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Biden Takes Unearned Victory Lap on Covid-19

Joe Biden Putting On Face Mask

Because the national news media does not report the facts that do not comport with their left-wing political advocacy, I feel it necessary to fill in the blanks on many of those omitted FACTS about Biden and Covid-19.  That enables us to draw more accurate conclusions than the media spoon-feeds us based on their predetermined narratives.

Just recently, the pro-Biden press is praising the Biden administration for actually surpassing HIS goal of 100 million vaccinated Americans in his administration’s first 100 days.  That projection did not originate with Biden.  He plagiarized it.  In November of 2020, the Trump administration announced that they had sufficient vaccines in the pipeline — and infrastructure — in place to FULLY vaccinate 100 million folks in the first three month – just short of Biden’s 100 days purloined prediction.

So, the first bit of disinformation spread by the biased media is that it was Biden’s goal.

But he was just staking a false claim on the work of the previous administration.  But the deception continues.

Biden has announced that he has exceeded HIS GOAL by 100 million – doubling it.  That claim relies on changing the objective.   The Trump administration said 100 million people FULLY vaccinated.  In his claim of victory, Biden is counting all those with only one Covid-19 injection.  If you count the fully vaccinated, it is very close to the original Trump projection.

According to official records, there has been approximately 200 million doses injected into arms.  But they report that the number of fully vaccinated individuals is approximately 85 to 90 million. A bit short of both the Trump projection and WAY short of Biden’s 200 Million dubious claim.  And even that number is inflated by Biden.  As of April 21, 2021, the number of people with either one or two doses is officially reported at 132 million – far below Biden’s bogus figure.

The Covid-19 numbers are basically good news, but not to the credit of Biden. 

This seems to be consistent with Biden’s taking credits for things he has not produced.  A form of political plagiarism.

Considering the challenge, the figures are impressive – putting America in the world lead for vaccinations.  Credit goes to the Trump administration for Warp Speed that produced the vaccines and delivery systems in a miraculously short time.  Credit goes to Biden for not screwing it up.

Then there is the issue of what credit does not go to Biden. 

Yes, it was achieved on his watch. But there was nothing that Biden did that could have possibly affected the number of vaccinated individuals in his first 100 days.  The quantity of vaccines and the infrastructure to deliver them was already in place at the national level. And, more importantly, at the state levels.  Biden could not implement any change of policies or expenditure of money in such a short time.  To see any Biden impact on Covid-19, you need to look for the results of HIS policies in the next six months.

Biden supporters in the media point to the passage of the Covid-19 Relief Legislations as the reason for his claimed success.  But none of that – other than the individual stimulus checks – has been spent on Covid yet.  In fact, not even all the money from the Covid appropriations in 2020 has been spent yet.

What we are seeing in these first three months of the Biden administration are the results of decisions and actions taken months and months ago.  Our great ship of government cannot turn on a dime.

This is just another example of how the left-wing media uses – and abuses – information to create and maintain their partisan narratives.  And this is not an outlier issue – a one off.  The media has been guilty of spinning webs of disinformation throughout the Covid-19 Pandemic.  I will deal with another example in a future commentary.

So, there ‘tis.

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