Fact, Not Fiction: Coronavirus And Bioweapons Labs Operate In China’s Virus-Infested City
The Chinese city of Wuhan, which is under an absolute military lockdown due to the coronavirus outbreak, hosts two laboratories linked to China’s clandestine bio-weapons program — labs that also happen to lead China’s coronavirus research and prevention efforts.
The purpose and location of these facilities are facts — not elements of a conspiracy theory. Yet reporting this information and wondering about a possible link between the labs and the coronavirus outbreak have been mocked by the mainstream media as rightwing nutjob stuff.
If that characterization is true, a lot of extremely smart nutjobs are awfully concerned.
Radio Free Asia (RFA), a private radio station established by Congress and funded by the U.S. federal government, recently rebroadcasted a local Wuhan television report from 2015 that described the Wuhan Institute of Virology as China’s most advanced virus research laboratory, and the only declared site in China capable of working with deadly viruses. The lab has long studied the most high-risk coronaviruses, including Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), and H5N1, also known as the Asian Bird Flu. Experts say Wuhan scientists have worked with Eboli and anthrax as well.
The Chinese government’s official explanation for how the outbreak began is that the coronavirus likely jumped to humans from infected wild animals, which are openly sold at the uncleanly and crowded Wuhan Seafood Market. Chinese officials say the market is ground zero for the outbreak. The second lab, The Wuhan Institute of Biological Products, is located just 20 miles from the market. It’s believed that SARS vaccine is produced there.
China’s reaction to the outbreak — first threatening doctors who tried warning the public, then quarantining a sprawling city of 11 million people shortly thereafter — is odd even for a communist government that will lie about anything. Could the new virus be a weaponized version of SARS or another coronavirus that somehow leaked from the lab? There’s no evidence to date supporting that, but it has happened before.
In 2017, U.S scientists raised alarms that a SARS-like virus could escape one of the Wuhan labs. In fact, the SARS virus had “escaped” multiple times from a lab in Beijing, according to a 2017 article in the magazine Nature.
China denies having any offensive biological weapons and is a signatory to the Biological Weapons Convention. But the annual U.S. State Department report on arms treaty compliance alleges that China still supports biological warfare.
Many bioweapons experts don’t believe China’s claim. They say the Wuhan labs are dual-use facilities that conduct medical research but also support the Chinese military’s secret bioweapons program.
The Washington Times recently published an interview with an Israeli biowarfare expert who has long followed China’s clandestine bioweapons program. The story was written by the venerable journalist Bill Gertz, an award-winning China expert who has written seven books on national security, including “The China Threat: How the People’s Republic Targets America.”
Gertz, who has long been a thorn in the side of the Chinese government, does not traffic in conspiracy theories. The expert, Lt. Col. Dr. Danny Shoham, holds a doctorate in medical microbiology and for more than two decades was a senior bioweapons analyst with Israeli military intelligence.
Shoham said the Wuhan Virology Institute is linked to Beijing’s covert biological weapons program. He recalled how suspicions were raised about the lab when a group of Chinese virologists working in Canada improperly sent samples to China of what were some of the deadliest viruses on earth.
Shohan was not certain if coronaviruses are part of China’s bioweapons program. But he told the newspaper that it would be feasible that the new virus — perhaps a modified version of SARS or another coronavirus — may have accidentally leaked from one of the labs.
“In principle, outward virus infiltration might take place either as leakage or as an indoor unnoticed infection of a person that normally went out of the concerned facility,” Shoham explained. “This could have been the case with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, but so far there isn’t evidence or indication for such incident.”
Rutgers University microbiologist Dr. Richard Ebright concurred with Shoham. “At this point there’s no reason to harbor suspicions,” he told London’s Daily Telegraph, Rutgers. But he was quick to note that researching coronaviruses requires injecting the virus into animals.
In China, research using primates costs less and is less regulated than in western countries. This gives scientists opportunities to perform faster and cheaper research. Ebright warned that the unpredictability of monkeys can be extremely dangerous in an infectious disease setting. “They can run, they can scratch, they can bite,” he said, “and the viruses would go where their feet, nails and teeth do.”
Long before the recent coronavirus outbreak, western scientists familiar with the Wuhan labs worried about an accidental virus for reasons that now seem prophetic.
Tim Trevan, a Maryland biosafety consultant, explained to Nature magazine in 2017 that China’s repressive government itself posed a safety risk at the Wuhan labs. That’s because a fear of draconian punishments for accidents can lead honest scientists to engage in dangerous coverups instead of rallying together for a critical team effort. “Structures where everyone feels free to speak up and openness of information are important,” Trevan said.
Fast forward to today and Trevan seems like Nostradamus.
Chinese authorities threatened to jail the doctors who were discussing a possible virus outbreak in a private, online chatroom. Yes, Chinese censors even spy on doctors chatting with old classmates. In a sad irony, the doctor who warned his peers, Dr. Li Wenliang, died from the coronavirus.
As the Chinese government lied to the international community about the scope of the outbreak, it also chastised any country that questioned its containment effort.
When the U.S. government barred foreign nationals who traveled to China from entering the country, China accused the United States of trying to cause global panic. After the Washington Times story appeared, China’s envoy to Israel compared the Jewish nation’s travel ban to The Holocaust. A classic case of “thou doth protest too much.”
One ominous sign, a U.S. official told Gertz, is the disinformation chatter intel agencies have monitored coming out of China. Since the outbreak began several weeks ago, false rumors have begun circulating on the Chinese Internet claiming the virus is part of a U.S. conspiracy to spread germ weapons.
The Russian government, China’s most powerful anti-U.S. ally, has a launched multi-language, social media smear campaign claiming that the U.S. spread the coronavirus to damage China’s economy. Russian news agencies and government promulgated social media accounts are buzzing with claims that the People’s Liberation Army, China’s armed forces, believes the coronavirus is a U.S. bioweaponry reconnaissance operation probing the capabilities of Chinese bioweapons defenses.
Chinese internet censors — the same thought cops who police rumor mongering — have let the rumors run rampant. Perhaps they wrote them. Why? “That could indicate China is preparing propaganda outlets to counter future charges the new virus escaped from one of Wuhan’s civilian or defense research laboratories,” the official said.
All we know for sure about the outbreak is that China’s systemic aversion to transparency has killed people over the world. To the communist government, suppressing and falsifying the truth about how the outbreak started is as important as finding a cure. A Chinese scientist who refuses to toe the line would be better off contracting the virus.
We may have to nuke the area to save the world. We worry about children playing with guns and look what we adults do. You never hear anything about Fukushima anymore either but we are killing what is left of our fisheries’ and oceans with that little mistake. Man has to ask himself the question, are we responsible enough and do we have an advanced enough character to prevent the killing of millions of God’s people due to our fears of each other? You idiots want to take my ar15 while you develop huge weapons of mass destruction that can and have destroyed millions of lives, even so please come Lord Jesus
Regarding the Japanese Fukushima Power plant melt down, all the contained “dirty water” that is now radioactive and stored is being considered for disposal in the sea. I know the seas are huge and the delusion, contained water vs: sea water, would be tiny but what creatures would we be supporting and what creatures would we be killing off. Perhaps it’s time for the Word to take another look at all the crap we dump in the oceans, from WWII aircraft, to ships, to NYC garbage, to radio active waste. Do we really need to dump it in the sea or can we place it in very deep mines safely stored away to never rise to the surface of the world again, and stop concocting such brews in the future.
Jesus is not going to appear to serve compassion for the abused and justice for those who inflicted the abuse it is up to mankind to do that, by making such comments you come off as being as ignorant as a Witless whi do not vote and refuse to serve in the Armed forces which by the way when the Revolution starts and there is another one on the horizon from all indications our military will be on the side of the Common Good and not the Globalists, Mini Mike had better have a secure Cubby hole for him to take refuge in.
The communists are expert in lying, its a safe bet any report coming out of china is fake news, the ccp will say anything, do anything to stay in power…..currently with this virus epidemic the ccp is back tracking on its statements to the point of total disbelief , even the Chinese people are berating it……this looks like it could be the end of the evil specter of communism in china and hopefully the world…..and wouldn’t that be nice.
The Chinese play to win. That’s it, Period. No rules. The ends always justify the means. Global dominance is their end goal.
They are at war with us already, just not the same type of war we are used to. Endless hacking, IP theft, promoting moral decay, illicit addictive drug trade, etc.
How about the 10M shipping container full of enough Feyntenol to kill the population of the US 3X over that was caught by Mexican authorities on its way to the US – from guess who – China. I believe I read about it on the PBP. No doubt they are working on virus weapons.
Here in the US we get all excited about what pronoun that 0.02% of the population wants to be called. Americans do not know that the second largest economy in the world is at war with us.
Since you mentioned Fentanyl, which by the way there was a time when most of it was manufactured in home laboratories in Mexico and smuggled across the border which explains why the drug cartel controlled government of Mexico took offense to the Chinese freighter carrying Fentanyl through their waters.
Now as for those whose minds are in a perpetual state of being scattered across numerous planes of existence with absolutely no grasp on any one reality the cause of that is because they are on a routine regimental dose of a Dimethyltryptamine IV drip, or more likely they have figured out a way to turn it into a vaporous gas which explains the mindlessness of the deceit disseminating commentators of the Lying Stream Media, certainly explains the behavior of Rachel “the Madcow” Maddow and Jim Acosta.
From what I overheard a couple of “company” attorneys discussing at lunch in a local fast food restaurant I would not be too surprised at anything coming out about China. These lawyers had recently returned rom China after some unexpected complications at the construction/opening of a new manufacturing plant in China. Seems to General in charge on the Chinese side was demanding more money (bribes.) From what I picked up the Chinese PLA (Army) owns (controls) almost everything in China and bribery is rampant if you do business there! So much for the true communist philosophy. Mao would be proud.
Anything created of this nature is not acceptable. If you live by it you will die by it! So help us God
How do we know China doesnt have a vaccine for the virus they purposely created. They could intentionsally let it spread unti l it becomes a pandemic then suddenly saying they created the vaaccine. They could sell it on the market and garner $ trillions
They Will use the Virus to kill off the Free World folk and Take Over The Whole World1 That has always been their Goal!
No, you think, the Chinese government conduct Bioweapons research to use on patriot capitalist dogs, yes I realize they are also endangering the Communistcapitalists dogs who do or allow for doing business with the Communist Chinese government but in ideological wars collateral damage is required and inevitable.
I think they are doing bioweapons research in earnest, but their laboratories are a bit shoddy.
We were hearing constantly about the pro American protests. Chinese waiving American flags, wanting freedom from a tyrannical government and being pro President Trump. Then the coronavirus strikes. Then silence about the protests. ????????!
Here we are anti America, burn American flags hate Trump and want to give up our God given rights for a tyrannical oppressive people controlling government nwo!
One must realize that more Chinese are born each year than die. Result is over population and it taxes the food supply, housing, medical care, and almost everything you can imagine. I heard it once said they could line up Chinese people 5 abreast and start marching them into the sea and never run out of people. Perhaps this is the way they intend to get rid of some of the population, infect them, they die, get cremated, bury the ashes and relieve the pressure on the controlling parties. If some escapes, well the world, in their in their minds, would be a better place as other populations die off as well.
In another thought, if this virus did escape the labs in Wuhan how did it happen. Chinese don’t get paid that well and look for ways to make more money. If you have ever been to China you soon find out that their markets sell practically anything to eat from Scorpions and other bugs, to dogs, cats, monkeys, to exotic animals to make their sex life better. Much of these items are skinned meat hanging in the open market places, bought and eaten by the locals. So why not take some mildly infected animals to market and sell them for a few more yen? A very plausible way the viruses get out of the labs. Even in China, even capitalism exists at all levels.
Yet the ones primarily to blame are those who adhere to and embrace the principles of which Communistcapitalistshariazionhasidism are based, Globalist, their top lieutenant politicians and corrupt high court justices, all celebrities and that includes professional athletes who like the prior mentioned seem to believe that the principles of which our fair and just laws Constitutional Republic are based only apply to the genuinely cognizant patriots of this nation and of course those who are Dimethyltryptamine vapor inhaling junkies whose minds are in a perpetual state of being scattered across numerous planes of existence with absolutely no grasp on any one reality who vote for those Globalist lieutenants (i.e.) members of the Communistcapitalistshariazionhasidistic party who if not sanitized from our environment will enslave the vast majority of the world population.
Canada was the one to start this Cona 19 bug they should pay for this crime and come forward with what they where up to with china stop blaming Trump you dum ass fools
Coronavirus = lab created=china!
World Health Organization stands with China
What if they released it on purpose. I guess we will never know. YES ! Maybe they do have a vaccine and now are giving it to their people to protect their own while the rest of the world suffers and dies. They would love to destroy the US economy the way the virus is now doing. So what if they kill a few million of their own people. They have almost 2 billion still plenty left.