Biggest Nationwide Poll Shows Trump Beating Kamala Harris by Landslide

Since last month when the Democrats threw Joe Biden out of the Democrat presidential candidacy for 2024, mainstream media have been busy promoting Kamala Harris with poll after poll showing that she either leads Trump in battleground states or that they are neck and neck in the race. But now the biggest poll open to the entire nation has shown that Trump leads Harris by a landslide.
This week, Elon Musk conducted an open nationwide poll on X (Twitter) asking everyone who they will vote for – Donald Trump or Kamala Harris. Over 5.8 million users on X responded to the poll and the result of the final vote weighed heavily in favor of President Trump. The result showed 73.2% voting Trump and 26.8% voting Harris.
Musk called his poll “super unscientific” but the sample size and open field for voting on X without selectivity gives a good idea of where most American stand on their 2024 choice as against the various small polls usually asking less than a thousand to a few thousand people about voting, mainly Democrats in blue districts.
Conservatives on the X thread supported the poll and called it the most reliable estimate of the 2024 race.
On Tuesday (August 20), Just the News reported on how the polls are manipulating numbers to make news to promote the idea that Kamala Harris can defeat Trump in 2024. The story noted that Harris suffered from poor approval ratings before Democrats decided to replace Biden with her and suddenly the surveys started telling a different story, leading experts to look critically at the polls. Well-established pollster John McLaughlin, of McLaughlin & Associates, was cited commenting on the Harris-friendly polls:
“So what they’re doing is they’re polling fewer Republicans. They’re polling a disproportionate number of Biden 2020 voters in these states that were dead even. They’re saying the Biden 2020 voters should be four or five points higher. It’s ridiculous.”
McLaughlin added that what the pollsters are doing amounts to suppressing the conservative vote:
“So what they’re doing is they’re trying to pump Harris up. They’re trying to suppress our vote. And this is, you know, there’s smart people doing this, so I think it’s intentional.”
On Wednesday (August 21), The Western Journal reported on a new poll showing Harris has no lead left over Trump. The story wrote that despite media’s flattering coverage of Harris for a month, her slight lead over former President Donald Trump in battleground states has evaporated. It added:
Broken down individually, Trump is ahead of Harris by one percentage point in Arizona (46 to 45 percent) and two points in Pennsylvania (46 to 44 percent), while the other three states are tied.
This has to be the dumbest poll ever done by anybody, since the vast majority of responses came from far right X members, as per Musk’s own reporting on the political affiliation of his 196 million members:
What Happened: Musk asked his followers on X, formerly known as Twitter, whether they identify as Democrats, Republicans, or Independents.
The poll, conducted on platform X, reached 31.9 million people and received 1.6 million responses.
As per the poll, 49.4% of the respondents identified as Republicans, 35.2% as Independents, and 15.3% as Democrats.
RealiClear Politics has Harris ahead of Trump: https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/trump-vs-harris
Last i looked, Predictit had Harris winning, but their site doesn’t seem to be working now.
It may be heavily weighted but Elon actually says that in his description as a ‘super unscientific poll’. As he mockingly sucks in people like you who feel the need to demsplain , and you fulfilled all the expectations including your use of that liberal mantra calling all who disagree ‘far right’. This is what the left does now as opposed to the 1980’s-2000 where they just said the Republicans wanted to starve old people. Do you all ever get a thought which is outside your hivemind?
Look at what you just commented. 49.4% are republicans and 15.3% Dems. And the poll shows 73.2% Trump and 26.8% Harris. That would mean Trump got a 24% bump from independents and Harris got an 8% bump from them. The independents are solidly behind Trump. And as we’ve been told, that’s where the race will be won or lost. 😊
BHW: Interesting point. However, you know Independents basically break the same way as the two parties break and therefore you can expect X Independent’s break the same way, in joining X, as do the two parties. As in X has a skewed Independent subscriber base that looks like it’s democrat/liberal skew. And I think that’s what you showed.
Just my guess.
Oooops. Another post blocked by the maven of extreme free speech NOT.
A poll by a kookie rich right winger on his very right wing social media site populated by other kookie very right wing Trump insurrectionists, wannabe insurrections and generally hate filled Christian nationalists whom still cannot accept the fact that Trump lost fair and square in 2020 and you want me to believe this poll???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone who believes this is X poll is in denial.
The Economist is a pretty straight shooting business mag not affiliated with any media nor any party. The Economist poll on us-2024-election/trump-harris-polls has Harris ahead of Trump by 3 points as of Aug 22nd. This is before the convention bump. I predict a 4 to 5 point jump for Harris by the end of Aug. This is what has Trump so pissed. It is showing him that he is a two time loser!!! And lets not even get into the stupidity and desperate nature of Trump working with JFK Jr.
T, is that equal to your stupidity? Do you really think you can predict the outcome? Do you really think you can mentally fix the election to your liking? Are you getting that desperate? The polls and election, if there is even going to be an election is God’s will or Sources, or whatever you want to call him. You are very soon going to find out who Harris really is, and I don’t care what you slam back at me about this (it shows your dictatorship dominance to me). Why did you mention JFK Jr.? What do you mean by that? Please appease us as to what you are trying to say but not saying. And Trump is pissed? Sounds like it is you who are pissed. Or seems to be.
Americafirst, I see they let you out of your room and allowed you to access asylum computers!
I”m not a christian nationalist. I’m not far right. I’m pretty darn liberal/ libertarian on social issues. But the democrats are POS as far as I’m concerned. Yeah… I figure if Musk did the poll it’s going to be people leaning right. Just like MSM polls tilt left. And do you think I believe ANY MSM poll after they got things so wrong in the past. They are all in for KM and don’t even pretend to be unbiased. They hypocrisy makes me sick.
Do not answer questions from the FBI. Again politely decline to answer ANY questions. Ask them to leave you property. Call your lawyer and/or the County Sheriff to intercede for you. Do NOT answer questions. It’s your constitutional right under the 5th Amendment.
Eric is absolutely correct here, and especially think about whether to let in the house or not. Somehow calling the Sheriff does not console or make me feel safer……
HOWEVER —– when the FBI asks for a chat, it’s up to you what to answer, and how to answer —- just don’t try the lie. That’s more friendly that IF you decide to follow Eric’s advice, generally the next step, and it could be minutes, is to slap you with a warrant, a subpoena, or even a summons to appear. It’s up to you to determine which path is the best. Often the questions are about someone else or even someone spoofing you and therefore you are on the tab. Personally, if I have no risk, nothing to hide, I do the chat, why not. Only has occurred once in my life and it was one and done. It was internet crap being done in my name and given my being off the grid, pretty hard to be me. And now it cannot happen that way again, so I profited from the chat that enlightened me as to the situation.
So, Leon Skum’s “highly unscientific” poll asks his X followers, who are likely Republican voters and basically Trump’s base, who they’d vote for. If anything, I would say it’s another indication of Felon Trump being in trouble, because a quarter of his own base is going to vote for Harris. Some right-wing website claims that polling is being manipulated – and yes, this poll by Skum is a great example. But you’re grasping at straws by trying to claim that ALL main-stream polls are fake.
Actual scientific polls show Harris ahead by 6-7 points in an average of all reputable polls. And state level polls also show her leading most of the swing states by 3-6 points too. The latest 538 poll shows Harris up by 7 points nationally, 1.3 points in AZ, 2 points in PA, 6-8 points in MI, +5-10 points in NV, 0 to +1 point in NC, +1 to +8 in Wisconsin. She’s down 1-4 points in Georgia but has been gaining ground.
History shows that the best TV ratings of the conventions is a good indicator of the election outcome, and this is a topic near and dear to Felon Trump’s heart (i.e. wallet). The DNC averaged 21.8 million viewers across its four nights, compared with the RNC’s average of roughly 19.1 million per night. That’s an average of 2.7 million more viewers per night for the DNC, which is a whopping 14% higher for Harris than Felon Trump. She beat him on the number of viewers for the acceptance speech. She is also filling arenas that Felon Trump is leaving half empty, and even then his supporters leave before the end of his speeches. Felon Trump has a major case of penis envy right now, and it’s making him crazy.
RFK, Jr. has dropped out and backed Felon Trump. His votes were mostly a “none of the above” when Biden was in the race. Now it’s Kamala in the race, and it’s a different ballgame. She’ll gain some of RFK’s votes, but I doubt that Felon Trump will get much of a bump from it. They may even retailiate against Felon Trump for “enticing” (i.e. an empty promise of some role in his administration) or even forcing RFK out of the race.
Joe Biden whipped Felon Trump’s ass 4 years ago, by 81M to 74M votes. That’s a margin of 4.5 points. What has gotten better for Felon Trump?
The economy improved greatly under Biden (even though Felon Trump constantly lies about his economic record).There was inflation caused by the pandemic, but under Biden the US has done better than literally the whole world, and its almost back to the Fed’s target. Unemployment climbed to almost 10% under Felon Trump’s term, and it’s back down under 4% now. Better off than you were 4 years ago? Prices jumped during Felon Trump’s term too, grocery shelves were empty, his lack of response to the pandemic had ships sitting in the harbors with nobody to unload them. He promised an infrastructure bill “coming in two weeks” for his entire term, and never did get it done. Biden’s infrastructure bill was the first thing he did, and there’s a construction boom around the country now.
Biden managed to get most of the US population (except for Republican holdouts) vaccinated, compared to less than a million for Felon Trump. Trump’s “greatest hits” include telling people to drink bleach or inject sunlight up their asses to stop Covid. Felon Trump claims he was beter about immigration, but he personally killed the bipartisan immigration bill. As a result, Biden implemented what he could without Congress, and has cut illegal border crossings down to well under half what they were under Felon Trump.
Crime is down between 50 and 60% since Felon Trump left office (despite Felon Trump’s lies about rising crime). Felon Trump is also now a convicted felon, and still has another 60 or so charges awaiting trial. He could also get sentenced to prison just before the election. He will claim it’s political, and try to get out of is because it’s so close to the election, but he’s been delaying and pushing it out for 3 years, and will ultimately get what he deserves.
Felon Trump has really screwed the pooch with his pro-abortion picks for SCOTUS. They lied about Roe v. Wade being settled law. Felon Trump has enraged women voters across the country, regardless of party. On top of that, SCOTUS has declared the President is “above the law”, and will vote Democrat to re-balance the entire Court (I’m predicting 2-3 Justices will get impeached).
Felon Trump played the “old age” card against Biden. Now the worm has turned, and Felon Trump is the senile old man in the race. He cries that it’s unfair that Harris replaced Biden. He repeats his “amazing” results from his cognitive test, which they wouldn’t have given him if there’s wasn’t some sign of cognitive impairment. Trump spews out word salad and conspiracy theories at his rallies, and lies about the major issues (because his rally cult believes them), but that won’t hold up in the general election.
On top of all that, Harris and Walz have managed to galvanize all the Democrats into a cohesive voting block (which is usually like herding cats in the Democratic Party). Not to mention pulling in a lot of voters who didn’t want to vote for Felon Trump (including 3M “Haley Voters For Harris”), and getting dozens of endorsements from Republican politicians and even former members of his staff.
You’re part of the Felon Trump cult, and you can make all the excuses for Felon Trump that you want, but I’ll bet you a steak dinner at Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse that he’s going to lose. Or you can buy one of my steers and throw a Harris victory party (which is probably cheaper than the steakhouse!) And Harris’ victory will be HUGE. I’m talking a 15-20M vote blowout. And Dems will take the House and Senate too.
I can predict already that your reply is going to be a couple of lines long to call me crazy or delusional, and you’ll either deflect from or not say anything about the issues. You dismiss bad things that Felon Trump has done as “just Trump being Trump”. You’re an engineer and a businessman, more than capable of doing your own research, but you don’t and you won’t. Everything you write (as is everything from your other writers) comes from right-wing conspiracy theories. If you don’t come back with facts to back up your position, you’re just a coward and brainwashed by the Felon Nazi Racist Rapist Trump cult.
You conveniently ignore all of the illegal, treasonous and anti-constitutional things that the Biden-Harris administration has foisted on the American people. I guess in your effort to defame Trump you think that is OK and gives you the moral high ground to preach at us. We see right through you.
Can you please name some and cite your sources?! Otherwise your comment is nothing more than a clanging symbol in the wilderness!
Wow! I looked through all of this, point by point, not a single element of truth in this long diatribe.
Here’s a true point, a single element. “RFK, Jr. has dropped out and backed Felon Trump.”
That is because your head is so far up Trump’s ass and starved for oxygen that you cannot recognize truth when you see it.
So, my prediction was true, which already invalidates your answer. By default, if you can’t refute them, we’re going with “TRUE”. Otherwise, you’re just a cowardly member of the Trump cult.
PS – some time between when I started and finished this reply, the author switched from Gilbertson to Dempsey. As of this PS, the front page still shows Gilbertson. It’s another fuckup by a low-rent website… While the last two paragraphs probably apply to both, they were directed to Old Joe.
You. Joseph are hijacking a Conservative website, so how are your words worth anything? If it’ll make you feel like a man, Trump will be arrested around the 19th (ish) of next month. Just don’t get too excited. You may have to change your shorts. I will tell you, I am for no party, Democrat or otherwise, nor for any nominee for a President, only for the truth. I see lies in many things. So do you. As for right-wing conspiracies, maybe you are a left-wing conspiracy nut, It’s a two-way street. So, take that and stick it!
I gather this is part of your treatment CBT plan. Nice that the mental institution allows you to get on the internet. I still think you are a man.
Prove it, asshole!
Joe, JSB post above sounds true. Seems confirmed by my initial post.
I am surprised this topic took so long to appear?
After all, the Democrat’s have been STUPID enough to keep Trump in the spotlight for 7 1/2 years
and wonder why he is popular? The corradiated disaster of this calamity must be the guy responsible for the disaster
the country is going through. A person with out a clue!
If you do not like the polls shown, believe in your own polls. We are not democrat’s making you believe ours?
Or better yet, get Blackrock to hire some Kid to take shoots at Trump.
Oh Yea, that did not work out to well!
Made him more popular!
Darren, OMG, you actually want Trump to be assassinated? To be dead? That is what I see in the last three parts of your post. You know how much trouble you can get in for that statement? How can you be so cruel? I, for one will not forget that statement. You are a very nasty human being, if I can even call you a human after that. You are more like a reptilian snake! I’ve said before, “you reap what you sow”. God almighty, what is happening to our species? Unbelievable!
You gotta know you’re having a bad day when a conspiracy theorist devotee calls you out for your conspiracy theory.
AF; crook was in a black rock TV ad that was shot at his high school. Neither he or the other gaggle of students were paid or hired by Black rock. So far, out of the entire group of students, only crook has gone off the reservation.
It’s more likely that Trump engineered his own fake shooting that it is black rock got crooks to do it.. I guess if we hadn’t cremated the body, we could tell…
This thing just gets weird or every day.
The musk survey and poll is crap. The state polls are not too much better. And the national polls are probably the best but I’ve had issues in the past. The fact is, she’s on a roll, she’s got the momentum, but who knows what will happen next. And September 10, the debate, is the next tipping point. Everything else up to then Will be changed after the debate.
Stetson, you are a left-wing conspiracy theorist. Touche’! I do not claim to be Democrat nor Republican. Neither is my cup of tea. I look for truth only, which is more then you ever do. You want to get rid of the Constitution. You want us to be communist. You hate everything good, and you exhibit that every time you post hate. You are also a hijacker. You are trying to make this site liberal which is not and you plus the other Libs here will NOT get away with it in the end. Seems all of you are trying to overthrow our government and you cannot deny it! That’s treason.
Also, Stetson, you told me nothing that I did not already know wo you wasted your time with dumb stuff. I don’t listen to polls; they change all the time. But I will say that the way you go so far out of the way to stand up for the criminals at the rally in Pennsylvania, I am beginning to think you were in on the assassination attempt, after all, you don’t live so very far away from there. So, were you? So, Mr. Liberal conspiracy theorist, maybe the Marines need to knock on your door. Maybe.
AF: still waiting for your gitmo tapes, support about all the deaths of our officials, etc. HINT: next time you watch a gitmo tape, hit record….. otherwise, folks will think you bat-shit crazy spewing crap like that without a shred of evidence, without a single source, with just your rantings.
On your current duo-rant:
What left-wing conspiracies do you say I espouse?
Why do you say I want to get rid of the constitution? With you backing Trump, I daresay you are closer to that goal than I. But I don’t except in your mind.
Why do you say I want us to be communist? You do realize I managed of product lines for a fortune 100 company, starting on small business but ending up with very large business. I owned the P&L, the money. It was hard-core capitalism in a very competitive arena. And I won a lot. Often. My beat was Wall Street for a few years. Today, I am retired but make well beyond your top salary still by investing in capitalism with the rewards of my capitalism.. So, good luck proving that.
My life in business may have been a bit of a disappointment to my mother; think she wanted a lawyer or liberal politician. But I liked pretending to be everyone else, a jack of all trades, master of none but the ledger and calendar to drive product to market making capitalism hum.
You say I hate everything good; that’s a bald-faced lie by face value. For anyone. Got examples you see all the time?
Hijacker? Have I blocked or stopped anyone? Are you that afraid on an idea? Of facts? Other points of view? Do I really force anyone to be or do anything here? Are conservatives that weak in your estimation. You say you are not afraid of me, but you sure act differently in this passage.
You claim I am trying to overthrow the government. Remember — Biden is the government……
You claim I am treasonous. Bite me.
What rally criminals are you talking about? There’s just Crooks that I know of. More gitmo tapes?
You accuse me of being part of the lone-wolf Trump shooting. That’s a mean lie. Butler is over 6 hours from NJ; I normally go North to Erie because the family had a beautiful house on the lake. Living room was 20×40, seven bedrooms, but I slept on the lake in the sunroom.
And I am not sure why the Marines would be involved in domestic issues, but hey, you’re the Trumper, that’s how you roll.
Good luck with the questions. Will not hold my breadth that you can stand up and support your musings. Suggest you slow down, support what you say, and say only what you can support. Then, whether liberal, conservative, or gay, you will do just find on PBP even with those nasty liberals taking fucking advantage of that God damned free speech.
Frank, you are funny! Yup, a lunatic calling out by a hypochondriac about conspiracy theories! Must be a fun night at the asylum!!!
The name is Crooks, not Crook, but if you want to tell us he was a crook, well, need I say more?
America First, what I am saying is the absurdity of the Statements the Democrat’s utilize.
I am a unwavering Trump supporter.
I always have been and always will be.
If Kamel Toe wins, this country is Screwed!
Darren, Okay! Got it. It didn’t seem right to me. I see now how you meant it.
Stetson – I use a laptop, not a phone. I can’t record. I do not save videos. It clogs up the bytes and slows my computer down. Do not tell me how to do things, Mr. Dictator. Everyone knows how to look things up. I already put on here a while ago that Real Raw News has a lot of the Gitmo executions, hundreds of them. So, get off my back and behave yourself, you damned child. Yes, hijacked. You are on a Conservative website here and you are disgustingly Liberal and hijacked this Conservative site. You prove it every time you post your evil. You slam everyone you can. You do show pure hate for people that do not believe YOU! Where did I accuse you of assassination? I suggested you may be in on it; I did not say you did it. You see what you do, you turn everything anyone says including my words around to make it appear we said something else. You are a real piece of work. How do you live with yourself. Don’t answer that, I don’t care if you jumped out of the fires of Hell to try to be a nasty minded narcisis. I will fight you to the death on everything you say to me. You are not my mother. You are not my father. You are not my President. You are not God! You are the evil demon from the tunnels. I will stake my life on that. Yes, you are treasonous. I will stake my life on that, too. I won’t bite you; I will get your disease and die from your bite. I am not a Trumper, reread what I said up above, Mr. Stupid. I think you are a Trumper. Take that and choke on it. God damned free speech. You mean we shouldn’t have free speech? Then you shouldn’t either. Go back to the fires of Hell. You are worse than a tow-year-old brat!
AF, ah, real raw news. I get it now. You’re funnin us. Nicely played madam, you had me fooled with your act. Good job.
Idiot Stetson, RRN is straight from Gitmo.
AF: if you look it up, you will soon realize that your main news source is a satire site where often they publish fake news for conservatives to republish within the blogosphere.
Congratulations, you’ve been punked.
I just jumped to the wild conclusion that you knew it and have been kidding all along.
Frank, we are learning more. She, or maybe a he, (we have no proof and he/she cannot be legally held responsible for her words according to law), is a low functioning computer user that has delusions of her worth entwined with much anger, hatred for authority, hatred for males, and all wrapped in a bow of feelings of grandiosity as He/She drifts in and out of reality as a pathological sociopath who mimics Trump’s personality.
Low-life Tom. I definitely am female. But you are a female because you can’t prove that. So, little retarded girl, stick it up your vagina! What you said above is absolutely hateful. It’s tit for tat now. You say, I say. I want you to prove what you said above is true. Go ahead, everyone reading this is waiting for you to tell the truth for the first time in your pathetic life. You are a sociopath and a narcissist. Look up the definitions, I did. They fit you to a tee. Stetson, too. My psychiatric doctors friends also say so about the both of you. Sounds like you are in love with Kamala. Do you want to have her? She is a he/she. That’d be a crock! Also sounds like you hate LGBTQ people the way you slam me about being a he/she. The way you worded it shows you are against LGBTQ. Now, my post above was directed at Stetson. Makes me think you and Stetson are one and the same demons from Hell.
Well AF, the first step in curing your illness is for you to recognize that you have mental illness in the first place. You did this quite well in your words. Now the next step to you being respected is to deprogram you from all of the RealRawNews garbage you stuffed into your head. The good side of this is that you are making some psychiatrists very happy and wealthy!!!
What was for breakfast today in the joint?
Seriously, if you wish to be respected, stop writing the stupid stuff and start writing something of value.
A satire like you? Well I’ll be damned, What a mistake you are!
AF: try The Onion. You may find more “real news” there. ha ha ha.
Or X: I hear there’s nothing but the truth there. Great polls too.
AF: from media bias, and before you meltdown about commie pinko media types, they source the site itself claims of satire and the untruths you believe.
”Launched in 2020, Real Raw News is an anonymously run satire website. According to their about page, “Real Raw News (realrawnews.com) is an award-winning independent publisher dedicated to exposing political and scientific corruption.” They also disclaim, “Segments of this website may contain humor, parody, or satire. We have included this disclaimer for our protection, on the advice of legal counsel.” The primary author appears to be Michael Baxter.”
It does not come better than this. Thanks. Priceless.
And then she should round her day out with a healthy dose of FOX truth! LOL
At least she finally admitted she has a psychiatric doctor. The first step in curing her illness is for her to recognize she has the illness in the first place. That’s progress!!! And we helped her get there!
You are the one who needs a mental hospital. My friends, the doctors (I refuse to name them) say you are sick! Like a rabid dog that you are, a bitch dog.
Houston: we have a meltdown.
K-Mart Shoppers: we have a satirical clean-up on thread aisle 7, please use other aisles as this one is full of fake news from a fake site believed by a real woman. Or so she says. Course then again, she’s printing a lot of fake news and believes it still.
Talk about letting liberals pull the wool over the eyes.
Won’t admit the error either. This will NEVER get old. Time to change thy name and reappear for a new start. Americafirst won’t last the laughter. hahaahahaha
YOU are the greatest satire of all time. What a joke you are!
I wouldn’t try anything you suggest. It will lead me down the illegal dark web where you live. You are an evil demon. I won’t obey a dictator like you! You are no better than Hitler or Stalin.
Af: Chillax. I’m not telling you to do anything. Power down. It’s a suggestion, I take no offense if you let it be v
No one is fighting you. No need to feel so defensive, so hostil.
Hey, you outed yourself for spreading disinformation created by liberals specifically for that reason. You got punked. Your poned. And the you doubled down. Priceless.
Really, keep in posting proud, But perhaps drop the liberal fake news posts targeting conservative conspiracy fans. You’ve made them very happy. They’ve been watching. They love your work and show others. You made their day.
Who’s next? This goose.cooked itself!