Bill Clinton Influence? Lynch will “accept the FBI’s recommendations” on Hillary Email Case
Loretta Lynch’s name has been popping up in a lot of PB’s headlines lately. And now, after a mysterious meeting with Bill Clinton, the AG says she will not have a role in the final decision regarding the Hillary Clinton email investigation.
Lynch met in private with Mr. Clinton on Monday, just before the Benghazi report was released. The AG has since admitted the meeting was a mistake and is worried about the effect it will have on the Justice Department’s reputation. “It is an issue on how this impacts our work, and I certainly wouldn’t do it again,” said the AG, adding that her conversation with Bill did not involve Hillary. (Really?)
“It really was a social meeting,” she said, adding that the two of them just so happened to be in Phoenix at the same time. “Basically, he said hello, and it led to a conversation about his grandchildren.”
Like it or not, that little chitchat cast a dark shadow over the Clinton email probe and the entire Justice Department. Lynch is now trapped, with no easy way out. “The most important thing to me is the integrity of the Department of Justice,” she said.
Lynch says she doesn’t know when she will be briefed on the Clinton email probe, but she did vow to accept the FBI’s recommendations when deciding whether or not charges should be filed against Hillary. “I fully expect to accept these recommendations,” she aid to NBC. “I don’t have a role in these findings,” she added.
Her decision means that there is zero possibility a political appointee could overrule the case’s investigators, reports the New York Times.
Both Democrats and Republicans have criticized Lynch for the improper meeting with Mr. Clinton. Some are calling for her to recuse herself from the case, while Donald Trump calls the meeting a “sneak” encounter. The FBI has yet to interview Mrs. Clinton, but is expecting to make its recommendations to the DOJ in upcoming weeks.
“She [Lynch] certainly understands that investigations should be conducted free of political interference and consistent with the facts,” says White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest.
Political analyst Dick Morris, on the other hand, is convinced that bribery was involved in the meeting. “I want to know what she got,” he told Newsmax TV on Thursday.
Morris, co-author of Armageddon: How Trump can beat Hillary Clinton, considers the meeting wildly inappropriate. “Could you imagine in a criminal proceeding if the husband of the defendant met with the judge? Impossible.” Lynch’s job ends in five months, he points out. “Even a warm handshake and routine words of praise from the husband of her possible boss could mean the world to Loretta Lynch. It could mean she can stay on as AG. It could mean that Hillary would put her on the Supreme Court.”
Editor’s note: Lynch has not recused herself, it would be very awkward if she did. It is the job of the Attorney General to make those decisions. However, the only way we will know this has not been “fixed” in Hillary Clinton’s favor is if an indictment is handed down and comes before the election. We do know Bill Clnton’s visit to Lynch was no accident. The Clinton’s live their lives in front of the media and know how to manipulate them.
Once again it is all bull shit all liars there all just doing what they do best corruption goes on and they escape justice I hope Pres Trump puts them all away or better still build his wall and out them on the southern side.
Make America the greatest go Mr. Trump God speed!