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Biden Loses it and Has a Melt Down Over His Plummeting Poll Numbers

Biden Loses it and Has a Melt Down Over His Plummeting Poll Numbers

According to NBC News, Biden lost it during a meeting with his allies in which he was informed that his polling in Michigan and Georgia, two critical battleground states, was dropping, mostly over his handling of the war between Israel and Hamas.

Sources who spoke to NBC News said Biden “was seething” during that meeting and even “began to shout and swear.”

One of Biden’s central problems, from his perspective, is that he feels constrained by his aides.

Surrounded by protective aides who want to minimize the chances of a flub, the 81-year-old president has chafed at restraints that he sees as counter to his natural instincts as a retail politician, another person familiar with internal discussions told NBC.

He has felt cocooned at times and has been eager to get out more, meet voters face-to-face, and take the fight directly to Trump, said this person and a fourth also familiar with the matter who, like others, spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss campaign strategy and the president’s private views.

“[Biden is] probably a little mad at himself for not being more forceful with the staff,” one person told NBC News.

Unbeknownst to Biden, the problem isn’t that Americans aren’t receiving his campaign message about the direction of America and his argument that his policies are the solution to a better future. The problem is that Americans simply don’t believe it.

That’s why Biden’s job approval rating is more than 15 points underwater, in a dangerous territory where one-term presidents reside. A significant majority of Americans believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, and they not only do not believe Biden is the one who can turn it around, but they believe he is the reason it’s headed in the wrong direction in the first place.

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  1. Richard

    Just wait until he gets his retarded ass voted out of office. The Joe and the rest of the commiecrats will melt down and the finger pointing will start. Like who chose that old fool to steal the election for? And the party of communism will become election deniers. Can’t wait.

    • Andrew Gutterman

      Since Trump cannot win an election, how does Biden get voted out of office?

      • Jim wampler

        Hide and watch you ignorant prick. And there’s also the fact that stolen elections won’t be tolerated anymore. So there you have it asshole.

        • Andrew Gutterman

          Typical right wing reply. Two certified name callings, and one proven lie. If Trump with all his $billions could not prove the election was stolen, how is it that it was? Where is the EVIDENCE?

          • Tom

            Actually Trump does not have billions of dollars. This is coming out as a result of recent NY trials where he cannot come up with $452 M. Even his own daughter is not bailing him out, and she is supposed to be worth something around $750M. And his merger of Truth Social will not help him because no financial backers will take stock as collateral, especially when it is SPAC stock which is super risky, and his 60% shares cannot be sold for 6 months – so this will not save him. Right now his supporters are buying his stock (Ticker Symbol DJT) and inflating the price similar to what happened with Gamestop. Remember how Gamestop then crashed!??? Trump is in a lot of trouble, and there is no cavalry coming to save him. The only saviors he has are these little people that believe his lie that the election was stolen.

          • Richard

            It’s proven. The courts were bribed or threatened. Rick head. Never again!!

          • FRANK STETSON

            Wow, Richard using the term Rick-head, go figure…. Freudian slip?

            Well, Dick, got proof of court bribery or threats? You got over 65 cases to choose from?

            With all his money, Donnie boy could not prove fraud, rigging, bribes or threats. He is so weak.

            Three of his lawyers are guilty of crimminal acts in rigging the 2020 election in Georgia. They are SO GUILTY that they pleaded out and will testify against Trump in the same criminal action.

            Ghouliani owes $150M for fake shaming over The Big Lie. He’s broke now.

            So tells us more about your proof of The Big Lie, Richard. Or at least tell us more than your feckless allegations.

        • Jon

          Yes, cheaters will pull 60 months In federal prison.
          Can’t wait a bunch of idiots stold the 2020 election 🤭
          Evil bunch!!l

    • Name *B. Martin

      You are 1000 percent correct.


    LOOK: Bill Sheridan reads MSM and he believes. It’s NBC, father of MSNBC and home of Scarborough, Maddow and more.

    It’s a modern miracle.

  3. Ric

    Joe Biden thinks America loves him & his destructive polices thanks to Obama’s agenda. Biden embraces socialism & the demise of our nation & NWO

  1. I've yet to see any real evidence to prove the accusations against TikTok. I've seen conservatives telling the other side…