Diversity programs promote tribalization

It is one of those chicken or egg questions. Did tribalization of the American culture result in the various so-called diversity laws and programs? Or … are the programs the unfortunate outcome of tribalization?
Regardless of the genesis, one thing is painfully obvious. The once dominant American culture has now been Balkanized into an array of special interest groups in a state of competition for wealth and power. There is no longer an overarching dedication to a common American culture. In fact, there seems to be a profound disdain for American culture, history and exceptionalism among the radical left.
No matter the positive motivations by the proponent of the universal diversity matrix, the consequences have been destructive to the cohesive cultural bond. In every portion of American life – government, business, entertainment, news, education, religion – we see the stresses and impacts of forced diversity trumping unity.
Even when political and cultural questions rage, there can be unifying acceptance of an overarching bond of common belief. Since patriotism is the reflection of a devotion to a culture, it is the primary victim of the breakdown of a culture. We can see when e pluribus unum gave way to tribalization by the disrespect for the iconic symbols and rituals of unity Patriotism collapses.
The attacks on the flag … the National Anthem … and the Pledge of Allegiance … are indicative of the rejection of the common bond. They are the primary manifestations of unity and patriotism. Reject them, and you reject commitment to a common culture. Not feeling patriotic and proudly saluting the flag, singing the National Anthem or reciting the Pledge of Allegiance are overt rejections of a common American culture.
Fewer and fewer folks living in America display the flag on holidays. It is also used to express contempt for the American culture the flag symbolizes – it burned, stomped on and generally mistreated by those with grievances against America.
The playing or singing of the National Anthem is waning. Virtually all media outlets played the National Anthem at some point in the broadcast day. Today, only FOX News maintains that tradition. Playing the National Anthem is no longer an integral part of sports events. And when it is played, individual players and fans disrespect both the flag and the National Anthem.
The once ubiquitous Pledge of Allegiance has vanished from public schools – along with the National Anthem. They are no longer fixed features of civic and political dinners. What can be more indicative of the rejection of a belief in a common culture than to reject an expression of allegiance to it?
As devotion to a common American culture wanes, we see the symbols of tribalism rise to preeminence. In the past, the division of our citizenry subcategories — such as Italian-American or gay-American – left the emphasis on American. The gay flag and colors are seen more than the American flag or red, white and blue graphics in many places. The American Black community evolved into a tribe with its own “national anthem” and holiday, Kawanza, as a rival to Christmas. After hundreds of years on North American soil, Blacks embraced a faux African tribal culture. Muslims matriculating to America want to enforce their traditions over those of American culture and live under Sharia Law. There have been cases in which immigrants from India have engaged in “honor killing” against offspring taking up American ways.
Forced diversity is creating nonsensical situations in academia. Diversity programs in institutions of higher learning like Harvard have put the enrollment of Asians in opposition to the enrollment of Blacks. They compete based on tribal markers – skin color – and not academic excellence.
The new diversity rules in Hollywood have pitted historic reality against arbitrary standards. The Oscar for Best Picture can no longer be awarded to the best picture, but to the best picture that complies is strict diversity requirements. A director who wants the coveted Oscar would have to bend history in a movie about Henry VIII by having a royal court composed of Blacks, Asians and a transgender or two.
The crisis at the southern border is another product of tribalism. People enter America in violation of the national laws. While they seek a better life or in some cases the pursuit of crime, they are not “pledged” to the American culture. They access many of the rights of citizenship without taking on the responsibilities of citizenship. They become a special interest group and, at best, assimilate into one of the established American tribes.
While conservatives have seen America as the melting pot in which each culture contributes to America, but where a process of generational assimilation melds people into a multi-cultural individual – a cultural American. Those on the left, who make diversity an institutional prerequisite, see America as a bucket of rocks – white, black, brown, red and yellow – that permanently exist as competitive cultures.
Natural diversity and assimilation are key elements of an immigrant culture as is the United States. Conversely racial and other prejudices are rooted out by education and law. However, the progressive’s forced diversity programs have been destructive to the American culture by shattering the concepts of assimilation, unity and e pluribus unum into a land of a complex network competing tribal interests played against each other for political advantage.
Forced diversity is a byproduct of woke identity politics. Both are divisive. Both breakdown the overarching American culture into rival tribes being pitted against each other by the political puppet masters of the progressive left.
American culture is based on protecting diversity – minority protections – while promoting assimilation. Locking diverse groups into permanent political classes is, by definition, tribalization – and is contrary to the traditional American culture, American Exceptionalism and what made America great. The greatest threat to the American Republic is tribalization based on identity politics.
So, there ‘tis.
It must be sad behind your rose-colored victim glasses.
You say the pledge of allegiance is disappearing from public schools while 47 states mandate it, by law. Many times, there can be qualified exceptions like in your state of ex-candidate, current vp hopeful, DeSantistan where you need a parents permission. Other states, a long list, no exceptions.
Sorry. Busted. Don’t your editors check this shit?
Frank Stetson … you need to read past the headlines. The law or rules covering the Pledge of Allegiance differs from states to state — even in the 47 states you mention. In most states, there is no requirement to say the Pledge at the start of each day. While the Pledge cannot be banned from schools, it is mostly up to administrators to determined as to when and how often it is used. In addition, the mandates you cite allow for students to opt out of the pledge for a variety of reasons — even if they just do not want to do so. The Pledge and National Anthem have been under attack by elements of the radical left for years. This has resulted in a sharp decline in the incorporation of them in schools, sports events, civic events and even political events. Many teachers and school administrators simply ignore mandates since there are no repercussions. The imagery of students standing in their classroom saying the Pledge each morning is more romanticism than fact. What needs to be checked is the shit you espouse on a regular basis. And always with your pathetic snarky anti-Horist spin.
Sorry, but really, the gloom n doom of the perpetual victim is mood altering at times… this one was really dark.
The HILL, from 2022 seems to disagree with your premise re; the pledge, which I would agree, has been under attack forever.
“Forty-seven states in the U.S. require the Pledge of Allegiance be recited in public schools, with varying exemptions for students or staff who wish to opt out. The 1943 U.S. Supreme Court ruling, West Virginia V. Barnette, determined that no school or government can compel someone to recite the Pledge of Allegiance or salute the flag.”
“But states can still require it while offering exemptions. And states have varying levels of exemptions — for example, Florida and Texas allow for a student to be exempted from reciting the Pledge of Allegiance only if a parent or guardian consents.”
Sure seems like it’s the law in almost all States. Here’s a lefty article telling you basically how to opt out of the pledge and it sure seems like there is no tsunami of naysayers on this one. Perhaps you have a different source for your conclusions.
“Most states – 46 out of 50 – do have some requirement that the pledge be recited in schools. These requirements usually state that schools must set aside a time during which students will be led in the pledge, or else schools may be penalized.
In 34 states, there are stated exemptions or requirements that schools remind students that they cannot be forced to say the pledge.
In four states – Florida, Pennsylvania, Texas and Utah – permission from a parent or guardian is required to opt out of saying the pledge. However, in March 2022, a Texas student who refused to write the pledge as part of a classroom assignment won a $90,000 lawsuit against a teacher.
In eight states – California, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, Nevada and New Mexico – classroom pledge requirements do not explain how students can opt out. Students in those states could challenge the requirement on First Amendment grounds, if required to say the pledge in violation of their beliefs.
Four states – Arizona, Hawaii, Vermont and Wyoming – do not currently require schools to set aside time for saying the pledge.”
Frank Stetson … You are rather laboriously long as usual, but thanks for proving my point that the Pledge is both under attack and not in daily use as was common in the past. It is part of the greater decline in patriotism (unity) — leading to tribalism — that seems beyond your grasp. But thanks for the support even if you did not intend it.
You are always 100% correct in your own mind especially if you refuse to open it to the facts. Very Trumpian of you to reject the truth and cover your lie with yet another lie.
YOU said: “The once ubiquitous Pledge of Allegiance has vanished from public schools.” You said it. Vanished,.
Gone. Impossible to even find. VANISHED. After I factually proved you 100% wrong, completely off base, totally looney tunes on the topic, you continue to avoid the truth, which means you are expressing a lie, a fabrication, in view of the truth.
On my second retort, I added: “which I would agree, has been under attack forever,” which you seem to think is what the debate was about given your need to be right even if you have to forget what you wrote. It does not forgive or forget your original lie.
Fact is, Mr. Horist, it’s pretty hard to find any mandate that is not under attack from the day it is issued but who cares. We were discussing your statement which is totally untrue.
The FACT remains it’s the law in 47 states and a number of the other states do it at the school board level, with some allowed exceptions, which pretty much says IT”S THE LAW OF THE LAND and you, sir, seem to be a sham. And a shame.
Good try, keep on spinning.
……And YOU are so perfect? Is your name Jesus Christ?
Really, you can not drive without a license, you can not vote unless you are a citizen, you can not own a gun unless you registrar it,
the list goes on and on until you get to the states that mandate the Pledge.
It is the teachers that it all comes down to, then the Administration and up the ladder.
Talk about Black and White Facts!
Darren … one small correction. in some states, illegal immigrants are allowed to vote in local elections. As I noted … and Frank confirmed — the mandates in support of the Pledge and NOT in all states ,… are NOT specific in terms of when and where … do NOT require all students … and are NOT enforced when even those vague mandates are routinely not obeyed. But my more important point was the fact that identity politics
and its siamese twin, political correctness, breaks down society into competing identities. While I see myself and others as Americans, those on the left want me to be first identified as “white” “male” with American as an after thought. Identity politics is evil … and the primary source of disunity and conflict.
Mr. Horist: I most certainly did not say all that you noted that I did when I said:
“Forty-seven states in the U.S. require the Pledge of Allegiance be recited in public schools, with varying exemptions for students or staff who wish to opt out. The 1943 U.S. Supreme Court ruling, West Virginia V. Barnette, determined that no school or government can compel someone to recite the Pledge of Allegiance or salute the flag.”
You now say the laws “are NOT specific in terms of when and where … do NOT require all students … and are NOT enforced when even those vague mandates are routinely not obeyed.”
The Hill article says: “Most states – 46 out of 50 – do have some requirement that the pledge be recited in schools. These requirements usually state that schools must set aside a time during which students will be led in the pledge, or else schools may be penalized.
It is the law in 47 states (DC in there), there can be exceptions, in some places there are not. In the 4 states it is not THE LAW, school boards have often set the regulation that the pledge is a mandate.
As to the law’s specificity as to time and place of said mandate’s implementation, I don’t have a clue and would hazard you have less. And the rest of your diatribe is a giant non-sequitur of red herrings.
At least you’ve moved on from your original lie even if you don’t have the balls to admit you were BUSTED, correctly, fairly, and honestly with a lack of brevity for all.
Frank Stetson … Thank you again for affirming my point that the laws have no specificity as to when, where and how often the Pledge is to be said. My central point stands — that it is a declining activity. Not sure why you say I am busted, but that is your obsession. I liked your “for all” at the end — as if you have an audience beyond single digits. A little delusional arrogance??? LOL
“Frank Stetson … Thank you again for affirming my point that the laws have no specificity as to when, where and how often the Pledge is to be said.”
And for the fourth time: “YOU said: “The once ubiquitous Pledge of Allegiance has vanished from public schools.” You said vanished. Gone. Impossible to even find. VANISHED. After I factually proved you 100% wrong, completely off base, totally looney tunes on the topic, you continue to avoid the truth, which means you are expressing a lie, a fabrication, in view of the truth.”
How hard is it to admit your misstatement? How manly is it to shirk the truth? Why attempt to spin pure bullshit? Do your really think that your readers are stupid enough to believe this? You think they can’t read?
And your “. I liked your “for all” at the end — as if you have an audience beyond single digits. A little delusional arrogance??? LOL” is just demeaning to me and my homage to The Three Musketeers, brave protectors of the truth and King against lying scoundrel rogues as yourself. The only reason I would have a low readership is if YOU have a low readership. I am the fruit of your poisonous tree of lies. So, no shit, Sherlock, brilliant observation, again, where you have no proof, Captain Oblivious.
But you do like to count and measure where you can say yours is bigger than the other guy’s and that makes you the better man. What a guy. What a man. What a victim. What a Trumplicant. Yeah, you’re a Trumplicant, fully feathered and waiting to be tarred for lying.
Changing your lie to: “My central point stands — that it is a declining activity” is a modification of your actual statement that you steadfastly refuse to own up to and thus: BUSTED. Give back your “award-winning debater” awards as you like to frequently tout your master-debating status. Not to mention that you seem to be pulling this little factoid of the vanishing of the pledge out of your ass and have not a shred of evidence beyond the paranoid emotions of the perpetual victim whose audience has victim emotions too. But yes, I do have some arrogance; have to if one is going to respond to this pile of shit.
As I said: “You are always 100% correct in your own mind especially if you refuse to open it to the facts. Very Trumpian of you to reject the truth and cover your lie with yet another lie.”
Let me know when you want to actually debate on the merits of the actual argument versus your little donnybrook dust-up here.
Could have been a simple oooops, but you just can’t do it, can you. Just like Trump in that regard.
Frank Stetson … My, my, my Little Frankie has his undies in a bunch again. From what I read of your overlong defensive screed, you have brought projection to a new high. Your repeated … and repeated … and repeated claim to be the purveyor of truth is beyond laughable. — but it makes me laugh anyway. Your ankle-biter obsessive commitment to be the curmudgeon counterpoint to me and every other writer on PBP is pathetic. And your claim to be interested in discussing merits in a civil manner is proven to be a lie by your own constant insults, criticisms and bullshit — mostly off subject. Do you really think your long factually challenged personal attack screeds serve any purpose other than venting your spleen? Your manifest desire to be the constant counterpoint to every writer on PBP is a weird obsession. I honestly do not know how you can have so much time to devote to your obsession and have any sort of meaningful life beyond PBP. But if it makes you happy, so be it. Rage on, MacDuff!! Rage on!
That’s because ONLY he is right. WE and you are all wrong or lie, according to how Stetson presents himself. He has to always be correct about everything. Let’s change his name to Jesus.
Americafirst … Don’t do that. I have wonderful Hispanic friends whose names are Jesus. LOL
Horist says the pledge is disappearing, gonzo, but everyday there are legal battles, lawsuits and ore over the subject. Like all of our rights, it’s always under attack, but the evidence seems to say, it’s alive and has a big dog in the fight that Horist can’t even see.
I quickly found six links to six cases, but PB free speech will not let me post. USA Today is a bridge too far.
Frank Stetson … Of course there are cases … proving my point that the Pledge is under assault from the left. Thank you for AGAIN reaffirming the central point of the commentary. And all our rights are not under attack in the same way. There are differences in those fighting against our rights and against American culture. Your one-size-fits-all is an inaccurate simple view coming from a … well you know. P.S. This commentary is already three days old and superseded by several others. Essentially, no one is reading this. LOL This entire thread is you
and me — with one short comment from Darren. That is why I limit my responses to very few words when I have a moment to spare — and even then, wonder why I bother.
How many Palestinians have been killed by Israel?
More than 15,900 Palestinians killed in Gaza since Oct. 7 -Palestinian health minister. RAMALLAH, West Bank, Dec 5 (Reuters) – More than 15,900 Palestinians, including 250 health workers, have been killed in Gaza since the outbreak of war on Oct. 7,
see why Israel can kill innocent children with American taxpayer at
See how innocent children are killed by the most poufel American arms at
Al Jazeera Arabic Live
if you do not do something then you do not have a HART