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Clinton is 'Back' with New PAC

Former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is back in the limelight and what is her first request from her supporters? To donate to her first political action committee.  

Early last week, she tweeted that besides “reflecting” the last few months, her team has been launching the committee Onward Together.

“The last few months, I’ve been reflecting, spending time with family—and, yes, taking walks in the woods,” tweeted Clinton. “We’re launching Onward Together to encourage people to get involved, organize, and even run for office.” 

The PAC appears to subtly dig at President Donald Trump, while also encouraging people to resist him by featuring Clinton’s “resist, insist, persist, enlist” quote. 

“By encouraging people to organize, get involved, and run for office, Onward Together will advance progressive values and work to build a brighter future for generations to come,” says the website. “In recent months, we’ve seen what’s possible when people come together to resist bullying, hate, falsehoods, and divisiveness, and stand up for a fairer, more inclusive America.” 

The Republican National Committee was quick to respond to Clinton’s new PAC and its mission.  

“The American people rejected Hillary Clinton six months ago because she’s completely out-of-touch, untrustworthy, and embraced the failed policies of the past,” said Michael Ahrens, the RNC spokesman. “If Democrats were smart, they’d realize it’s time to move onward from Hillary Clinton altogether.”

The Onward Together’s mission is purposely vague, but it’s pretty clear the committee was created to oppose some of Trump’s recent policies.

“More than ever, I believe citizen engagement is vital to our democracy. I’m so inspired by everyone stepping up to organize and lead,” tweeted Clinton. “People across America have made their voices heard thanks to @IndivisibleTeam, and supported @swingleft‘s efforts to take back the House.”

Clinton pointed out that the new PAC will support groups like Swing Left, Color of Change, and Emerge America. 

“.@IndivisibleTeam @swingleft @ColorOfChange@EmergeAmerica @runforsomething Those are just a few of the groups Onward Together will support, working with @GovHowardDean and others—stay tuned for more to come,” tweeted Clinton. “@IndivisibleTeam @swingleft @ColorOfChange@EmergeAmerica @runforsomething @GovHowardDean This year hasn’t been what I envisioned, but I know what I’m still fighting for: a kinder, big-hearted, inclusive America. Onward!”

But let’s be real– her hidden agenda is to get even more funds.   

Visitors of the Clinton’s new “nonprofit” can either read the mission statement or donate. Not to mention the PAC is a 501(c)4, which allows donors to remain anonymous, while also donating as much as they want.

Author’s note: Instead of staying out of the public eye like she should have, Clinton is back with a vengeance. Again, she should be in jail after putting U.S. intelligence in jeopardy with her extremely careless email activity. Trump said this on his campaign trail and he could/should bury her with criminal charges!

Editor’s note: I wish Special Counsel Mueller would take a look at Hillary’s email issues.  Just sayin’.


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