Among those regularly responding to my commentaries are two or three who have created a mythical Larry Horist as a straw man to their most critical comments – attributing to his traits and opinions that I do not necessarily possess. It is sort of an alternative world political doppelganger.
The readers prop up that other Larry Horist as an evil extreme right-winger … a Trump cultist … an unhappy loser … a senile old man. Apparently, the role of the duplicate Larry Horist is being played out by left-wing Democrats for the purpose of damaging the true Republican and conservative causes. (What villainy!!)
My Identity is being stolen to undermine the real me as a conservative political commentator – and rather nice guy. (Oh, the calamity!!!) While my doppelganger is cast as a racist … an angry and bitter person, the real Larry Horist is super tolerant and has never hated a person in his life – and certainly not any category of folks. While the doppelganger is dour and dark, the real me is a most happy fellow with a well-established sense of humor. While the doppelganger me is argumentative and a bit pugnacious, the real Larry Horist is … uh … okay, I will give you that one.
How do I know that the mythical doppelganger Larry Horist is working for the Democrats? Weeelll …
It seems the alternative world Larry Horist is in cahoots with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi – and other Democrat candidates and organizations. (Such treachery!!!) I know this because I often get emails from the doppelganger Larry Horist to me, the real Larry Horist, soliciting funds for radical Democrat causes and Pelosi’s own pack.
That is right. Sometimes I am in the “From” box with Pelosi (as you see in the image atop this commentary). Sometimes I get solicitation emails just from me to me.
I have tried to get Pelosi and others to stop using my name to solicit money for left-wing causes. It seems like that should be illegal. It could undermine my reputation as a dedicated conservative. Folks might think I have become another Adam Kinzinger, Liz Cheney, Michael Steele, or any of those other one-time conservative Republicans who crossed over to be false flaggers.
But they are not the victims of some errant doppelganger. They are real apostates.
Since I thought that such political mischief may be a violation of federal election laws, I sent a complaint letter to the Federal Election Commission when these emails started to appear. I sent similar letters to the Department of Justice and the Florida Attorney General – thinking that such misrepresentation would violate both federal and state laws. I must be wrong since they never responded. (Oh, the disappointment!!!)
I contacted my Internet Provider Service to see if they knew how I could get Nancy & Company to remove my name as a solicitor of Democrat donations. I was advised that it happens all the time and there is not much that can be done about it.
Of course, I replied to the email solicitations asking the real senders to cease and desist – to remove my name from their email list. That did not work either. Perhaps they did not respond because I did not send money. The emails from the alternative me keep coming. In fact, they have been coming for several years.
Apparently, it is something that a person has to live with. The fix is far too complicated for such a minor issue – too small to get the attention of those who could take real action. It is like all those phony PayPal, IRS, and Walmart emails that warn of money being taken from my bank account unless I call a number. I never do. (And woe to those who do.)
If nothing more, Pelosi and the Democrats do keep me informed of their fundraising issues and techniques – and occasionally, that inspires a commentary pushing back on their lies and propaganda. In the meantime, if you get a communication from the Larry Horist doppelganger, do not make a contribution. LOL
So, there ‘tis.