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Democrats Commit Vote Fraud

Stop The Steal Protest

From Democrats — and their crony allies in the Fourth Estate — we hear claims that Republicans are lying about vote fraud in the 2020 election and trying to win elections in the future by rigging the system.  To carry this narrative the politicians and the press are engaging in a massive disinformation campaign.  They are lying.  

They are specifically lying about the various election reform measures that 47 states are considering. Their audacious lies about the new laws in Georgia actually got President Biden four Pinocchios from the Washington Post – no right-wing news outlet.  And according to the Post fact-check standard, four Pinocchios means that the liar continues to repeat them even after he knows they are untrue.  The Post branded Biden a recidivist liar.

We will get to the new state election laws later in this commentary. 

But, first let us take a look at the 2020 presidential election – and separate lies from facts.

As a person who has researched and investigated the 2020 election ad nauseum, it is my opinion that whether there was sufficient vote fraud from the Democrats to have stolen the presidency from former President Trump is not yet definitively determined – it is complicated.  I know that will rile a lot of hardcore Trump supporters.  And I am not saying it was not a stolen election – just that the evidence is not yet conclusive – and by that I mean sufficiently conclusive to meet courtroom standards.

For example, should all those late arriving votes in Pennsylvania have been discarded because they were cast under rules that seem to violate the State Constitution?  Any person who can read might well conclude that what Pennsylvania officials did was a violation of the state constitution.  It is the role of the courts, however, to make that call.  But the Pennsylvania state courts let the unconstitutional change stand – although they said not to do it again.  The United States Supreme Court never considered the case.

The state courts appear to have relied on a version of the “reliance doctrine” – meaning that a whole bunch of honest voters RELIED on what they were told by local election officials and that they believed their vote was cast legally.  The worst, the voters were victims of the improper decision.

Democrats declare that all those votes were legal and Republicans claim that under any concept of rule-of-law, those votes were not legal regardless of the belief of the voters.

For all intents and purposes, the debate over the winner of the 2020 election has become little more than an academic exercise. 

The official outcome will not change.  For me, it is in the rearview mirror. The energies of Republicans and the conservative movement should be looking to taking back Congress in 2022, continuing to investigate the Democrats vote fraud in the 2020 election and pass laws to increase the protection of future elections.

BUT … and that is a big BUT … the Democrats claim that there was no election fraud – no manipulating of vote counts – a HUGE lie.  It has become the latest evidence that Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels was correct when he said the bigger the lie, the more it is repeated the more it will be believed.  And the Democrats have a similar advantage as did Goebbels.  They have a massive news media willing to carry the Party’s lies and narratives uncritically. 

There was considerable evidence of vote fraud of one kind or another.  Whether enough to have overturned the election is debatable. But … there was more than enough suspicious and provable vote fraud to warrant continuing investigations and potential prosecutions.

Though the elitist left-wing media does not report on the inconvenient fact that the State of Arizona is in the initial phase of a comprehensive forensic audit of the 2020 presidential election.  That means they will recount every vote in the state.  It means they will professionally examine the voting machines.  In my many years of following elections, I cannot recall any time that there has been such a thorough examination of an election.  This is not just a simple recount.

While Democrats claim to only have interest in expanding opportunities for voters, their reforms tend to create security weak spots in the chain of security – and they propose to create even more with Nancy Pelosi’s House Resolution One (HR1). 

Democrats have already legalized the once fraudulent practice of “vote harvesting.”  They claim that laws requiring the purging of ineligible voters from the rolls are racist (the Democrats most inappropriately and overused calling card).  Studies have shown that millions of these ineligible voters either cast votes or had someone cast a vote in their name in 2020.  Democrats now propose sending an unsolicited ballot to very eligible (and ineligible) voter – a move that would massively increase the casting of illegal ballots.

A look at that actual and factual historic record may be the best indicator as to why Democrats resist measures to ensure honest elections – such as purging the voter rolls of ineligible voters and requiring photo identification.  It is because Democrats have overwhelmingly been the benefactors of vote fraud.  In some areas – mostly cities under one-party Democrat political machines – stealing votes has been an iconic practice. It is how those powerful political machines stay in power.

In Chicago/Cook County, Illinois, political operatives believe that for a Republican to win, he or she would have to overcome at least 100,000 illegal votes cast or counted by the Democrat machine.

The one thing that both sides of America’s political divide agree upon is that approximately 47 states are considering or passing more than 300 legislative proposals governing elections.  There is passionate disagreement, however, on the purpose, value and justification for those laws.  The left describes these measures as efforts to suppress voter participation. The right calls them necessary protections against vote fraud.

That is where the big lie that vote fraud does not exist comes into play. 

If you believe that vote fraud does not exist, why do we need measures to protect from it?  That is a losing argument on two levels.  First, election fraud DOES exist – and we see examples of it in every election. 

Secondly, voter protection is a preventative measure to stop vote fraud before it exists.  We can see the fallacy of the left’s argument that there is no need for such protective measures if we look at banks.  Since there are very few bank robberies, perhaps they do not need all the security measures – multiple locks, alarms, vaults and security guards.

As is always the case, we hear the opinion of the left favorably reported through the elitist left-wing media on a daily basis.  According to the homogenized narrative of the Big Seven (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times and the Washington Post) and all their lessor media platforms, the sole reason that 47 states – 94 percent of the entire Union of states – are considering legislation is to block Black and Brown people from voting.

NOTHING in any of these proposals restricts anyone from voting. 

We have a full range of options of which every American voter can easily cast a ballot.  We have expanded absentee voting, created early voting, same day registration, increased the hours of voting.  Some of the expansion is the reason for voter fraud.

To be perfectly honest, a potential voter would have to be hopelessly incompetent if they could not take advantage of the various options to vote.  Even as the left cries racism and voter oppression, Black and Hispanic voters are casting ballots in record numbers all across the country.

To hype and embellish their malicious and baseless narrative, the left is claiming that the election reforms being pursued by most of the states are a return to Jim Crow laws – the vicious restrictions that the Democratic Party imposed on Blacks during the dark days of segregation and southern White supremacy.   Anyone who associates the old Jim Crow laws with the current round of election legislation is utterly ignorant of the truth about the Jim Crow laws or are so stridently partisan that they will not accept facts and truth.

Whether you agree with the new reforms or not, they are not racist. They will not have a disproportionate impact on Black and Hispanic voters – unless you consider minorities less competent and intelligent than White voters.  One could argue that the Democrats’ position on voting suggests an embarrassment of White supremacy on their part.  Almost every aspect of their embrace of the Black community – welfare, lower standards for college admission and jobs – seems to suggest an inferior ability on the part of minority citizens.

The purpose of the various election laws is to maintain a shield around the voting process as a means of preventing vote fraud – not to suppress minority voting. 

Opposition to tight security has come primarily from the Democratic Party. It has a long history of vote fraud centered in major cities ruled over by a one-party political machine.  The Party has consistently supported so-called reforms that have weakened various security measures and made actual fraud more difficult to uncover and prosecute.

The most obvious example of the Democrats’ resistance to ballot security is their constant refusal to remove from the voting rolls the names of individuals who are dead or otherwise ineligible to vote.  In each major election, ballots are cast in the name of ineligible voters.

In the 2020 election, 13 California Democrat counties cast and counted more than one million ineligible voters.  And in some counties, more people voted than there are eligible voters  – assuming a 100 percent registration of eligible voters.  Los Angeles County counted 866,788 votes over the total number of eligible voters.

If America is to remain a people-powered republic, then it is essential that the voting process be protected from real and potential vote fraud, especially from Democrats.  The fact that thousands of legislators in virtually every state are dealing with vote fraud should be seen as a particularly good thing.  But not by the corrupt left.  They endorse winning at all costs. Even if it means lying about vote fraud and then opposing every effort to prevent it.

So, there ‘tis.

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