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Florida Gov. Rick Scott Agrees to Defund Planned Parenthood

Florida Governor Rick Scott recently signed a bill to block taxpayer funding from Planned Parenthood and any other abortion clinic in the state.

The bill was passed through the Florida Senate in March as a response to the leaked Planned Parenthood videos which appear to show executives selling aborted baby parts.

Florida is not the only state to defund Planned Parenthood after the release of those controversial videos. In February, Ohio Governor John Kasich signed a bill that prohibits the state from giving federal funding to the organization. At the time, Ohio was the 10th state to cut funding from Planned Parenthood since the release of the videos.

On top of defunding Planned Parenthood, the bill also calls for abortion doctors to have hospital admitting privileges or patient transfer agreements in place. The bill outlines more intensive inspection requirements as well as licensing fees.

The Tampa Bay Times reported that Planned Parenthood receives around $200,000 every year from taxpayer Medicaid funds. The bill redirects this money towards comprehensive health centers instead.

Although Planned Parenthood is upset about the bill, pro-life groups have openly voiced their support for Scott’s decision.

“Abortionists will finally be held to the same standard as all other physicians who perform invasive procedures in a non-hospital setting by the requirement to have admitting privileges or a transfer agreement with a nearby hospital,” says Ingrid Delgado of the Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops. “It is incomprehensible that opponents suggest the bill makes women less safe.”

Others praise the fact that the bill will make women safer with more rigorous inspections of the clinics. However, Laura Goodhue, executive director of the Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates is considering a lawsuit against the new bill.

“We’re evaluating all of our options and will do everything in our power to protect access to care,” she said.

Editor’s note: Conservatives in Florida love Rick Scott.

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