Ferguson Violence Carries Over – Police Shooting in St. Louis Incites Riot, 18-Year-Old Killed
North St. Louis is no longer safe. A carjacking Sunday left a 93-year-old man stranded in the street near Page and Walton. That same area erupted into violence yesterday after a policeman shot and killed an 18-year-old black kid.
Violence in northern St. Louis has reached new heights in the wake of renewed violence related to the anniversary of the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson. Sunday night around 11:30pm an elderly man was robbed when he pulled over to call his daughter. Later that night the same man was carjacked when he stopped to ask for directions. The victim is a former Tuskegee Airman. Police are still looking for the three men involved in the crime(s).
Keep an eye out for his missing car, a 2012 Honda Sedan, maroon, with the Missouri license plate AA2K8R.
A police shooting in the same area occurred yesterday morning. According to Police Chief Sam Dotson, two armed men rushed out the back door of a house as policemen knocked at the front door, prepared to execute a search warrant. The cops gave chase, yelling at the men to drop their weapons.
One of the criminals was shot and killed just after turning around to point his gun at the policemen. The other man escaped and has yet to be found. The streets filled with hundreds of protestors immediately after the incident. Policemen dodged insults, trash, and even bricks (click below for videos).
When the protestors wouldn’t vacate Page and Walton, the cops were forced to resort to tear gas.
According to St. Louis police, the shooting occurred in the 1200 block of Walton. The officer involved was not injured. The man shot and killed was identified as 18-year-old black youth Mansur Ball-Bey. He went by the nickname “Man-Man.”
You can understand that? What secret language do you-all speak?
If we knew what they were going to cut, we could have cut it already. That is exactly the problem…
Nope, no egg on any faces other than the dynamic duo Trumuski. The flood of EOs Trump is pumping out…
If the truth is leaked and answered by who is profiting, there would be interpretation that this is being done…