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Cheney grovels for a Cabinet post from Harris

Not long ago, I wrote that Republican apostate Liz Cheney would have no future in politics.  That once her role as the useful idiot for the Democratic Party was over, she would have no home in either party.  I was wrong.  Cheney has established herself as an indispensable useful idiot for Team Harris.

It is not just a matter of her voting “yes” on the Trump impeachment.  That could have been forgiven had then-Speaker Kevin McCarthy not blundered by kicking Cheney out of her leadership post – creating the woman scorned, who first traveled down the road of apostasy by jointing Speaker Pelosi’s bogus January 6th Committee.  That cost Cheney her seat in Congress and pushed her further down the road of philosophic betrayal.

The Cheney problem is not her impeachment vote – or her disdain for Trump.  What is so politically incriminating is her remarkable philosophic transition from hardcore rock solid conservative to a radical Democrat left-winger.

I know Cheney maintains her membership in the Republican Party – and still considers herself a dedicated conservative.  But her actions prove otherwise.  She has spread her personal hatred of Trump to a general rejection of the entire Republican Party and her once cherished conservative philosophy.  She campaigns and fundraises exclusively for Democrat candidates.  Her support for the Democratic Party is a prima fascia rejection of conservative principles and programs.

Such a 180-degree across-the-board switch-a-roo is only possible by a person who places more value on ambition than principles and beliefs.   Rather than a temporary useful idiot, Cheney has shown herself to be (pardon the frankness) a full scale political whore.  That gives her more endurance with her new team.

With such a complete and profound conversion, Cheney has made herself more useful to Harris in the long run.  And methinks we can safely assume that is her strategy.  Cheney wants a role in a Harris administration.  As the former conservative congresswoman stood beside Vice President Harris on the platform in Ripon, Wisconsin – the birthplace of the Republican Party – her ambition became apparent.

Cheney is gaming for a high post in a Harris administration.  The Vice President has already said she would have a Republican in the Cabinet.  Who else could that possibly be?  Certainly not any Republican with conservative Republican values.  It would have to be one of the major apostates – and none is bigger than Cheney.

Cheney claims that she is putting country above party.  In reality, she is putting herself above both.

So, there ‘tis.

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