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Big lie versus big lies

The far left – that combine of Democrats and the compliant media – has coined and standardized the “The Big Lie” as the buzz words for those who continue to claim that President Trump won the election.  The term also includes anyone who believes that significant vote fraud was present in the 2020 election – but perhaps not necessarily enough to overturn the election results.  Though they lump the two groups together for political propaganda purposes, they are not the same – and it is important to understand the difference.

I fall into that latter category.  I have seen the history and the current evidence of real vote manipulation.  It does exist in every election.  However, I have not yet seen convincing evidence that the election was stolen – but I do not discount that possibility.  That has been my view since the election – and nothing has changed it.  Yes, I have seen the claims of both sides.  I totally disagree with the left’s claim of no vote fraud, but for me, the jury is still out on the scope of the fraud. 

With more than 50 years of experience in elections – including investigating and on-the-ground fighting against vote fraud – I can guarantee that the Democrats’ claim of zero vote fraud is … well … a BIG LIE.  It is a dangerous lie because it can lead us to overlook vote fraud and not take protective measures to prevent it as much as possible.  And that is the best we can do because it is humanly impossible to completely eliminate vote fraud.

What is amazing to me is how the left-wing media refuses to report on bona fide instances of vote fraud.  There are literally thousands of reports of suspected election fraud in conjunction with the 2020 election. 

Some of the election fraud is self-evident.  We have instances all across the country of vote counts that exceed the number of ballot applications.  We know that hundreds of thousands of people who were ineligible voted in the 2020 election – people who no longer resided in the voting district or were dead.  Those are prima facie cases of vote fraud.

Democrats and their media allies point to the low level of prosecutions for vote fraud. That is because it is not a prosecutable crime in most cases.  Because the ballot process is secret, there is no way to trace who might have committed vote fraud – and no way to correct the miscount even the obvious cases.

Yes, some cases do get prosecuted – and some people are found guilty – but they are few and far between.  Prosecutors and judges who owe their positions to the political bosses are not likely to mete out justice to those manipulating the vote count.

That is why prevention is of paramount importance.  We must have laws that eliminate or harden the weak spots in the ballots’ chain-of-custody.  Laws need to address where vote fraud can happen – and we know it has happened — as a preventative measure.  That is what is happening in some 48 states at this moment – and contrary to another BIG LIE, it is not only Republican state legislators voting for these bills.  Does the GOP really control the legislatures of 48 states?  They are addressing the weak points in the chain-of-custody.  They are doing their job – unlike the Texas Democrat legislators who are engaged in a political pout like a toddler not getting his or her way.

Democrats cry that these new laws make it harder to vote – especially for minorities.  If ease of voting were the only consideration, then we should have no registration … no identification check … no special hours.  That would most certainly make it easier to vote – and we would truly have no provable cases of vote fraud.

Voting must have REASONABLE limitations – such things as established hours and locations, proper identification, ballot security and accurate tabulating.  NOTHING in the election laws being proposed across the country makes it UNREASONABLY difficult for people to register and vote … nothing.  They do, however, make the process more secure.

In fact, it is left-wing arrogance and elitism – and an insult to poor folks and minorities — to suggest that they are too stupid … too incapacitated … or even too busy to cast a ballot.   Democrats and the left are conjuring up those old racist attributions of Negroes as being ignorant and lazy.   

Arguably, weeks of early voting makes it unnecessary to even have mail-in ballots except for the truly disabled.  Ponder that.  Voters have weeks – including weekends – to travel to a nearby location at their convenience to preform what is said to be one of their most sacred rights and responsibilities — and the left says it is too much of a burden.  And on top of that we DO have mail-in balloting. 

Imagine if Uncles Sam changed the rules and said you could only vote between 6 a.m.  and 7 p.m. on a single day – as was the case for approximately 200 years — but you would get $1000 for voting.  I bet we would have record turnout.  It is not a person’s ability to vote under all the expanded rules – or under any of the new laws — it is a matter of willingness.

Maybe because I am of the generation that once had to stand in long lines in rain and cold to cast my vote on Election DAY that I have less sympathy for the whiners and snowflakes advancing these preposterous political narratives.  If you cannot vote with all the times and ways available to you, then stay home.  Just stop all the caterwauling.

So, there ‘tis.

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