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Disinformation Board is “Paused” – But Where Is the Rage?

The Biden Administration has put the disinformation board on “pause”, and looney tunes Nina Jankowicz has resigned. Her quote is:

“Every characterization of the board that you heard up until now has been incorrect, and frankly, it’s kind of ironic that the board itself was taken over by disinformation when it was meant to fight it,” she said.

Bulls^&%t!!  We knew exactly what the disinformation board was for.  As did she.  Her job in a nutshell was to investigate and attempt to silence trains of thought that did not agree with her bosses in the Biden Administration. Censorship. The beginnings of Orwell’s Ministry of Truth.

Where is the rage?

Republicans were about to attempt to pass a law defunding this.  That is fine.  

But I expected universal outrage. I expected every leader from everywhere to say “What the Hell?” I expected every pundit to write and comment about this in eloquent ridicule. I expected everyone who has ever taken civics class in school to contact their reps. I even expected elected Democrats to say “Come on Joe, you can’t do that.”

But this was all taken with a kind of relaxed complacency. Most people seemed to have missed the point.

And the point is this. The government is not in charge of “truth.” The government gets its “truth” from the people. Any effort by the government to silence an American citizen who disagrees with the current administration by calling their words “disinformation”  is grossly interfering with the most basic right in our Constitution – freedom of speech. And giving the government the power to censor its citizens in this way is too much power for the government to have. How do I know that? Because that is what it says in the Constitution, the document we are all a party to as citizens of the United States of America.

It doesn’t matter if that citizen is right or wrong, or insensitive, or has an agenda (Yes, I know the “fire in a crowded theater” exception – if you think that carries weight here, then you need to go back to high school civics class). It is not the government’s job to “correct” its citizens by force. We are free to correct ourselves, to make mistakes, or more importantly, to just tell the freakin’ government how screwed up it is.

And no, it is not required that we trust our government.  It is ours. We can criticize it, protest it, slander it, and occasionally we can throw the bastards out!

Let me continue my rant, go just a bit crazy and ask my audience a question.

If such a board developed to become the de facto censorship board that we fear it would, would you consider civil war?

When I went to work for the CIA, I swore an oath.

That oath was to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Any questions?

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