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Democrats Have Been Racist for Generations

White Democrat leaders have pulled the racism card to keep Blacks voting Democrat since they predominantly switched from the Party of liberation and freedom – the Republican Party – to the Party of generational dependency – the Democratic Party — in the early 1930s.

When Black voters started returning to the GOP in the late 1930s, Democrats developed a racist scheme first introduced in Chicago by William Dawson, a Black public official appointed to preside over the segregated Black community.

His plan was sinister and simple.  Keep the population segregated, impoverished and therefore controllable by replacing the basic constitutional and human rights to an education, jobs, social mobility and safety with the new civil right of welfare – and with it, generational welfare dependency. 

The plan was so successful that Dawson was elected to Congress from Chicago.  President Roosevelt appointed him vice chairman of the Democratic National Committee with the sole duty to spread his scheme throughout the nation.  And well he did.

In 1944 – facing a revolt from the Black community – President Truman issued Executive Order 9981, integrating the armed forces.  As a result, the NAACP canceled a planned march on Washington targeting the President’s civil rights policies – and Truman won re-election by a narrow margin over Republican Thomas Dewey.  Truman never fully implemented his own Executive Order for the next four years – leaving it up to Republican President Eisenhower to complete the job of desegregating the military in the early 1950s.

When President Johnson passed the War on Poverty legislation, he inadvertently alluded to the welfare dependency scheme when he told a group of southern senators that the law “would keep n***ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years.”  (Johnson was once called “the connoisseur of the n-word”).  Of course, that meant keeping urban Blacks segregated, impoverished and welfare dependent in order to control their vote.  Johnson’s prediction has already been holding for more than 50 years.

For more than 150 years – since the Great Northern Migration following the Civil War —  masses of Black Americans have been retained and restrained in the same segregated urban ghettoes – with many of the same deprivations and hostility they faced in the days of Jim Crow.

The reality is that almost all systemic racism has been the byproduct of decades upon decades of DEMOCRATIC Party leadership in the major American cities where ghettoization has been – and remains — iconic. Democrats would have the American public believe that racists in America is a pandemic issue among the White population – especially White Republican population.  Yet, virtually all the manifestations of systemic racism are where Democrats control the systems.

Today, Democrats point to systemic racism in policing throughout the country.  In fact, the killings of Black men and women by White police officers that have resulted in those frequent civic protests and riots have been in police departments controlled by Democrat political machines of long-standing.

To the extent systemic racism may exist in America, it exists as a residual of the historic racial oppression of Negro Americans by Democrat regimes – first in the former Confederate (read that Democrat) states and subsequently in our still Democrat-controlled segregated and impoverished urban ghettoes. History attests to the FACT that systemic racism has existed — and does exist – in its most virulent forms wherever Democrat political machines maintain one-party control – and the longer and deeper the control, the worse the systemic racism.

If you want to make the George Floyd case more than an outlier crime by a rogue cop – but rather an indication of longstanding systemic racism within the police profession – then remember that the police force in Minneapolis is under the direct authority of the Democrat leadership of that city – and indirectly influenced by the Democratic leadership at the state level.  Republicans have only held the mayor’s office in Minneapolis for five years since 1945 – and not at all since 1978.

The prosecutors in the Floyd case  were correct in their closing argument when they explained to the jury that this case was NOT about policing in general, but only about the crime of a single rogue officer.  President Biden was correct when he said that most cops are good people doing a good job.

But that is not the mendacious political narrative that dominates Democrat rhetoric and that the supplicant news media gratuitously spreads. Vice President Kamala Harris talked about America’s “long history of systemic racism.”  And even after claiming most police to be good, Biden jumped aboard the false political narrative of endemic racists in police departments across the nation. 

Democrats who know better, have conjured up the old “Jim Crow” allusion to create a grossly exaggerated sense of victimhood – and then falsely applying the problem to White Republican racism – distracting from their own culpability in the maintenance of the last gasps of real systemic racism.

While one can understand the purpose behind the Democrat lies as the foundation of political power and profit, the purveyors of this grand prevarication are doing great damage to the comity of we the people and to the image of the United States abroad.  It is an unfortunate and unnecessary policy of self-hatred on a national level.

As I have written in the past, we are not a racist nation.  I will repeat one basis for my opinion from my past writings because it bears repeating … and repeating. 

“If we take a fresh look at America, we might just discover that we are not a nation of racists after all, but rather the victims of racial baiting by politicians and the mainstream media.  We should keep in mind that billions of times every day … yes, billions … black and white Americans smile and nod to each other as we pass on the streets.  We serve each other in restaurants and stores.  We work side-by-side in factories and offices.  We do favors for each other.  We come to each other’s aid. We cheer alongside each other on both sides of every sports arena.  We play on the same teams.  We chat on social media.  We die alongside each other in battle.   We become lifelong friends. We adopt each other.  We fall in love and marry each other. We laugh together at the same movies and we weep together at shared tragedies.”

America is among the least racist and most tolerant nations on earth.  Democrats engage in their desperate lie about racism because they understand that their hold on power is dependent on maintaining the overwhelming vote of Black Americans – and that hold depends on their false racial narratives.  It is no coincidence that Democrats maintain their highest percentage of the vote among Black Americans trapped in the segregated inner cities where the population and the vote is most controlled – and where counterpoint communication is censored to the greatest degree. 

There is an admonition in the Bible that “the truth shall make you free.”  That is true for those inner-city Blacks who suffer from lack of education, jobs, public safety, social mobility and economic opportunity in our still segregated urban ghettoes.  But the truth is not being heard.

So, there ‘tis.

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