In Disney’s new Christmas mini-series, Santa Clauses, the network depicts children dancing with letters that are supposedly supposed to spell out “we love you, Santa,” but the kids “accidentally” got mixed up and spelled “We Love You Satan” instead.
Some people think it’s just a funny joke but some media outlets are encouraging parents to think long and hard about the long-term damage from these types of messages to young, impressionable minds.
“This is the world we live in right now, and it’s very sad and disappointing. Be cautious about what you’re letting your kids watch,” one mom wrote on Facebook. “I am not one to nitpick shows because I know they have corny jokes in pretty much all shows, but to me, this is not a joke when you have a bunch of kids (elves) holding signs that say ‘we love you, Satan’ because they’ve misspelled it.’”
Watch The Controversial Clip
The Santa Clauses is a new children’s tv series on Disney + and is a reboot of the film The Santa Clause starring Tim Allen.
The scene where the children were filming was reportedly one of the many comedic scenes in the movie. However, a lot of parents aren’t laughing.
Disney’s Financial Woes
The New York Times reports that Disney’s “direct-to-consumer unit racked up $1.5 billion in losses” in the most recent quarter. Their huge losses resulted in Disney’s CEO, Bob Chapek, being replaced with former CEO, Bob Iger.
Iger met with employees on Monday upon his return and informed everyone that the hiring freeze would remain in place, and went on to address Disney’s overall “cost structure.”
Many parents canceled their Disney+ subscription after Disney went on a “woke” brigade and reportedly offered financial help to its employees’ children who wanted gender reassignment surgery.
Most recently, the $180 million film Disney released, Strange World, was a box office flop over the weekend, reportedly only raking in $24 million.