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Easter puts Biden’s religion on the front burner …  again

Easter puts Biden’s religion on the front burner …  again

In his Easter message, Biden again expressed his deep devotion to his Catholic faith.  Numerous newsies followed suit by referencing his religious devoutness.  They often note that he was a regular churchgoer.  In 2021, Matthew Vann – writing for ABC News – reported that it was Biden was “diligent” in “attending Sunday Mass, infusing speeches with scripture and wearing his late son Beau Biden’s rosary beads.”  Biden is often seen doing the “sign of the cross” during public speeches.”

One should never judge another’s relationship with their God.  And that is not my intention in this commentary.   However, it is fair to judge one’s relationship with their chosen religious institution where the enshrined moral requirements (rules) can be viewed against known behavior. 

The Catholic Church has such a set of rules – the Code of Canon Law.  Breaking most rules can be overlooked (forgiven) by a simple confession with a promise to not repeat the sinful behavior – or at least attempt not to do so.  However, some violations are of such magnitude that a person is booted out of the Church of Rome.  Excommunication can come from official proceedings by the Church – or an automatic separation.

According to the Catholic Church’s Canon Law, having, performing or enabling abortion-on-demand is one of those most grievous sins that should result in automatic excommunication.    Left unforgiven, it is – according to Catholic teachings – a damnation to Hell for eternity.  It can only be reversed by a sincere confession – and, of course, ceasing to support abortion.

By those standards (which I personally do not endorse because I am not a member of the Catholic Church), Biden cannot be seen as a member-in-good-standing of the Catholic Church.  But that is not for me to determine.  That is up to the Church to make such an official determination.  My role is to merely report what the Catholic Church SAYS – and what it DOES – and how that potentially impacts on Biden.

There can be no disputing the fact that Biden’s active support of abortion is a grievous sin in the eyes of the Church.  He has pledged to do everything possible to make abortion-on-demand legal throughout the land.  He is the nation’s most powerful advocate for abortion.

While the official position of the Church has not changed, the enforcement appears to have.  The modern Catholic Church under Pope Francis is acting like those Democrat prosecutors who express fealty to the law but refuse to enforce it. 

In fact, Pope Francis warmly received Biden in 2021, and according to reports His Holiness never brought up the issue of abortion.  At a subsequent G-20 Summit meeting, Biden claims that the Pope was “happy” that he was a “good Catholic” – and encouraged him to continue taking communion.  Francis never refuted that statement.  If that is true, the Pope drifted far from Catholic orthodoxy.

Like many Catholic politicians who actively support abortion-on-demand, Biden skirted the issue for many years by claiming to be opposed to abortion personally, but not willing to impose his belief on the public in general.  For its part, the Catholic Church (the Pope) has acquiesced to that position by simply not holding them accountable. Since the overturning of Roe v. Wade, Biden has moved from a passive position to an activist position on abortion.

Although Francis has been ducking and dodging the issue, members of the clergy, have acted against politicians supporting abortion.   Catholic clergy has refused the holy sacraments to pro-abortion politicians supporting the expansion of abortion services through legislation, funding and endorsement.

In 2021, The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops voted 222 to 8 approving a document outlining who may receive communion and who may not with abortion as the subtext.  The document was focused on those supporting abortion.  While it did not mention Biden by name, it was clear that the bishops had the newly inaugurated President in mind when they issued the document.  Some say it is a rebuke of the Pope in Rome, who is reluctant to impose Church dogma on powerful Catholic politicians.

Cardinal Wilton Gregory of the Archdiocese of Washington raised the Biden issue by questioning his standing in the Church in view of his aggressive support of abortion.  Father Robert Morey,of Saint Anthony Church in Florence, South Carolina, is among a number of local priests who said they would refuse to administer Communion to Biden in view of his support for abortion.

In my judgment, the Church should either change the rules or enforce the rules.  The current situation simply undermines the moral authority of the Church – and the Pope.  Moral judgment is the existential service of a religion.  Without clear authority or certainty over fundamental moral issues, a religion has nothing to offer.

As a pro-lifer, my issue with Biden is not just his stand on abortion.  It is his hypocritical use of his religion to create a pious public image when he is so obviously in violation of the Catholic Church’s official stand on abortion.  I would be more than willing to ignore this issue if the Church would officially abandon its position on abortion – or Biden concedes that his support of abortion is not in line with the Church … and quit.

Until either of those things happens, Biden is misrepresenting himself to the voting public.  He may be on good terms with God (not my place to opine on that), but I can call him out for presenting himself as something he is not … and that is a “good Catholic.”

And as a footnote, I believe Pope Francis for failing in his role as “defender of the faith.”  Waffling on fundamental dogma weakens the Church – and may be the reason the Roman Catholic Church is suffering a loss of so many “sheep.”

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. JoeyP

    I wonder if “Beijing Joe” Biden’s HYPOCRACY will hold up on JUDGMENT day before God himself? . . . Just ASKIN’.

    • larry Horist

      JoeyP … As I noted in the commentary, I never go there. There is no way one can judge another on that issue But it is appropriate to comment on his apparent conflict on the matter of known Catholic teachings and his public actions — and the fact that despite the disconnect, he uses his religious devotion to the Catholic Church as a positive campaign point. Is he being honest … or is he hypocritical? We have seen many reports of Catholic clergy, cardinals and theologians who argue that Biden is not a “good Catholic.” My raising the issue is hardly new. The commentary again became relevant at this moment because of hie Easter comments.

      • k

        All aborted babes in heaven shall wash their feet in the blood of every abortion pushing evil wicked politician and evil satanic abortion doctor. Psalm 58:10

  2. Rick

    Attending church doesn’t make you Christian. Living Christian principles daily validates your true humanity. Biden is a fraud. If he believes no one notices, this proves he’s a delusional fool.

  3. Andrew Gutterman

    Biden does NOT support abortion. What he does support is allowing women to make that choice on their own, without interference from the STATE. A very subtle distinction that most on the right cannot understand.

    • larry Horist

      Andrew Gutterman … Not addressing your religion –which I do not know– but you are offering the Catholic politician excuse. Biden supports, encourage and promotes the ability of women to have an abortion-on-demand. He does not even support limits that are supported by a majority of Americans — such as a ban on late-term abortions. What you claim as a “subtle distinction” is actually a distinction without a difference. Biden is not against abortion … not opposed to abortion … not anti-abortion. He actively supports the procedure. Therefore, he is pro-abortion as a matter of policy. By your way of thinking, Biden could say that personally does not approve of robbing banks, but does not want to make it illegal — taking away the bank robbers “rights.” And by the way, access to abortion is not a constitutional or inalienable right under the American legal system — just as having a driver license, life insurance and even a job are not “rights.” Abortion is not a right. It is a matter of societal or cultural judgement. That is a clear distinction that those on the left cannot seem to grasp.

      • Frank stetson

        Again, no one is pro abortion except in the minds of those against abortion. It’s a wrong headed term meant to enlist and incite. Certainly not meant to persuade. Just a term for the holier than thou judgmental. .

        • larry Horist

          Frank Stetson …. Why is it so important to you to NOT be labeled as pro-abortion? Do you find it derogatory? embarrassing? Shameful? Does it make you uneasy to say you are pro-abortion? You say the term is used to “incite.” What is it in you that feels you are incited to such negative reactions? Aren’t you proud or even comfortable to be in favor of abortion-on-demand — being pro abortion? Curious minds want know?

      • Tom

        Larry, there are many things the right does not grasp like Biden must be the president of ALL of the people. And right now, a majority of Americans and women support legal abortion, most up to about 15 weeks. The right thinks that Biden must do what they want and that Biden should force Catholic morality on the entire population. But Biden has two lives, his public servant life, and his private citizen life. He supports women having a choice. And in his private life, he supports life as displayed by the fact that his wife before and now have never had an abortion.

        By the way Larry, why is this an issue since Trump now supports up to 15 week abortion? Why are you still supporting Trump?? Why do you support Israel that has one of the most liberal abortion policies in the world? You supporting Trump and Israel has made you a hypocrite.

        • larry Horist

          Tom … You should hardly be claiming to know what I “grasp” … and what about your rather ignorant hypocrisy accusation.?

          First .. YOU did not grasp that my commentary was focused EXCLUSIVELY on the apparent inconsistency between Biden’s claim of being a good Catholic and the Church’s faithful requirements — conditions of membership. And you do not find that hypocritical of Biden? You judgment of hypocrisy appears to be rather biased. One might way … hypocritical.

          Your suggest that my voting decision should be based solely on the abortion rules in Israel and Trump’s 15 week ban. Israel on abortion is irrelevant to my vote and Trump’s 15 week ban still makes him the better choice for me on the issue of abortion. I have many friends and some family who are pro-abortion. Should I disassociate with them? Your calling all that hypocritical is just … sorry to say … effing stupid. If you are going to attack, at least make it something remotely credible. LOL


          Yes Tom, as lapsed Catholic, ie Episcopal, which advocates Pro-Choice, either Horist must leave the church or announce his hypocrite status. Unless he has left already.

          On this story:
          Once again I learn from the preaching of Horist, not from the story, but from researching the story.
          First thing I learned is that: damn, since 2020, there’s a lot of excommunications going on. Not even close to what they need, but it still goes on. Even in rape-baby-abortion cases where victim and doctors alike face the inquisition. Go figure. Used, but seldom used, and most often Bishops get the accused to self-excommunicate. But they term that in Latin, sounds cooler that way.

          Second thing I learned is most excommunications are punishment, not banishment. Republicans favor bans, mandates, banishment, and retribution — so this ain’t their normal fare. You can still go to church, you just can’t partake in some things. And, if you repent, you can be reinstated in the Church. Catholics are big on repent and forgiveness —- you can do horrid things and still make heaven if you repent. Beats Hinduism’s coming back as a slug, but no problem in the horrid stuff.

          And John Wick does not count; he was excommunicado, that’s different and not a real word, I think….

          Everything you want to know: ** straight from the horse’s mouth instead of Horist’s keyboard.

          That said: no, it’s not “ fair to judge one’s relationship with their chosen religious institution where the enshrined moral requirements (rules) can be viewed against known behavior.” Especially when you void separation of church and state to do so.

          I agree — either excommunicate Biden or change the criteria, and you know my opinion on the options. IMO, they are losing people because of outdated beliefs, not excommunication actions or inaction. Given the enforcement level, current excommunications change almost nothing. Most seem to just ignore these outages to retain their faith in the institution. Clergy and members alike.

          “And as a footnote, I believe Pope Francis for failing in his role as “defender of the faith.”” You got a word or too, or a thought missing here?

          “Waffling on fundamental dogma weakens the Church – and may be the reason the Roman Catholic Church is suffering a loss of so many “sheep.”” See above, but I am sure there are many reasons.

          I am the son of retired Catholics turned lazy Catholics, Episcopal, like Hoirst is or was. I am a lapsed Episcopal who has attended every religion’s church or temple upon occasion. I have been to more mitzvahs than most rabbi’s. I was surrounded by Catholics in jr and high school and spent many a day off from public school having fun in Catholic private school. They always have a “father igor, who I could taunt by wearing appropriate shirt n tie, hanging in the hall during class, and then running away when he accosted me. What fun, he could never find the culprit and all students were accounted for. Went to midnight mass on Christmas for a decade. Loved it till we had to hug. Missed the Latin, I can understand it :>) and where else can you practice. But I digress. Everyone of my Catholic friends should be excommunicated according to the rules and I bet everyone of them is still a faithful follower and participant in the Church. Amazingly, this generation did not have a dozen kids per family, so something happening there too. Not anyone’s business and I am sure Jesus and God are OK with them.

          Bottom line: “Until either of those things happens, Biden is misrepresenting himself to the voting public. He may be on good terms with God (not my place to opine on that), but I can call him out for presenting himself as something he is not … and that is a “good Catholic”” is just not true. Everyone, especially Catholics, knows exactly what Biden represents here and it’s little difference from any other Catholic in public office. There is no need to call him out, he has “outed” himself. IMO, he’s as good a Catholic as most, better than many and hard for you to prove otherwise. He is perfectly transparent on these issues. As typical for Biden.

          Now, let’s talk about YOUR GUY, mr I’m gonna get rich selling the bible, religion’s knight who knows nothing about religion and sinner man —- oh yeah, this man knows sin. I mean Bill Clinton is a cad. Donald Trump is a sinner…… Starting with being a sexually abusing digital rapist with a criminal business who steals from his own charity…… or not. Did you buy your Trump Bible yet? $59.99 because he be marketing mousketeer and knows this makes people think “less than $60” is a deal…..

          Meanwhile, in associated news: Bibles have been disappearing from Air Force One and The White House. Expect FBI raid on Mar A Loser any day now :>)

          And in other news, Trump announced the current great economy is running on fumes from his reign. Gee, Don, does that mean your economy ran on Obama fumes? I knew you were sniffing his tailpipe :>)))) Check Lindell TV for this Trump bogus lie. It’s been three plus years Don, we lysol-ed your fumes long ago.

          • larry Horist

            Frank Stetson … Too long to read as usual. But for the record — from what I did take note of in the first graph — I am long gone for organized religions. I have made it a person quest to find that God thing, however. I have my own beliefs, but they do not conform to any of the religions that claim to have all the answers. I have strayed from organized religions to seek my own understanding at least 45 years ago. I do believe on the potential of personal awareness after death, but not in a place or as a person as virtually all religions teach. Other than that, my private writings on the God thing are too extensive and complex for brief discussions. Just wanted to set the record for you.

      • Andrew Gutterman

        Larry….I have no religion. After many years of studying religion I concluded it is all manufactured by humans to not only make themselves feel good and in control, but also to use it to control others.

        With respect to Biden’s beliefs, it’s quite obvious he supports a woman’s right to make that decision on her own, without a religion or anyone else telling her what to do. Again, something most on the right cannot understand, mostly because those on the right are ALL about control. That’s what religion is all about. Controlling people.

        • Patrick Joseph King

          I’m with you, Andrew. I don’t believe any of this nonsense about life after death or a humanoid entity that made everything and that we can importune to change events. I think abortion on demand is a decision for each woman to make for herself. I certainly don’t think that because a person is conceived they must have poverty, abuse, neglect or resentment imposed on them at birth. As Walt Whitman observed, it is sometimes better not to be born. Taking these considerations into account I think, as a Political Conservative, abortion, in many cases, should be compulsory. I am not a Christian or a Christian Conservative and I take Aesop’s Fables far more seriously than I take the Christian Bible.

          • larry Horist

            Patrick Joseph King. You certainly do have an ungodly view of things. I cannot say you are wrong about the nonexistence of life after death. I could agree that it is not the fantastical heaven expressed by major religions. There is no old man in the sky. But my long research has brought me to the belief that there is an eternal force that sets the rules of existence — the science and laws of reality. And I do believe in the LIKELIHOOD of personal awareness after earthly death. I say “likely” because neither side has produced incontrovertible proof one way or the other.

            In your post, I see nothing that supports your claim of political conservatism — but I cannot dispute it either. What I did find chilling was your belief that in many cases abortion “should be compulsory.” To me, that smacks of Nazi-style authoritarianism and genocidal policies. As a pro-lifer, I find it bad enough to ALLOW the termination of healthy developing human beings much less allowing government to REQUIRE it.

  4. Richard

    Here ‘tis. I’m proudly voting for Trump. Our country is being dismantled right before our eyes. The main reasons? Border, lawlessness, indoctrination of our children, gun rights, lack of respect for our laws. And many more. Just to name a few. I don’t care if he fucked stormy Daniels. I don’t care about classified documents. Nobody cared about Hillary and her computer server or the destruction of handheld devices when the crooked cunt was about to be caught. All of that shit could have been proven if people wasn’t afraid of the suicide list. And Trump has a right to voice his opinion about voter fraud. You assholes against Trump deserves to be under communism. You are sucking for it



      “Migration at the U.S.-Mexico border usually increases in springtime. That is not happening in 2024, although numbers are up in Mexico and further south. Increased Mexican government operations to block or hinder migrants are a central reason. Especially striking is migration from Venezuela, which has plummeted at the U.S. border and moved largely to ports of entry. It is unclear why Venezuelan migration has dropped more steeply than that from other nations.”

      “That preliminary March average is smaller than CBP’s daily average in February (6,549, more statistics below). If this holds—we’ll find out in the second half of April, when CBP releases final March numbers—then 2024 could be only the second year this century in which migration declined from February to March. (The other year was 2017, when migration dropped sharply in the three months after Donald Trump’s January inauguration.)”

      “Meanwhile, on March 25 Mexico’s government published data through February showing that its migration authorities encountered almost exactly 120,000 migrants in both January and February. Before January, Mexico’s monthly record for migrant encounters was about 98,000. This is evidence that Mexico’s government has stepped up interdiction of migrants in its territory so far in 2024.”

      Mexico is helping thanks to Joe Biden. These declines may not stick, late April’s release of CBP data will be critical to establishing a trend. And since numbers below the border are still high, it’s dubious as to whether the decline is a trend or a blip due to rhetoric from Abbott. Nonetheless, even IF in decline, and that’s a huge IF, the numbers will be too high. But Biden is showing improvement in 2024 and if Trump could release his votes in Congress to support the Bipartisan bill which includes a version of e-verify, we would end this now. If Congress would pass the Republican e-verify bill sponsored by Grassley and other top Republicans, we could end it. That easy. Tis Republicans blocking, tis Republicans that can help end it. Biden will sign either bill.


        Sorry, here’s the citation: **

        folks should keep this one, it’s a great job and better than the govt’s, at summarized cbp monthly data but putting it in perspective with other elements like Abbott, history, etc. best job I’ve seen so far.

      • Richard

        Thanks to Joe Biden????? You are really a dumbass. And it’s funny how you spin your bullshit. If someone said that Elvis Presley was dead you would say he’s faking it. And it’s equally funny a few stupid people on this site agree with you. Like bruder and Tom and Andrew to name a few. But you have better understand something. Don’t steal the next election. And I don’t have to prove a damned thing. You lefties are hung up on what doesn’t get proven. Fake president Biden doesn’t even know how to wipe his ass. His circle of comrades knows that he’s gone mentally. So show your support for an old fool who grabbed Tara Reid by the pussy and nobody can prove it. Wow!!!!! As in the words of the democrat’s friend Bill Ayers said “guilty as hell, free as a bird. Is America wonderful or what?” Mr ayers was the unrepentant bomber who loaned his home to Obama to launch his political career. What a pathetic excuse for a political party that the democrats are. And to be sure. They will never govern me.


          Dick the dick-less debater has returned saying he don’t do no stinking support for his spew. No you don’t. Because you are a weak, feckless debater of low morals. I blame your parents, if you know them. I will do in the next election, exactly what I did in the last election and you can shove those results into a dark place and then —– rotate. To the left, of course.

          “You lefties are hung up on what doesn’t get proven.” You got that right.

          And you do not get hung up on what can’t be proven and accept Turnip’s lies with gusto.. You probably own a golden pair of kicks and a couple of $59.99 Bibles that you proudly hold upside down to honor Satan. Yeah, you are that stupid.

          You are so stupid that you admit, in your own words, “fool who grabbed Tara Reid by the pussy and nobody can prove it” proving you feel Biden is innocent or you can’t edit worth shit, like a third grader in a snit, can’t even remember what he wanted to say.

          Bill Ayers? A quote from the 80’s about the 60’s? Obama? Proves democrats pathetic? That’s the past — you are pathetic now if you support a sex abusing digital rapist who’s famed business is a criminal enterprise, he steals from his students, he steals from his own charity, he takes billions from the Saudi’s, he loves Putin and will turn any NATO country behind in financial support over to him, and he stockpiles top secret documents while having a communist live at his home. That’s incredibly stupid.

          Democrats govern you today, dumbass. Here’s a buck, buy a clue.

      • larry Horist

        Frank Stetson … The bill allows 4999 migrants a day without any repercussions, like closing the border. That is 5 times more than the 1000 daily crossers that Obama’s head of Homeland Security said was a crisis. And you seem to forget that the Senate has a bill actually passed by the House months before the Senate bill was proposed. Schumer blocked it. That mean Democrats blocked immigration legislation — and the only bill that has actually passed in one of the chambers.. Democrats could end the deadlock by taking up the House bill. They should do that now. The House bill could be debated — even amended and sent back to the house. It could wind up in a joint Senate/House conference committee to work out differences. With the Senate bill dead, Schumer still refuses to allow the House bill to be considered. Schumer is the main reason nothing is moving re immigration. And that is a fact.


          Thanks Larry.

          Schumer is the main reason the House Bill is not moving. It’s a waste of time, good call to save time.

          You say the House bill is chill and if issues, we can amend. Gee, it was amended toot sweet to get by Republicans in the House. Not one Democrat voted for it telling you guys it was DOA in the Senate.

          Likewise, the Senate bill is chill, Bipartisan in that Republicans created it with Democrats as in YES, it has some Republican votes, unlike the DOA House bill. It too can be amended.

          So, right back at ya, big guy. Your turn.

          On the 5,000. First, it’s not an allowance, but a bar. It’s actually 4,000/day for seven days for DHS authority to close the border totally OR 5,000/day for the same to MANDATE closure OR 8,500 on a single day to MANDATE closure. Once closed, anyone, illegal or not, will be denied asylum and immediately deported. How long the closure lasts does not seem to be mandated, so I guess —– forever?

          I like the intent, the thresholds can always be argued.

          I believe the 1,000 per day under Obama was the threshold to call it a “crisis,” but not sure any mandates or even actions were prescribed AND certainly not MANDATES.

          Trump just broke our international agreement on Asylum and did something else. Frankly, while he is a cruel, un-Christian, POS, there is something to be said for rhetoric to frighten asylees from trying. Then again, he might just cast them to their death. God can judge him on that one.

          Unless you have to win and only the House bill will do, either Bill may be amended to our desires. I say start with the bipartisan, it has votes from both sides already and expect during 2024, Trump would move to kill any immigration legislation UNLESS he wrote it, signed it, and could get paid for it, in cash.


      We’re not sure he fucked Stormy Daniels. I am hoping for lurrid details during the case but pretty sure I will be disappointed since the case is not about the fucking, but it’s about the electorate being fucked.

      You see dear Richard, is what happened that Trump, so afraid of losing the 2016 to Hillary, that he rigged the election by hiding Stormy’s story from the press, from the electorate. It’s actually a minor case, but its a criminal case with potential jail time attached. Cohen served three years, mostly home confinement, with is fine by me for Don. He can even golf…. I don’t care.

      He charged with 31 felonies. He is unindicted co-conspirator numero uno in Cohen case, the end does not look good for The Don. He is alledged to have falsified internal business records (his company is criminally convicted already of similar charges) to cover up and illegally influence the 2016 election. He cheated on records 34 times on Cohen payments. Similar testimony will come from a Playboy model he did the same with. Some of this was done as Melanoma was giving birth to Barron. Your kind of guy, we know. There’s even the possibility of hearing from the doorman who has the story of Trump’s love child, a third walk-on-the-wild side by Don. That’s on top of his sexual abuse of EJ and others. Suffice it to say, Melania lives with him, might dine with him, but does not sleep with him anymore. Her communist in laws live there too, right next to the top secret documents. Your kind of guy. We know. Horist has the same high morals and principles.

      We may hear from Pecker on the subject too and let’s face it, hearing from Trump’s friend, his Pecker, never gets old for laughs.

      But the fact is that The Don is so scared of losing to Hillary that he’s paying off people left and right, perhaps with campaign funds, to stop bad news for him from coming out. Kind of like hiding emails…. but criminal is the eyes of the law. At least for Cohen where Don was unindicted co-conspirator number one. So it does not look good.

      A minor case, won’t change your mind since he’s just fucking a few on the side, but it will be a criminal conviction. And, my friends, that is PRICELESS. It will be a new record, one that Biden will never match.

  1. Frank Danger .... Lots of opinion and not a scintilla of evidence. Where is your proof, old man? Funny how…