The radical left Democratic Party – and their loyal allies in the press – have a peculiar idea of how to save democracy and the American Republic from authoritarianism. They want to establish a one-party rule.
But – you may ask – isn’t one-party rule the very definition of … authoritarianism? Yes! One-party rule is the model of government we see in Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Belarus — AND New York, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, Baltimore, and other American Democratic strongholds.
I am not speaking of communities in which one or the other party may hold major offices at various times, but where one-party functions with virtually no representation of a second political force. There is no “loyal opposition” because there is NO opposition at all.
These one-party governments tend to be headed by the party that favors a strong regulatory central government – controlled by a permanently empowered elected official/bureaucratic elite combine. In such a governing model at a national level, all power rests with the central government. The municipal or provincial governments are merely an extension of the central government – with no exceptional rights or privileges.
So … in America, which of the two major political parties is most like that authoritarian model? Take of few minutes to respond, if you need them.
America was founded on an almost unique system – a bit of genius. In a world that was almost entirely composed of governments headed by autocrats – kings, czars, emperors, potentates, and tribal chieftains – America’s Founders reversed the political polarity. They rejected the top-down form of authoritarian government for a governance model that favored a bottom-up democracy in which all rights and powers belong FIRST to the people.
A system in which all levels of government draw their powers from the people. To reinforce the concept, they drafted a Constitution that creates a federal system – meaning that the several states have rights protected from an oppressive central government. They made their intention clear with the Tenth Amendment of the Bill of Rights, which states that “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
The Tenth Amendment is among the most important – but the most ignored amendments as more and more powers are assumed by Washington. This shift is creeping authoritarianism.
Oh! Have you made your choice as to which of the two major political parties has authoritarian tendencies? If you selected the Democratic Party, win a virtual Kewpie Doll.
I know those on the left are going to have an apoplectic reaction to my contention. After all, they claim that it is the Republican Party that is trying to seize control of the national government to set up the reign of King Trump the First. They peddle that narrative with a conspiracy theory about an ongoing attempted coup that involves Republican leaders and voters throughout the nation.
Like political Chicken Littles, Democrats and the left-leaning media claim that the riot on Capitol Hill came within a hair’s breadth of ending democracy and bringing down the Republic. In reality, their so-called insurrection was an unfortunate riot that interrupted the important work of Congress for a few hours. The motivation of the demonstrators – notwithstanding a few nutcase exceptions – was never to violently flip the election to Trump – but rather to enable recounts and audits.
To keep the narrative that Republicans are the authoritarians going, Democrats have invented an ongoing coup attempt. They tried to make the 500 hundred people who demonstrated on Capitol Hill in September as evidence of the slow rolling coup. The fact that none of that rather small crowd were armed and there was no violence – and none of the predicted protests in cities and towns across the nation ever took place — has not dissuaded Democrats from engaging in their insurrection/coup political fantasy. It is the propaganda grist for the left’s political mill.
In addition to spreading this slander against an entire political party and some 75 million voters as leverage in the upcoming 2022 midterm elections, Democrats proffer this nonsense as a means of deflecting from their own historic authoritarian instincts.
Democrats have long been a party of government – powerful government. Wherever the Democratic Party has taken root, they have gradually assumed more and more power – until any meaningful opposition is crushed.
One only needs to recall what was commonly referred to as the SOLID Democrat south – and the brutality of their oppressive one-party rule. Most of our major cities have evolved into one-party authoritarian governance for generations. And the spread continues.
In my own experience, I have seen the once Republican suburbs of Chicago be taken over by the Democratic Party – then what are known as the “collar counties.” In my lifetime, Illinois has moved from a Republican-leaning swing state to a solid blue state. Same with California and New York State.
If you track the expansion of the federal government, you will always see Democrat policies leading the way. While the evolution is slow but persistent, there are times of quantum leaps in empowering the federal government – meaning stripping power away from states and municipalities. President Woodrow Wilson introduced the income tax and automatic withholding – a scheme that enabled the federal government to build a huge treasury.
President Roosevelt used the Great Depression to take the management of welfare from the states and municipalities. He participated in changing the definition of civil rights from those rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness — as delineated in the Declaration of Independence and enshrined in virtually every section of the Constitution — to a civil right of welfare dependency. As the old Democrat political machines traded votes for coal, modern Democrats trade taxpayer money in the form of welfare, grants, subsidies, contracts and wages for votes. FDR also gave us Social Security – probably the worst possible investment, with what we take out having less purchasing power than what we put in.
President Johnson brought us Medicare and the War on Poverty – two ENORMOUSLY expensive and wasteful programs that created more constituents for big government policies, but did little to alleviate the suffering of the poor. Then there was Obamacare and now we have Democrats attempting to put the coup de grace to any notion of states rights and bottom-up governance.
Democrats today –with the help of the elitist east coast news media – are openly calling for the elimination of the Republican Party. They make no secret that their condemnation and demonization of the GOP is for one purpose – to drive the Party out of the offices of governance.
They make no secret of their plan. One of the main talking-points in the Democrat playbook is that the GOP is too dangerous to govern anywhere in the country. In the cities. In the state legislatures. In Congress … and most certainly in the White House. It is not about President Trump. He is only the political poster child for their ambition
Democrat officials and media personalities appear frequently to spread the Chicken Little propaganda – and they are not subtle. “Republicans must be defeated in 2022,” they say – outright claiming that the Republic will fall if the GOP gains a foothold on power. The Washington Post’s Eugene Robinson repeatedly calls for the Republican Party to be “annihilated … crushed” (his words).
There you have it. The Democratic Party idea of protecting the Republic … the democracy … is to have the only viable opposition to authoritarian rule annihilated … crushed. And if you think that makes sense, you are not thinking.
So, there ‘tis.