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Biden Wants Putin to Win – As Soon as Possible!

When you analyze political messages you often realize that certain commentators have the role of breaking and testing new policies from the White House.

We know that General Jack Keane is a smart man, you don’t get to be a four star general without a high level of intelligence. But the analysis we see from him, even on Fox News, has been mostly the rah, rah party line stuff.  Plucky Ukraine is winning battles, they need our help, democracy will win in the end.

And mostly wrong.  My take is that he hasn’t wanted to discourage the American people from supporting Ukraine in this war, so he is reporting only pro-Ukraine perspectives.

But if you watch this video, you see that Keane’s true intellect is showing through. He is actively criticizing the Biden Administration. Most notably, at the 3:40 mark, he says that his sources have told him that the Biden Administration has been encouraging Zelenskyy to negotiate with Russia for a couple of weeks.

But I believe this.

If you have been reading my articles, you already know that Zelenskyy is compromised and that he has already made a deal with Putin.  The Biden Administration has found this out as well, and realizes that nothing they have done made a difference, they have no control and that Putin has won.

Biden’s only option is to go along with it. He wants it to be over as soon as possible because the Democrats need some distance between the end of the Russian Invasion and the midterm elections.

America’s interests are in preventing Putin from making attacks like this in the future. American interests are in showing China that an invasion of Taiwan would be a mistake, that the free world will not tolerate it. American interests are to show the rest of the world that America is a reliable partner who will have their backs in a crisis.

The Democratic Party’s interest is to lose as quickly as possible in the hope that the embarrassment of yet another foreign policy disaster is forgotten by the time people vote in midterm elections. Very sad.

Watch how this plays out.  Two things I guarantee.

First, Putin will get everything he wanted, without continued sanctions.

Second, the Biden Administration will find a way to declare victory.

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