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Border Crises (Part 1):  Is Biden open border policy an impeachable offense?

First the facts. 

Defending the border is the constitutional responsibility of the federal government.  It is argued that it is the exclusive responsibility of Uncle Sam (aka Joe Biden).  When border states attempt to use law enforcement to defend their southern borders, the federal government (Biden’s government) orders them to stand down.

As a consequence, millions of illegal aliens have entered the United States, and remain in the United States since Biden took office on January 20, 2021.  Over Christmas weekend, 35,000 migrants entered the United States.  In December the total was 250,000, and in the final quarter of 2023, more than 730,000 – and counting.

To veil their intent to allow the migrant invasion, Biden, Democrat leaders and their media allies depict the millions of migrants simply as impoverished asylum seekers awaiting adjudication of their cases.  In fact, 80 percent of the millions that are residing in America – taking advantage of benefits generally meant for citizens – are ineligible for asylum.   In other words, they are here illegally and should be deported.  Hundreds of thousands will never leave America even if they are ineligible for asylum.

Those numbers represent a clear and present danger to the stability and security of the United States.  The invasion of migrants is overrunning the nation’s physical infrastructure, undermining the nation’s and local government’s financial resources — and generating criminal activities that is literally killing American citizens every day from murders, car accidents and drug overdoses.  In addition, it is believed that hundreds, if not thousands, of terrorist types are believed to have entered among the got-aways based on the growing number being apprehended at the border.

While Biden refuses to use the powers of the presidency to secure the border from surge of foreign nationals illegally crossing, he supports policies to entice migrants to come to America by the millions. Illegal migrants are being provided with a growing number of benefits at the expense of the American taxpayer – schooling, jobs, welfare, drivers’ licenses. None of these are constitutional rights available to non-citizens. Cities such as New York are granting local voting rights to illegal aliens — one of the most fundamental rights of citizenship. 

The border is not secure because of the willful inaction of Biden as the man-in-charge. He is not even ordering the level of deportations that earned President Obama the title of Deporter-in-Chief.  Biden has not only not followed border security measures imposed by President Trump – such as the wall, Title 42, and detention in Mexico – he abandoned them.

Consequently, America’s southern border is NOT secure – not withstanding Homeland security Director Alejandro Mayorkas preposterous claim to the contrary.  The clear disregard of the Constitution by Mayorkas has earned him threats of impeachment — and he is only following orders.

It is abundantly clear that Biden is failing – even refusing – to fulfill his constitutional obligation to secure the American borders from foreign threats.  He is not living up to his oath to “obey and defend” the Constitution.  The issue is whether his aiding and abetting the illegal crossing of the American border – with all the untoward impacts on the American people – a violation of Biden’s oath.  Ergo an impeachable offense.

Biden’s open borders policy is inconsistent with his oath to uphold the Constitutional and obey immigration law.  He is imposing his personal political will over his constitutional duties.  He is operating as an authoritarian.

To create a positive spin on the open borders policy, Democrats claim that those pressuring to close the border are anti-immigration.  That is simply a political lie.  Most folks believe that America is a nation of immigrants – and that the country benefits from the labor and intellect of newcomers from throughout the world.  America also needs the additional workers to grow the economy.  But those benefits should come from LEGAL and CONTROLLED immigration.  Not from largely unvetted hoards pouring across the border from dozens of nations.

Those on the left offer pitiful tales of mothers and children seeking a better life – escaping oppression and poverty.  There are two problems with that narrative.  The vast majority of those crossing the border illegally are young single men.  Secondly, poverty is not a justification for granting asylum.  That is why 80 percent of the migrants are not eligible.

Raising the question as to whether Biden’s obvious reluctance to protect the border is an impeachable offense is highly controversial.  But still a question worth pondering.

So, there ‘tis.

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