Once again, I am fuming over big tech censorship. I’m not sure why I bother, there is nothing I can do.
Oh, wait! I’m a journalist I can write about it.
Google has in its policies (paraphrasing), “if you do not agree with OUR stance on the Russia Ukraine war, we will demonetize you.”
That means if you are a professional with a decent enough following to make money at it. Then Google will judge your own content against the opinions of its far left censors. You are not allowed to express an opinion that disagrees with them or else Google will attack your livelihood.
Have a look at the policy below. Focus on the words “exploits”, “dismisses” or “condones”
I’m not sure about the word “exploits.” It seems to me to mean that any writer who makes money writing about the war is subject to attacks. Legal contracts often have verbiage like this, weasel words that allow the lawyers to do anything they like.
“Dismisses” is a direct attack on free speech and free opinion in America. We are allowed to “dismiss” issues as unimportant, much like the Biden Administration “dismisses” the crisis at the border or “dismisses” the millions of unborn babies killed every year. But apparently, we are required to acknowledge the suffering and feelings of the Ukraine people at every turn and emphasize how the cause is just and we must win at all costs – because that is how the Google censors feel.
This restriction is intolerable in the world of commentary where we explore all sides of an issue, take on various opinions and generally inform the public of the nuance and complexity of every conflict.
“Condones” is the worst of all. Google is saying that if you are not squarely in favor of Ukraine and against Russia then you will be de-monetized.

Never mind the history of the situation, that NATO has absorbed a great many countries that they promised they would not, that Crimea is Russia’s sole warm water navy base, that parts of Ukraine are 90% Russian speakers, that Ukraine has threatened Russia’s interests militarily and economically over the past couple of decades.
To me, you can disagree with the reasons that Russia has attacked Ukraine.
Google’s censor are attempting to prevent the American public from seeing the whole truth about a situation that affects us and the rest of the world.
This is as bad as China cracking down on NBA players who inadvertently call Taiwan a country, or attacking independent newspapers in Hong Kong.
This is as bad as Russia arresting journalists who criticize Putin.
This is as bad as Saudi Arabia assassinating a journalist for criticizing MBS.
And this is even more sinister because it is practically invisible to the public.
Can I be a dramatic, patriotic America for a moment? One who believes the U.S. Constitution is the most perfect illustration of free principles ever written?
Google is committing a criminal act, an act of treason against America.