Controlled, Lost, and Rescued: Biden’s Disastrous Visit to Durham

When the people handling Joe Biden feel like putting his cognitive disability on a pedestal, he is taken on a trip to talk to the public.
The senile president’s recent visit to Durham, North Caroline, once again ended up as an exhibition of mental handicap, accentuated by a hot mic.
On Tuesday, March 28, Biden visited the semiconductor plant Wolfspeed in Durham, North Carolina. The visit was meant to mark the first stop of Biden’s “Invest in America” tour, apparently the unofficial launch of his 2024 reelection campaign. Videos from Biden’s trip went viral because the 80-year-old was once again lost, confused, and run on instructions by his handlers. But above all, it was the revealing hot mic moment that stole the show.
The most noted video from the trip showed Biden’s arrival at the plant accompanied by a guide as the two were heard on the hot mic – Biden taking toddler-level instructions for walking and standing at a designated position and the handler delivering instructions assuring he’d help Biden get started.
As seen in the video, Biden is led down a ramp, and he asks whether he needs to go down the ramp despite the obvious. The handler tells him to go down the ramp. The president is told that on the left are some people and that he is supposed to stay at a “blue mark” to the left. The handler reminds Biden about the blue mark again and asks to make sure Biden got it. Biden affirms and says, “I’ll stay in my blue mark.” The handler then tells Biden he’ll get him started.
RNC shared the video of the exchange, which went viral on social media and sparked renewed mockery of Biden’s failing cognitive health.
Other videos from the event showed more of Biden’s mental fog and lack of sense of place and direction. One short video shows him looking around to figure out where to go after he finishes his speech to the small group of attendees at the plant.
Yet another video, which also went viral on Twitter, shows Biden walking past the audience in a direction opposite to where he was supposed to go, looking confused and in need of guidance. A security officer comes to his rescue and points him in the right direction. Biden instantly follows where he is asked to go.
Responses to the videos included many previous videos of Biden where he needed to be guided in what direction to go and where to stand by his handlers and the staff at the respective event.
One video showed Russia’s foreign minister Sergey Lavrov arriving at the G20 Summit in India and mildly reprimanding an Indian official trying to lead him around the venue.
“I know the way, don’t show me,” Lavrov is seen telling the official, who quickly apologizes. The video then shows a moment from Joe Biden’s visit to Ukraine, where he had to be led every step of the way. The tweet reads: “There are men, and then there are geriatrics.”
And this is the man that is suppose to be running the United States. How sad!
Really, I just don’t see tottering old drooling fool in these film clips. Sure, he’s not a spry 30 year old, but seems OK in the scheme of things in these tapes.
Not that there hasn’t been moments, there have, but this one seems a stretch by partisan hacks.
Guess it’s fair after Ford, Bush Jr. gave us so many moments of Republican fun.
Please keep it up though, I really would like some other Democrat to run mostly because Joe is too old. He should pull a Washington and left on his own terms.
Keep praying for the violent demise of this Communist (DemocRAT) SCUM.
Kill Bill: may all your wishes be returned to you ten fold with a little bit reserved for Joe G for printing such violent crap.
IF it’s allowed, can we suggest people prey for Joe’s violent demise? We know where Joe B lives, how about doxing Joe G?
At some point either we just stop printing violent hate speak uttered by morons OR we reap what we sow.
Enough Joe G —- have some balls. free speech does not mean violent hate speak directed at your President just because some jerkwad is a frustrated deplorable.
Why does this man always look so confused and clueless? Ever notice that he always turns left after “speaking”? Aside from aphasia , ,he also has spacial problems which would account for why he never knows where he is.