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Biden promotes his devotion to Catholicism.  Really?

In a recent speech to donors, President Biden raised his self-proclaimed devotion to his Catholic faith.  Ironically, he did it in conjunction with his pro-abortion policies.  He said that as a practicing Catholic, he “is not big on abortion.”

(I will pause until you stop laughing).

Of course, Biden is lying through his rosary.  Arguably, Biden is the most pro-abortion president this nation has ever had.  Everything he says and does is designed to promote and expand abortion. Although he intimates that he has religious reservations about abortion, he said – in the same speech — that “Roe v. Wade got it right.”  He favors abortion on demand.  He has not embraced any limitations – even against late-term abortions or partial birth abortions that are opposed by more than 70 percent of Americans.

Biden is not on the sidelines – passively accepting the current situation.  He is using every means possible – from policies to personal statements – to promote abortion as just another women’s health issue … a right.  No big effing deal.

Like Biden, I grew up in the Catholic Church – maintaining my devotion past my college years.  I was one of the few 1960s students who attended mass every Sunday.  In later years, I found myself at odds with Catholic doctrine on a number of issues.  Unlike Biden, I left the Church of Rome – temporarily selecting the Episcopal (Catholic-lite) version.  I eventually gave up on organized religion altogether.  

Biden, on the other hand, takes the preposterous position that he is a “good Catholic” who happens to favor abortion.  It is the level of his pro-abortion activism that creates the problem.  You cannot be supporting and promoting abortion and be a “good Catholic” – any more than you could support Hitler and be a good Jew.

Abortion is a FUNDAMENTAL moral issue – not one about which you can be neutral.  Terminating the life of a human being – and harvesting the organs for commercial and medical purposes – is morally acceptable or morally wrong.  There is no grey area.  

Biden is an abortion activist … period.  And that does not comport to Catholic ideology.  Or does it?

In terms of doctrine, the Catholic Church is very clear.  Abortion in almost all instances – especially the most common cases of abortion-on-demand – is a violation of Catholicism – a MORTAL sin.  That is the kind that gets you eternal damnation in Dante’s Inferno.  

How the supreme leader of the Church handles the situation is quite another matter.

I see Pope Francis like those progressive prosecutors who simply refuse the enforce the laws they are sworn to … enforce.  The Catholic Church is headed by an autocrat who simply ducks, dodges and disappears on the issue of abortion.

Yes, His Holiness occasionally expresses his opposition to abortion, but never with much conviction – and he certainly does not use the power and influence of the papacy to oppose abortion.  When is the last time he excommunicated any so-called Catholics for supporting abortion?  Or even banned them from Holy Communion – as a few local bishops have.  Not only has Francis NOT chastised Biden for his pro-abortion activism – he has had meetings with the President in which abortion was not on the list of talking points.  

According to many Catholic theologians, supporting abortion is a sin of such gravity that it automatically separates (ex-communicates) a person from the communion of Catholics until the person confesses and changes their ways.  

It is impossible to imagine that Biden does not know that – and that he is willfully using his proclaimed religious affiliation as a fraud on the public.

While I am pro-life, I have family and friends who support abortion.  None of them, however, are Catholics or claim to be “good Catholics.”  That would be a logical and devotional impossibility.  

And then there is the issue of Biden’s support of homosexuality and the Church.  He is at odds with the Catholic Church on that one, too.  So am I.  It is one of the issues that caused me to cancel my membership in the Catholic Church.  I would be a hypocrite if I were to claim fealty to the Catholic Church.  So, what does that make Joe?

Come on, Joe.  You are a pro-abortion President.  At least stop pretending to be a good Catholic for public consumption. 

So, there ‘tis.

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