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Bolsonaro Victorious: A Brazilian Backlash Against Socialism

Bolsonaro Victorious: A Brazilian Backlash Against Socialism

After an absurdly tumultuous electoral cycle that included being stabbed and losing nearly half his blood in an attack; Jair Bolsonaro is now the President-elect of Brazil.

Bolsonaro won handily enough with 55.1% of the vote yet despite a majority appeal the boisterous right-wing populist remains an incredibly divisive figure in his country.

A 63-year-old former army captain, Bolsonaro hails from the small, conservative Social Liberal Party. His controversial statements and provocative campaign stylings have resulted in the media at large coining him ‘The Trump of the Tropics.’

As far as most Brazilians are concerned, that’s the point.

As one analyst put it,

“Brazil’s past experiment with socialism and the Workers’ Party was a failure. Former President Luiz Inacio ‘Lula’ da Silva is jailed on corruption charges. His successor, Dilma Rousseff helped continue the economic decline of Brazil and ended up getting impeached for corruption. The Bolsonaro’s campaign against socialism and corruption is striking a note because the Workers’ Party is corrupt. Brazilian’s are sick and tired of the empty promises of socialism and total government control over the means of production and natural resources.”

It’s no surprise Brazilians have migrated towards a strong decisive – albeit massively controversial –  voice with their country in turmoil. Their former president is quite literally rotting in prison as are countless other officials while legions more continue to plague the system with corruption and overbearing bureaucratic influence. His successor (and former vice president) was impeached for illegally doctoring the budgets.

At the end of the day, Brazilians at large are simply done with the leftist cronies of the Workers Party.

With the Government composed entirely of criminals it makes sense why Brazil has seen massive social upheaval and an abusively poor economy literally killing the populace as empirical measures like infant mortality spike for the first time in nearly a century; and massive human displacement due to bureaucratic ‘development projects’ carried out by the pilfering socialist regime.

Brazilians decided his opponent, Fernando Haddad, largely sounded like more of the same having run on promises to invest even further in the public sector to ‘stimulate’ the economy.

Bolsonaro, on the other hand, is notably seeking radical change, pushing for “the privatization of state companies in all sectors.” He believes that he can “nullify issues of corruption in state owned companies” by changing them from being managed by political appointees to private performance-based employees. In other words, he wants meritocracy as opposed to the current status quo of nepotistic bureaucratic bloat and widespread crime.

A coalition of Farmers, Evangelicals, Businessmen as well as poor people simply sick of living in terror have propelled Bolsonaro in hopes he can alleviate the crushing problems gripping the nation.

Sunday evening US President Trump called Brazilian president-elect and Latin American doppelganger to congratulate him on his win and begin discussing how the US and Brazil can cooperate on making that recovery a reality; good news for American investors flushed out of a naturally massive Brazilian market due to reckless socialist nationalization of industries and administrative corruption.

Trump and Bolsonaro told one another that they are looking forward to working “side-by-side” as “regional leaders of the Americas,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement. Brazilians living in the worst times Brazil has seen in decades by all measures now desperately hope he can heal the nation as stunningly as he healed from being shanked in the streets he’s looking to clean up.

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  1. Jack

    Brazil is on the move. First JAIL the criminal politicians THEN elect a Trumpian like president to take care of business. We have to take a page from the Brazilian play book and LOCK the Crooks up, starting with Hillary and Obama.

  2. Prof. Zuckerman

    Jake, as a professor of political science at CSUS, I couldn’t agree w you more.
    SADLY I can’t see that happening here as the corruption has allowed the criminals to sure up too much influence and power, as your currently seeing for yourself every time you watch the news in America. Look at how Jones was literally scrubbed from the Internet. Americans need to sure up the constitution first and foremost w new strong right wing candidates.

  3. Geary Sexton

    You guys are idiots. Flat out. You target simple, like-minded people in order to sell a propaganda piece with actually no value what so ever. Selling hatred and bigotry. The free market system has been in place since the begining of the healthcare industry and is a complete failure but just like all republican policies that decimate the country’s working class and enhance its wealthy 1%, you and your ilk continue to sell it to the masses. Wrapping it in a conservative package to swindle the other dolts to follow you.

    • K2l0UpnEUh

      What does that have to do with socialism in Brazil?

  1. Oooops, wrong pew, wrong spew, but u getvit and I’m still good with op and followup. I spell my name:…

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