Joe Biden has had a long and successful career as a politician for one major reason. He has no solid foundation of principles. Like the chameleon, Biden changes his beliefs, his policies and his proposals according to the zeitgeist of the moment – often complete reversals.
Biden does not lead. He does not hold to basic principles in the face of powerful political movements – well or ill-founded. Biden is the difference between a “wanna do” candidate and a “wanna be” candidate. There is an ancient saying that “I must see where my people are going, so I can lead them.”
Throughout his career, he has flipped and flopped on fundamental issues like a fish on the ground. During a tough-on-crime year, Biden was among the toughest. He used his influence as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee to draft and pass arguably the most racist crime legislation in modern times. Today, he looks favorably on a number of debilitating police “reform” measures.
When President Reagan was considering a late-term appointment to the Supreme Court, Biden established the “Biden Rule” that no appointments should be considered in the last year of a presidential term. When a similar opportunity befell President Obama, Biden ranted against his own “rule.”
Biden has had a very Loooong political career by never having to actually face serious issues. He can say what he pleases. Make any promises. But he has never been uniquely responsible for taking specific actions to solve specific problems. As a Senator, he was only one of 100. For sure, he had to vote on matters, but only one in the flock of legislators – among whom he could conceal and obfuscate without being held accountable.
As Vice President, he only had to talk the talk – go with the flow. Virtually every time Biden says, “I did that,” he is referring to an accomplishment of President Obama – an accomplishment for which Biden was only the observer and cheerleader. Vice Presidents do not make policy … period.
Biden’s propensity to say whatever he believes will get him elected to public office led to several instances of outrageous lies and plagiarism. He publicly proclaimed that he had three degrees, was in the upper quarter of his law class and was cited as the most outstanding political science student. All were bald-faced lies told to the electorate at a time before fact-checking – and even then, he got caught. It ended his 1988 quest for the presidency.
In his school term papers and in his various candidate speeches, Biden blatantly took up the language of such public figures as Britain’s Labor Leader Neal Kinnock and President Jack Kennedy. In the case of Kinnock, Biden even embellished his plagiarism by claiming the thought came to him on the way to the speech.
Biden’s strategy to be the leader of the trend on any given day is particularly dangerous at this time. Promoted as a moderate alternative to the radicalism of people like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris, Biden’s chameleon strategy has now taken on the colors of the radical left that controls the Democratic Party now.
He takes on Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as a key advisor – a radical activist whose proposals are based on a combination of left-wing pedagogy and awesome ignorance. He throws out their multi-trillion-dollar Green New Deal knowing that it is an impossible and highly damaging idea. I say “knowing” because I do not believe Biden is that stupid – just that dishonest in pursuit of his life ambition.
Despite his 47 years as a public servant – having amassed an $11 million fortune in the process – Biden has very little record of success – and what there is, he is currently suppressing, just like those piles of records in the archives at the University of Delaware.
Biden’s age – and his increasingly apparent inability to maintain a vigorous work schedule – raise a reasonable fear that his staff and intimate friends will exert undue influence on presidential policy – just like what was the case with Woodrow Wilson after he suffered a stroke, or with Franklin Roosevelt as he was near certain death even as he was re-elected to a fourth term.
In issuing pronouncements from the bunker – and sitting for carefully rehearsed interviews with supportive media personalities – Biden is fast becoming the first virtual-reality presidential candidate.
Biden poses an existential threat to the traditional American culture because, as President, he will run with the wolves of socialism and disruption. Biden will be their useful idiot because he is a political marionette to be manipulated by the mob of the moment. Given his long political career, Biden is arguably the most successful and long-lasting wanna-be in American political history. For the sake of the nation, one can only hope his vapid career will end very soon.
So, there ‘tis.