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Biden’s “don’t look at the cost” strategy

In recent weeks, Democrats have implemented their “don’t look at the cost” strategy.  It is not some secret means to fool the American public.  No. No. No.  They are laying it out in full view.

Once the talking points were established by Democrat leaders, every left-wing talking head on television is saying the same thing – almost verbatim.  It goes like this.  “We should not be talking about the cost of the program, but the benefits to the public” – at least the alleged benefits that they are marketing.  Yes, that is what one Democrat leader after another is saying in those endless interviews that CNN and MSNBC provide exclusively for the progressive left.  

We should not be focusing on the cost?  Unless you are a millionaire … when have you had the luxury of making a significant purchase and NOT consider the cost?  It is not only unwise to spend willy-nilly without consideration to the price tag – and how you will pay for it – it is unnatural outside the Washington Beltway.

If I take the approach to spending that is being proffered by the Democrats in considering my possible need for a new car (my 12-year-ol- Chevy Impala is starting to show signs of aging), I would head right over to the Rolls Royce or Maserati dealers and start looking.

I would love to have all those verrry expensive features – cameras everywhere, heated seats, rosewood paneling, powerful engines and power everything.  If that is what I would like to have, why should I have to worry about the cost?  Why should I be denied just because my budget would not even afford a new car of any kind.

Of course, I could not buy that Rolls or Maserati no matter how much I wanted one of them – or both.

But what if someone else had told me that I could have any car I choose, and some generous uncle would pay for it? Well then, I do not have to worry about the cost.  That would be a great deal UNLESS …  unless that generous uncle was going to use money that he had been pilfering from my bank account over the years or would borrow from the bank account of people not even born yet.  It would not even be HIS money.

Yes, the Biden big effing deal “Build Back Better” plan has something for everyone.  According to salesman Biden, it has everything I ever needed.  It would solve virtually every problem on the face of the earth – with the possible exception of mosquitoes.

As a good salesman, Biden has us looking at all the bright shiny objects – pointing to everything we might desire, but never at the price tag.

In the most recent of his almost daily addresses to the nation, Biden did his best impression of notorious con man “Professor” Harold Hill in “The Music Man.”  Remember how musical instrument peddler Hill warned the folks that their perfectly normal young boys would be corrupted by the game of pool UNLESS … unless they bought a lot of musical instruments from him for a boys’ band. He did not focus on the cost because no price was too much to save the children of River City, Iowa from the clutches of Beelzebub.

In his two-part pitch, Biden first painted a dark picture of life in the United States – much darker than most citizens might recognize.  As Biden spoke, I could almost see those rotund billionaires in their shiny tuxedos laughing at the throngs of folks in bread lines and unemployment offices all across the land.

But thanks to Biden, there will be money to raise the kids.  Money to care for the elderly. High-paying jobs for the masses – union, of course.  Free college education. If I were to purchase an all-electric car, Biden would help pay for it.  In a feat of economic prestidigitation, Biden would give me all that and still cut my taxes and reduce inflation.  

He is also going to reduce gas prices, even though the federal government – and especially the White House – has little to no influence over the structure of international gas prices other than controlling supply in the United States.  And Biden has already instituted policies to shrink the supply – ergo increasing the price at the pump.

At one point in his speech, I saw the Professor Hill image morph into Moses – working miracles on a grand scale.  With his mighty White House staff, Biden would temper the winds of hurricanes, push back the floodwaters (been done already), and dose the fires that have been iconic on the west coast for millennia.   Like his biblical predecessor, Biden would mark the homes of the vaccinated so that the scourge of Covid would pass over.  Hmmmm.  Biden did not offer to end the mosquito plague.

All that for a mere $3.5 trillion dollars.  Seems like a bargain. 

Ooops!  I was not supposed to bring up the cost.  But now that the cost has popped into my mind – and I have come to my senses – there is a lot about Biden’s “Build Back Better” plan just does not seem right.  Could Biden be shoving a truckload of b*llsh*t?  (Sorry, but a softer word would not do justice to the scope of Biden’s dishonesty.)

First of all, he says his plan is “paid for.”  Of course, that is not true.  Not one cent is paid for.  Rather, he gives us his version of how it WILL BE paid for – or maybe might be paid for.

To understand why I do not believe for a nanosecond that it would be paid for if enacted into law, allow me to explain.  It is because virtually EVERY federal government program will produce higher costs than projected and result in less income than projected.  The shortfall will wind up on the National Debt.  It is the nature of government.

Biden “says” his plan will lower inflation even though the cost and structure of his plan is sure to increase inflation – literally taking away some of those economic benefits he promises up front. Claiming that his program would reduce inflation has no more validity than if he were to say he could defy the law of gravity.

Biden’s plan to end “child poverty” with billions of dollars to parents – many of whom do not need the money – will not ensure that any of the money is spent on the children.  Negligent parents could use the money on booze and cigarettes.

In the days when Biden was still talking about the price tag, he was also fibbing.  He said that his plan would put every qualified person through a state college for two years for about $150 million a year.  The real economists and accounting agencies put the price somewhere between $300 and $450 million.

Then there is the Biden tax plan.  The soak-it-to-the-rich-and-the-corporations plan.  Biden rails against the big job providers by saying that the corporations are “not paying their fair share.”  Of course not.  They never do. For the most part, they NEVER actually pay the taxes levied on them.  

When a corporation is taxed, the levy goes onto the books as a common expense – and is then passed onto the consumer in the price of goods and services.  You and I pay the tax – albeit indirectly.  It is essentially a regressive tax on the people because it hits the hardest on the poor.

Biden’s con game depends on a public who does not think it through.  If I only look at the promised “gifts” – and not the cost or who pays – it’s easy.  I will tell my congressman to support Biden’s plan.  BUT (and that is a BIG but), if you follow the dollars, you will discover that the source of the money is we the people.  And once the people understand that it is our money Biden is spending, his plan would be dead in the water.

So … the way Democrats get around that little problem is to kick the bill to future taxpayers who have no voice in the current situation.  It is taxation without representation.  Didn’t someone call that “tyranny?”

What Biden is offering is an economic opiate to hook the people on an all-powerful central government controlled by a political elite — aka the Democratic Party.  

Biden was correct when he said America is at a crossroads.  But he, the Democratic Party, and the political left are taking America down the wrong path with his “Build Back Broker” plan.

So, there ‘tis.

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