Census Bureau Moves to Steal Congressional Seats Using Non-Citizens

The deep state is leaving no stone unturned to continue election theft in various ways and the so-called migrants are an important means toward this goal. Not really a shocker then to learn that the Census Bureau has announced counting illegal aliens in the next census as part of America’s population. The implication of this move is obvious: manipulating the number of congressional seats in the states.
On December 19, the U.S. Census Bureau announced that it had “refined” its methodology for its 2024 population estimates of the country. As reported in The Federalist, the Census Bureau’s population estimates would now include the net 2.8 million international migrants that have been allowed inside America between 2023 and 2024.
The new population estimates will be based on the data “compiled using U.S. federal administrative data” and includes: lawful permanent residents, visa issuances, international student enrollees, refugee admissions, and border releases.
As the article explains, this has important implications for the federal elections. The population estimates by the Bureau determine how many congressional seats each state would have in the future elections. Since legal residents of Democrat states like California and New York have been leaving in droves, the arrival of international migrants – mainly via illegal border crossings – helps these states make up for the numbers of people lost via domestic migration. In other words, bad policies of Democrats make people leave the blue states so Democrats let foreigners in to keep the numbers locked or even raise them for the census. Counting these non-Americans in the population estimates by the Census Bureau helps the Democrats keep their congressional seats for the blue seats.
The article also analyzed the numbers of people moving out of blue states to assess how it would affect the numbers of their congressional seats. Thus it turns out that California should lose 3 congressional seats, New York two congressional seats, and Oregon, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island should each lose one congressional seat. On the contrary, owing to the number of people moving to become their residents, the red states of Florida and Texas are each eligible for adding four seats. The states of Utah, Arizona, and Idaho are to add one seat each.
In the 2020 census, Democrats fought against the Trump administration’s attempt to include the question of citizenship in the 10-year census survey. The Supreme Court sided with the Democrats and the question was blocked from including in the questionnaire. Two years later, that is 2022, the Census Bureau announced that it had committed “an error” in the 2020 population estimates of more than a dozen states. The Bureau found in a post-census survey that it had overcounted people in eight states (DE, HI, MA, MN, NY, RI, OH, and UT) and undercounted people in six states (AR, FL, IL, MS, TN, and TX).
Interestingly, the error had resulted in overcounting people in mostly blue states and undercounted people in mostly red states. The result was Florida getting two seats less while Texas receiving one seat less in the Congress in 2024 than they should have under a correct count. On the other hand, Colorado, Minnesota, and Rhode Island each got one more seat than they should have under a correct count.
The worst part of this Democrat-favoring error in the census was that it was acknowledged but not corrected. The Heritage Foundation, reporting on the issue in August 2022, wrote:
There do not appear to be any statutory legal remedies for this problem. As the Census Bureau correctly noted, the errors will not change the officially reported 2020 Census counts or change the apportionment calculation for the states.
The numbers could not be readjusted and the Bureau was immune from prosecution. Besides, Democrats held the Congress and the White House so no real investigation was expected. Leftist news source The Hill cheered at the Bureau’s error in June 2022 as it ran the story under the title “Census blunder may tip 2024 to Democrats.”
Fixing the operations of the Census Bureau will remain another mess for the incoming Trump administration if the country still has to see fair elections in future.
Which headshot uglier: Wampler’s dog or Ernest Dempsey. Wait, same subject :>) Dempsey, you dog you.
Once again The Dumpster takes a one-sided, unfair, and unbalanced, view of America where all immigrants are Democrat, the Census bureau — Democrat deep state, Democrats make people move, Democrats make immigrants stay, it’s a world controlled by Democrats, and all berry, berry bad.
His first source: The Federalist, has an extreme-far-right bias and mixed factual reporting. Better double source. And so he does, adding The Heritage Group, an extreme-far-right anti-immigration of mixed factual reporting. Fair and balanced. These guys don’t want any immigrants in their land of the white, the free, and those other peoples we don’t like. Wait, The Dumpster is one of those people and he can’t hide by looking like Wampler’s dog :>)
Here’s the real story from the Census Bureau, in their own words that are not relevant to The Dumpster: “International migration flows are a significant contributor to population growth and demographic change in the United States. However, data on recent migrants are often limited, making accurately estimating and projecting international migrant flows very challenging.
The Census Bureau’s current method leverages survey and administrative data. We’ve developed this approach over decades of research and regular consultation with experts from academia and other federal agencies, and we continue to refine our methods. Currently, we’re researching the coverage of the foreign-born population in the ACS and developing adjustments by demographic characteristics and subnational geographic levels. Each vintage, we will do what we can to improve the international migration components of the population estimates to more accurately reflect current trends.”
* https://www.census.gov/newsroom/blogs/random-samplings/2024/12/international-migration-population-estimates.html*
And KFF, a left-of-center bias highly factual research team concludes: “Immigrants overall are twice as likely to say that the Democratic Party (32%) represents their political views better than the Republican Party (16%). The gap is similar among naturalized citizens (37% say the Democratic Party, 21% say the Republican party). Immigrants, including naturalized citizens, also much more likely to say to immigrants as a group have fared better under President Biden than under President Trump.” So, 2:1 ratio, but not all Democrat, not even a Democrat majority. BUSTED.
* https://www.kff.org/racial-equity-and-health-policy/press-release/many-immigrants-including-naturalized-citizens-dont-feel-well-represented-by-either-political-party-though-more-align-with-democrats-than-republicans/*
PEW, no bias and highly factual has the statistics that you can’t find in The Dumpster and they confirm KFF but add that there is a huge slice of unaffiliated not aligned to either party that The Dumpster, Heritage Foundation, and even KFF ignore because The Dumpster is not fair. The Dumpster is not balanced. He is unfair and unbalanced. Check that picture. And he was not born in America, he’s from Pakistan and apparently does not want to be counted in the census. And The Dumpster is a very bad researcher and journalist. In many States, while more lean to Democrats, Democrats are clearly NOT the majority.
BUSTED on the facts as The Dumpster again tries to stir up emotions against fellow Americans based on lies.
* https://www.pewresearch.org/religious-landscape-study/database/compare/party-affiliation/by/state/among/immigrant-status/immigrants/*
I do have to give The Dumpster credit for living the dream, the “like water off a duck’s back” dream.
I spell my name: Danger. And I am Frank.
Thanks for your summary Frank. You saved me from having to read another Dumpster fire.
Yet another Dempster conspiracy theory he thought worthy of PBP readers’ attention.
This article is heavy on opinion and light on proof and leans on readers’ high gullibility factor.
Belief that what an author writes in an opinion commentary is factually true and contextually accurate is directly corelated to the reader’s trust in the author’s established credibility on the specific topic and in general. The topic: the question is, always, does the author sound like sufficient research on the subject has brought new knowledge and fresh insights to the table. Or, is it more that the opinions in the article are just his accumulated thoughts on the matter lacking substantiation of merit.
The answer to the two part question goes back to the reader’s trust in the author’s general credibility relative to his track record on PBP. Trust, then, translates from a reader’s previous experiences following this author. The lack of trust is the otherside of the reader’s past PBP experience coin and specific certain writers individually. Each PBP experience regardless of which writer authored the piece being read. Through out the time invested in reading this author’s particular politically right wing slanted opinion, whether the story is information revealing the right’s perspective or if it’s old propaganda conspiracy theory stuff not worth knowing. On the whole its a coin toss, pass/fail investment.
LMB, what is your rationale for your suggestion?
As far as I remember, the U.S. Constitution applies to everyone that is on U.S. soil.
That is YOUR opinion LMB, but obviously you did not read the census bureau’s description.
Citizens and noncitizens have been included in the official population count since 1790. It’s a founder-level Constitutional thing that TRUMP, being a flimsy Constitutionalist of the WIFM kind, wants to end. All he needs to do is amend the 14th Amendment’s requirement to include “whole numbers of persons in each State.” Maybe he can even re-establish the 3/5ths rule to lower the numbers for blacks who are mostly Democrats.
Half the immigrants in the country, over 46M, are naturalized citizens and can vote. Does LMB and ED want to off the role for those folks? More than one-half (24.5 million) of the 46 million immigrants living in the United States are naturalized citizens, according to the United States Census Bureau. This group of naturalized citizens is larger than the entire population of Florida.
That’s more people than California you want to erase as living here; probably want to off CA too. THe Dumpster says: “ The article also analyzed the numbers of people moving out of blue states to assess how it would affect the numbers of their congressional seats. Thus it turns out that California should lose 3 congressional seats.” California grew 6% in population from 2020 to 2024. BUSTED again. Like shooting ducks in the dumpster.
Got any facts to support this opinion, not that you have to.
Danger man, aka Mr. Jesus Christ seems to be totally biased as everything he says is against the Conservatives and only for the Liberals. He show’s and even tells how much he hates Pakistan and whom he refers to as the Dumpster. That means he hates Dempsey, too. Nice language, don’t you all think? He seems all for all immigrants to come to this country yet hates Dempsey. Can’t in any way deny it either. Too late for that. All people should be considered equal, but JC doesn’t believe in that and even now as I consider all his past posts, makes me think he even hates White people. It is just what I see in those post from months and months ago up to now. Mr. Perfect, Jesus Christ, aka Stranger danger is the only entity that says all things correctly, right, and final. None of us are worth anything to him and that is exactly what he makes me feel. I bet I am not the only one that feels this way. I wonder why certain people are allowed to run other persons’ lives like he does. There is no middle ground, no half-way point nor any decent understanding of other person’s feelings, only his feelings and words. Oh, and the next chapter of the novel he is writing is due out shortly. HE is getting what he sows! That is fair!
If the only way a Voting party can win is by manipulation and cheating of the status quo, maybe
America does not want what you are selling!
If this were a business, you would be having a going out of business sale.
Instead you manipulate the regulations to keep you doors open.
Like all enterprises you will be in a loosing position and hemorrhage money.
This never bothered the Democrats as their money was Taxed money 1/2 paid for by Republicans when you
were in power.
Lets see how this unfolds as you donors spend their money and watch it go down the toilet!
Toilet is the perfect metaphor as Dem policy is Shit anyway!
Darren, af, et al: I am really not sure where you are coming from and why the knotted knickers. In my defense, all I did was to point out the aka Dempsey chose only hard-right extremist media and lobbyist groups, one of which is tasked with being anti-immigration, that’s any immigration. That’s the source you believe hook, line, and sinker. AF goes further in skipping the story, skipping my rebuttal, and just goes on the personal attack, even once again threatening me. She skips all facts and just goes for me, the person, my attitudes, principles, and free speech rights as an American citizen.
Meanwhile, as you all eat whatever The Dumpster serves, you are coming from the Trump Census bureau where the person in charge has no experience with the census, with statistics, with government. First, Trump appointed zzzzzz. That’s a position requiring Congressional approval. Then, in an unprcedented move, he hires THREE deputy directors, not subject to Congressional approval where usually one experienced, statistical civil servant runs operations. Instead we got a political science major, a youtube personality, and one actual statistician, low level experience. No one know what these gophers were tasked to do. The head is a statistician and hard right Republican who attempted to “fix” the census. The results were “Four Former Census Bureau Directors Testify the Trump Administration’s Attempt to Ban Undocumented Immigrants from 2020 Census is Unconstitutional.” Days after he failed in his mission to change the census un-Constitutionally from the way it has been run since the 1790’s, he quit and ran home.
The guy Biden put in is one of the best statisticians in the world. You cannot find politics anywhere in his career or life. He is from San Antonio Texas, not exactly a blue deep state, elitist State. He was approved by a bipartisan vote in Congress with MANY REPUBLICANS approving, in words and with their vote.
This story comes from very biased sources, the author is biased to the extreme right and anti-American bias, and is a failed, substandard journalist. That’s what you believe. His claims cannot be proved, he offers no support beyond far-right rhetoric, and it is a lie. I posted the truth, from the organization, and other experts, as well as noting their bias.
You are the problem, FD. You and others like you. A tremendous shock is coming. I can’t wait to see what you do about what is coming. The greatest problem you have is you refuse to allow anyone else have their say without you demeaning them just for them being human, which is why I am now calling you Jesus Christ, the savior. You have no right to attack all of us and you do attack and hard to the left. You really think your shite doesn’t stink, but, boy, do you ever stink! Every time we try a rebuttal; you call us names and tell us how wrong we are, don’t you, Jesus Christ? You don’t allow us to rebut you, but you go overboard with your crap! You can’t even see what you do to us, unless you are deliberately doing it. You do hate white people; todays post shows it again. More and more of us are telling you what you are and slamming back. Good for all of them. About time! The rest of us have just about had it with you. Oh, even Larry is telling you off! Because you think you are Jesus Christ. Except you are more Satan than Jesus!
Ok, af. so if I just go away, stop posting my posts protected by free speech, then you will stop threatening me?
If you say so, I will go.
But you have to promise to end the retribution you have talked about.
Only if you stop threatening all of us – and you DO! No one wants you to go away. Just stop acting like you own the world, JC!
I couldn’t agree with you more! You seem to have even more intestinal fortitude than I do. I got fed up with his demeaning attitude and quit responding to him or even reading his crap. A quick perusal was all any of it was worth. Keep up the good work and God bless. Happy new year to you and yours.
It’s gang up on Frank in the comments section, as usual.
Does anyone with an R identity read or understand what they read anything written from another perspective. if not, do any R professing persons possibly try listening to noted speakers explaining events from a politically neutral, moderate left, or other than FOX oriented perspective. My political orientation does not happen to fit completely and comfortably in either the right’s nor the left’s ideologic camp.
As I travel extensively through North America and listen to people’s politics and understanding a fair amount of the R mentality as I grew up as a lonely independent thinker politically and academically. My roots are there, I cut my ideological beliefs teeth where I now live live in the Great Lakes Region. The voting district most familiar to me is solidly R. The politics of my neighbors and my acquaintances in public spaces is conservative in every way and Christian Nationalist, if how their speech comes off may be interpreted correctly.
Therefore, I am skeptical in my encounters with other people no matter where I travel, in this country, Europe, and close to home. I find the best practice for me in social situations is the same as contemplating crossing a busy street not in a crossing zone. I was lectured when a child that I must, stop-look both ways- listen for traffic coming before stepping out and crossing. At times when the traffic was heavy and vehicles were entering from seemingly every direction. I found that as a pedestrian remaining in place and just watching and listening I learned enough with merely being interested. A few drivers stopped and asked me if I needed a ride anywhere. But, mostly passers by could be seen offering a friendly smile or a wave of the hand. Until, I know witch way people I have not met recently are directing their opinions of late, the safest bet is to hold ’em, listen, and don’t butt in where not invited.
I found PBP and began behind the scenes lurking which continued for a fair amount of time before my venturing into what I thought would be a neutrally received first comment. I don’t recall what I wrote in my comment, but considering I could have made an objective reaction to a writer’s right wing assessment of some person I must have had a very different opinion about. I remember the feelings from the stern rebuke I received from the writer and several other persons in their comments directed at me personally. The writer attacked my mental stability, my politics as perceived by him, my assumed age as old, and my lack of apparent intelligence. Other participating commenters followed that writers example pilling on the abuse. My assumption then and now some 6+ years later is the anonymity factor gives anyone a Bully License to do with as they are want to do with. In fact PBP’s acknowledged radically loose view of 1ST Amendment rights particularly with its free speech portion. Its writers set no actual guardrails limiting what appears in the comments as to language Bombs and body parts references being just two.
If Democrats and the left are the dirty rotten ugly folks in this country, then based on PBP’s lax editing standards and its so called conservative political identity its representation of the right displays a class of disreputable beyond Democrats imaginings for communication on media sources. The right’s description as the personification of a adolescent’s bully traits is apropos given that the adolescent Bully demonstrates the want and fierce desire on menacing those they disrespect and are more than free in their dishing out hurt on others. But when the tide turns and their targets presumed weak looser types begin a counter move against those who bullied them the bullies are no match on the defense and fail strategically. The often used assessment of bullies as the real weakling is; they can stomach dishing out abuse but they have no capacity for taking their own medicine, abusiveness to others perceived to be loosers and unlike them.
The beauty in having bullying pay for its infractions is that payback is not time sensitive. Years may elapse but for the abused the memory of who, how, and what stays acute and present. And that’s a fact.
ac: it’s the threats that gilbertson enables that are bothersome. Or is it Tim? He should not let those pass.
as to the rest, I am shocked:
– no writer beyond horist and gilbertson respond, the rest are moot I guess.
– rarely does anyone raise a cogent, fact-based, sourced, linked, or expert-quoted response
– lots of low-brow gutter name calling from supposed “professionals,” at least that’s what they keep telling us.
– they like to call liberals liars but rarely can specify, can only generalize.
NEVER STEP UP TO A FACTUAL MISTAKE. Just tend to dismiss and ignore
I had hoped for more in pbp frank and open discussions of today’s issues as first viewed though a conservative lens. Initially, as Frank Stetson, I tried to shut them down by speaking in their language of hate and name callings. My later iterations culminating in Frank Danger, did not, or very rarely, if at all, but, amazingly, they can’t see it and feel when I say they are off-fact, that I am calling them a name. Even when I source the data to a reputable, hardly biased source. So, it’s not really a discussion, but I still like the research aspect to learn, and the writing aspect to better understand. But the lack of my name calling seems to send them round the bend even more. Go figure. Lots of frustration, envy, and sadness over their life choices I guess. Wonder if they will keep this same attitude two years from now when they discover they are in the same place, or worse. Life, it’s a funny duck.
FD, thanks for your positive comments. It’s a rare thing in the PBP crowd.
I have received undemocratic prejudice from readers and writers on PBP. It’s hypocritical funny for an organization like PBP to stomp on the free speech rights of those it disagrees with but feel free to say with confidence anything about others, particularly those the call “the left”. Horist, for one wants to have his cake and eat it too. And, behind PBP’s skirts Horist and his ilk go on disrespecting others for a different political belief.
Last I knew democracy means equality for all on American soil.
If it’s democratic for the conservatives to think they may elevate themselves above all other Americans, then treat others shamefully. That blatant ignorance of what this country has been founded upon.
Power, status, financial wealth, and electoral wins do not invalidate others rights in our democratic-republic. No one is more righteous than those who would be king makers and behave as if they are kings in their own rights.
Prejudice and biases against others presumes a high self regard and an undue denigration of all others who seemingly don’t measure up, period. Pre-judging has ignorance of who others written all over it. What the prejudiced person’s opinions are about others has nothing todo with who those others truly are. It’s ignorance driven and the predictable consequence is always, fear.
Fear of the unknown about others begets bad behavior towards others which belies personal weakness and provincialism. Provincialism has people in silos and sequestered into tribes of like kinds.
I often hear people comment about others that those “others” are “not of our kind”. And, exactly what is the preferred “kind” the good and righteous prejudiced people are pointing to?
Generally it’s known as segregation and cultural hoarding of recourses for our kind only. In adolescence it begins with clicks and in adults we see political belief cults. The produce of cults is a bumper crop in propaganda misinformation growth spawned from conspiracy theories.
That’s not the way to run a healthy democracy! If because your guy will be President after January 20 your kind has any more legitimate rights beyond those rights guaranteed by law in this democracy of ours. And, democratic treatment for all is the law and America’s historic legacy.
Question is, how legitimately American is PBP and its writers with its preferential undemocratic treatment toward readers of its kind and disproportionate undemocratic mistreatment toward readers judged to be not of that preferred kind?
Comments on PBP’s “Reply” space often are given to digression from the topic’s subject and usually driven to distraction by readers’ comments and from all sides come diatribes of slanderous quality.
No one, not Horist especially, legitimately scores a “Gotcha” in the punching bag post’s virtual free-for-all on line. There are no prized rewards given for winners on the writers bench or on the readers’ side.
Then, why would readers want anything to do with the mess of politics that PBP is.