The annual memorial for those who died in the D-Day invasion of Normandy is a solemn occasion – more a requiem than a celebration. After 80 years, there are no new words to express our nation’s – and the civilized world’s – admiration and appreciation. We are admonished to never forget the sacrifice of so many.
The occasion should never be abused by the introduction of political and partisan language – even by innuendo. President Reagan set the highest standard of appropriateness in an address to the world from Normandy Beach in 1984 – the fortieth anniversary of the invasion. But then, he was the most gifted orator since Lincoln.
Virtually every American President used his D-Day visit to put politics aside during their stay in France. It was not a time for political cheap shots. That is, until President Biden traveled there during his reelection campaign – in which he is struggling.
Biden used the visit to the graves site to play out his campaign themes – directly and by less than subtle innuendo. He was not addressing the world but using the platform to address American voters. I came across as what it was – an act of desperation.
Every President described the war and the casualties — and the price paid to save democracy from the ambitions of autocrats, such as Hitler, Mussolini and Hirohito. Using the theme of preserving democracy, Biden segued into the Democrat’s domestic political narrative – exaggerating a threat to American democracy by his political opponents.
Undermining American democracy by telling the world that it is on the precipice of collapse if he does not win the election, can only needlessly weaken America’s power and influence in the world – more than he already has with three years of foreign policy blunders.
He did not call out Trump and Republicans by name during his speech, but the innuendoes were inescapable. And at other times during his stay in France, Biden was not subtle in his partisan campaign rhetoric.
In a meeting with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Biden apologized to the Ukrainian leader for the three-month delay in approving funding for the war effort. Biden specifically blamed his political adversaries — “conservatives” in Congress — for blocking the aid. It was a gratuitous remark and a cheap shot.
For the record, I should remind readers that I was extremely critical of the House GOP for their using Ukraine funding to eke out more money for U.S. border protection – even though it was a worthy cause. Apart from diminishing the war effort – which I do not believe it did as much as Democrats now claim – the delay sent an awful message to the world … to the Ukrainians … and especially to Putin and our other adversaries. I remain both angered and mystified by those in the conservative movement who are willing to let Ukraine fall into Russian hands.
Biden’s criticism of the House GOP was pure hypocrisy, however. It was Biden who maintained restraints on Zelensky’s ability to mount a more effective and successful war with the too little/too late policies. Biden did nothing to prevent the invasion – and even assured Putin that the United States would stand down. He never imposed the sanctions on Russia he initially promised. He refused to declare a no-fly zone. He rejected the request for jet fighters. He refused to provide longer range weapons – and demanded that Ukraine not attack the Russian homeland. He refused to provide intelligence support, lest it anger Putin.
Yes, Biden did reluctantly and belatedly acquiesce to pressure at home and abroad to eliminate some of the restraints. But his “full support” rhetoric is still not matched by his actions.
I was also angered – but not mystified — by Biden’s using an international tour to play local politics. He has not experienced anything but politics in his long life. For all his success, Biden remains a strident Democrat politician. He has the office of President, but the DNA of a political hack.
Lest you think I am being petty in pointing to Biden’s politicization of his D-Day visit to France, every major news outlet carried the story of his unprecedented and inappropriate apology.
Why would he do that? Maybe because that is what a hack politician would do when desperate.
So, there ‘tis.