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Censored by Fox News, January 6 Police Chief Reveals Truth to Tucker 

On August 10, Tucker Carlson posted to Twitter (X) his fresh interview with former Capitol Hill Police Chief Steven Sund to let him reveal what really happened on January 6, 2020. Tucker wrote: “Our Fox News interview with him never aired, so we invited him back.”

In his intro to the fresh interview with Steven Sund, Tucker said that the original interview with the police chief was conducted earlier this year and was supposed to air on Fox News on April 24, but it never did. So he invited Sund again to inform the public about what really happened before and on January 6.

A week prior to his new interview with Tucker, Sund tweeted an excerpt from his book Courage Under Fire and named two important officials at the highest levels of national security as responsible for the chaos witnessed at the federal capitol on January 6 – Christopher C. Miller, who was then Secretary of Defense, and Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley.

Stating that despite having significant concerns regarding the coming January 6 protest, Sund posted that neither man reached out to him to revoke permits on Capitol grounds. He went on to ask:

“Was this because they knew that if they informed me, I would immediately notify the two sergeants at arms and demand military support to protect my officers and perimeter on January 6?”

During the new interview with Tucker, Sund underscored the suspicious and seemingly coordinated effort of keeping important intelligence from him while federal agencies like FBI, DHS, and the military sources all knew it and had concerns. On top of it all, Sund told Tucker that Miller put restrictions on National Guards carrying various weapons and “civil disobedience equipment” via a memo issued on January 4.

Sund’s interview with Tucker came to confirm the suspicions about the federal establishment taking various measures to make January 6 protest violent and unchecked. Conservatives seeing the interview expressed the same. One account on Twitter listed the key takes from the interview and wrote: “Disturbing Chain of Events Makes Damning Case That January 6 Was Allowed to Happen.”

The secret presence of multiple federal agents in the January 6 crowd of protesters has been brought up in many politically incorrect discussions of the events of that day. Newsweek, a popular left-leaning publication, reported on Sund’s discussion with Tucker and asking why he wasn’t informed of their presence.

Sund also questioned the FBI’s narrative of tracking what they call “domestic terrorists” in the January 6 crowd as an explanation to justify the secret presence of federal agents among the protesters. FBI had initially stated that it was tracking four domestic terrorists in that crowd.

Three days later, on the day of the riot, the number of domestic terrorists tracked by the FBI grew to “18 to 19”.

Tucker’s interview with Steven Sund got well over 14 million hits on Twitter. Leftist mainstream media as well as Fox News observed a blackout on the story.

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