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Boris Johnson will be new British Prime Minister

Boris Johnson will be new British Prime Minister

Conservative Party Members on Tuesday elected Boris Johnson to replace outgoing Prime Minister Theresa May.

As head of the Conservative Party, Johnson will run a minority government with help from the Northern Irish Party.

“We know the mantra of the campaign that has just gone by, it is deliver Brexit, unite the country, and defeat Jeremy Corbyn, and that is what we are going to do,” said Johnson, who won the election with nearly two-thirds of the vote. 

Johnson, a Trump ally, assumes leadership as the UK continues to struggle with its decision to leave the EU and how best to complete the divorce. Despite more than two years of negotiations, May and the EU failed to produce a proposal on which lawmakers could agree. 

Johnson, who led the “Vote Leave” campaign, believes he can get the EU to renegotiate. If not, he will leave the bloc on the scheduled date of October 31st with or without an exit deal (the original exit date had been scheduled for March 28th). 

Economists have warned that a no-deal Brexit could plunge the UK into a recession, and several Conservatives have already refused to serve under Johnson based on his promise to leave the bloc on Halloween “come what may.”

The British pound dropped 0.3% on Tuesday.

Boris Johnson served as MP for Henly for 8 years before taking a break from Parliament to serve as Mayor of London (2008-2016). He was elected MP for Uxbridge and South Ruislip in 2015.

Johnson was appointed Foreign Secretary in 2016. He resigned from the position in July 2018 over disagreements related to Brexit.

In July 2019, he became leader of the Conservative Party.

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  1. Nick

    You posted a weird photo.
    Are you a leftist, against the conservatives?
    Great journalism!

    • Joe Gilbertson

      From what I have seen of Boris, its one of his better pictures.

  2. craig desteiguer

    If the Brits do leave the EEC and brexit becomes a reality the Brits will have to make their own way forward for world business. The Brits have already behind the scenes talking up a potential trade agreement with the United States. Another words the Brits want a more safe place to invest and further will encourage American companies to return to the UK. An interesting point tht has come to light that will not be discussed in trade agreement or corporate joint ventures is industrial standards to be followed either in manufacturing or equipment use and testing. It has come to light that many UK companies and European companies already operating in the US are side stepping many of the American standards such as ASME, ANSI and API and a few other and are requiring supply companies, service companies and some manufacturing companies to comply with European standards such as DNV, EN, ISO and a few others. This is a direct insult and deviation for a trade agreement that promotes a strict means of joint RECIPROCITY between two countries. Therefore, the solution?…Have all American service companies, supply companies and manufactures and further all America standard organizations contact the US Government foreign trade group to ensure to empress on foreign companies and or countries currently operating and those considering entering the US market be very well aware RECIPROCITY between industrial standards MUST be in place. If nor handled now this will end with US industry and standard organization falling to European rule.

  3. Ron Norton

    I think the EU is heading for a crash and Brexit is the one thing, along with a strong trade alliance with the U.S. that will bring the U’K. out of the doldrums.

  4. Stanley Steamer

    The Tories/MPs chose Boris, not the Brits, and he still has to face Corbyn in the fall.

    Now, I’m a conservative, and Corbyn represents everything that disgusts me, and Johnson should win. But he’s no great friend of Trump, and it ain’t going to be peaches and cream between the U.K. and U.S. For political purposes, and he is very awkward navigating these kinds of waters, he avoided Trump like the plague for domestic consumption.

    So don’t expect Trump to offer some golden trade deal to help the U.K. out here with Brexit, not enough to matter, anyway.

  5. AC

    Batsheet crazy

  1. You make an interesting point. Do we need to keep minting pennies? The US as minted some 500 billion pennies…