion we already gave them to protect their Borders! The bill had not one penny for our Borders that are being breached every day by Chinese Communist Party members, terrorists, and murderers from every country that wants to walk right in here. Biden and Obama want them here so they can vote for the democrats. Even some Republicans say well, Republicans turned down the bill that had aid for Israel. They don’t mention the bill also had a clause in it that stated a minimum of 5000 illegals can come in the borders every day – that was NO real bill for republicans to sign, it was terrible. Democrats don’t tell you this though. With Bidens and Hunter’s past history in Ukraine, I don’t trust them one bit.
Meech Miller. .. You are totally correct in point out the legitimizing 5000 border crossers each day in the dead on arrive so-called bipartisan senate bill. For almost a year, the Senate had the bill that passed the House — and Schumer used his authoritarian power to block it from consideration.
On the other hand, if you followed my commentaries, you know I believe it is int he existential security interest of the United States to defeat Putin in Ukraine. And working with our allies, I would do whatever it takes. I think if Biden had any testicular fortitude, Russia would not have invaded. He should have provided the advanced weapons from the start — including the fighter jets. He should have joined NATO in declaring a no fly zone over Ukraine. He should not have prevented Ukraine from striking inside Russia. He should never have assured Putin that America would not join in the fight — and withdrawn the few military personal we had in Ukraine. Sanctions should have started the minute Putin put troops around Ukraine. Putin even delayed action to see what out response would be …and it was nothing. We should have hit Putin with maximum sanctions immediately — as Biden said (a lie) that we would. It was constantly too little/too late. Our problem is that we fight wars of attrition — not to win. And we eventually tuck tail and run. Korea, Vietnam, Syria, Afghanistan, and now Ukraine and Israel. It is no wonder our enemies and the terrorists do not fear America …and our allies do not trust American leadership any more.
Actually, “legitimizing 5,000 a day” is both factual and numerically wrong.
But besides that, how did you like the play Mrs. Lincoln?
It is actually a wall, a trigger switch, a metric that provides the automatic mandate and authority for immediate removal of any and all migrants, with little recourse, little allowance for asylum attempts — it just shuts it down IF there are an average of 5,000 encounters per day for a week, or 8,500 in a single day. Hoirst has it bass ackwards. It actually delegitimizes any crossings once the trigger metric is reached. And the total ban would remain in place until encounters drop to very low levels.
Oh yeah, and the DHS secretary can pull the switch at 4,000, another number you missed.
BUSTED for repeating right-wing extremist spin
Frank Stetson … That is your most idiotic reply ever. You say I am totally wrong and then provide the statistics that I was 100 percent correct. My only omission was leaving out the 8500 one-day trigging for a shut down. There will only be an automatic border shutdown if there are 5000 per day for a week. That legitimizes that number, you old fool. LOL You say “It actually delegitimizes any crossings once the trigger metric is reached. And the total ban would remain in place until encounters drop to very low levels.” So until that 5000 for a week is reached, no border shutdown. And as soon as the number goes down to 4999, the border is open again. Is that your idea of “very low levels? Yes I know that the proposed bill said Mayorkas CAN close the border if the weekly average hits 4000 per day. But if you believe the Biden administration would exercise that option you are more out of touch than ever. BUSTED for unimaginable stupidity.
Very good Mr. Horist. You are actually arguing your points based on facts. Beyond the unnecessary, and weak, personal attacks, you finally took a shot at discussion: bravo.
First, the 5,000 is automatic. Like all bills, Congress can amend the numbers and perhaps a lower number is warranted.
As I noted, and as the law is currently written, “the DHS secretary can pull the switch at 4,000, another number you missed.” You can read the law, it’s in there.
As to the drawdown, the law seems somewhat unspecific there. According to Langford: “When the border closes, it stays closed and everyone is deported every day until the number of people crossing illegally drops. Once the number of encounters drop, the border continues to stay closed for up to an additional two weeks to continue to drive the numbers down; It closes the border when we exceed our capacity to detain and deport so no one is released into the US because of the crowd.” I could easily see where specific metrics need to be added as an amendment.
But I do not see where I am BUSTED for having an opinion. And I support making the law strong enough that we lower your fears about how any administration administrates the law.
As written though, it’s still stronger in this regard than Title 42, with it’s revolving door of got-away attempts, ever was.
And yes, I may be “unimaginably stupid” in your eyes for having an opinion, but the facts are the facts. And the facts are that you think I am stupid; I know, for a fact, that you got beat by Spanky The Clown. And as old as we are, that will never get old.