Cory Booker Personifies Left-Wing Arrogance
Lest those on the left misunderstand or misrepresent this commentary, let me make it very clear. I am angry at those who rioted through the halls of the Capitol Building on January 6th. My opinion of President Trump or his role are incidental – a separate issue. The violent riot that grew out of the larger protest was an assault. And those who participated in any way should be held accountable. Eespecially those who seemed to have pre-planned, provoked and participated in the violence.
I am not only angry for what they did. I am also angry at the fact that their criminal actions have enabled Democrats and the left-wing media to demonize the Republican brand – and all who may hold conservative values. The thugs have allowed the left to invigorate their false narrative of racism and further exaggerate the potential danger of what they call right wing terrorism. It has enabled the left to distract from their own characteristic street violence and oppressive political policies.
I am also angry at Trump for his pugnacious and bellicose personality. It has also given the left-wing more than a little ammunition. In many ways, Trump has been his own – and conservatism’s – worst enemy.
But all that pales in the anger I feel when I see the utter arrogance of the left – as revealed by Democrat leaders and media personalities.
I was particularly enraged – at least as enraged as I get – about a CNN interview with Senator Cory Booker. The New Jersey Senator said the rioting on Capitol Hill was particularly offensive because it was on such “sacred ground” – the place were senators and representative ply their trade.
After witnessing years of repeated rioting condoned – and occasionally promoted — by Democrats and the east coast media, I found Booker’s comment to be extremely noxious and arrogant.
Is the ground upon which Cory Booker and the folks who trod that exclusive sacred ground alongside him a class of political demigods? Or is the hyperbolic concern and exaggerated response merely a reflection of a NIMBY (not in my back yard) attitude. Former Republican National Chairman Michael Steele also displayed that version of the arrogance. He distinguished the Capitol Hill riot with the many others around the country. ”But this was in our back yard,” he emphasized.
Why would a person who is a servant of the public elevate the ground under HIS feet to be sacred – a Mount Olympus of America? Is it more sacred than the thousands of homes destroyed in the urban riots over many generations? Is his workplace more sacred than the offices and enterprises that rioters have blocked, looted and burned throughout the nation?
Why is Capitol Hill more sacrosanct than the public squares that have been occupied by mobs with declarations of seceding from the Union and nullifying the laws and rejecting the law enforcement of American governments?
Is the Capitol Building in Washington a more holy edifice than those federal buildings under assault in many cities?
Are the memorial statues in the Capitol Building’s Statuary Hall more divine than all those statues of great American leaders that rioting mobs have toppled and vandalized?
What is particularly upsetting is the unbelievable hypocrisy with which Cory Booker and the left-wing cabal react to the more distant – and arguably more damaging and deadly – rioting that has plagued the neighborhoods and resulted in the suffering and deaths of seemingly less privileged folks.
When the mob of left-wing radicals created their autonomous zone in the State of Washington – Seattle specifically — and took over a police headquarters – rampaging and ransacking –we never heard the words “seditionists,” “insurrectionists” and “terrorists.” Ironically, the autonomous zone was also in an area of Seattle called Capitol Hill.
Were the local government law enforcement agencies – or the National Guard — marshaled to expeditiously evict the occupiers? Oh no! In fact, the Democrat Mayor referred to the weeks long occupation as a bit of a “street festival.”
She ordered the police to stand down – denying citizens safe access to their residences and businesses. People died – and still no action from City Hall.
Portland, Oregon’s Democrat Mayor actually took to the streets with the rioters.
He called the federal law officers protecting government buildings “provocateurs.” He wanted them to leave town. Despite his statements supporting the illegal protests and riots, no one on the left called him out as an inciter.
In Minneapolis, the Democrat Mayor demanded the National Guard – sent by the Minnesota governor– remain on the sideline. During riots in Washington, D.C., the Democrat Mayor of the nation’s capital city ordered the National Guard out of town. She also named a public square after the rioters.
Those are just some of the many occasions where we witnessed violent attacks on police and property with no counteraction. The left ordered police to stand aside and stand down. They made them passively accept the jeers, taunts, and physical attacks of the mob. We have seen entire neighborhoods burn as Democrat leaders told both police and firefighters to keep their distance.
This commentary is NOT about Trump. It is about the sheer hypocrisy and unmitigated arrogance of those responding to the violence on THEIR sacred ground. It is about those left-wing elitists like Cory Booker. The crafters and drafters of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution placed we the people above our government representatives. The ground upon which WE walk, do business and live is at least as sacred as the common ground we provide to our public servants. But that is obviously not how the political establishment views things from their perch high above our nation’s capital.
So, there ‘tis.
And if he didn’t release it, would that prove Trump is guilty? You do know that Trump reviewed the document…
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OK, that's two thumbs up from the left. Somebody gonna have to go back to maga camp for retraining :>)
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John, yet once again you spew, but where's the proof? All blow and no show once again.